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Wild grapevines have what is called a dioecious sex life: individual plants are strictly male or strictly female, and offspring may show capricious combinations of parental traits. Because there is a male contribution and a female contribution to offspring plants, the traits of both need to be tracked in order to predict probable traits in the offspring. This is the job of the geneticist or breeder. Early on, geneticists realized that there were two major kinds of traits—those that were clearly expressed in every generation and those that skipped a generation. They began to call the regularly expressed traits dominant and the traits that skipped a generation recessive. Cultivated grapes, however, have been bred to be more manipulable than wild grapes. Their flowers possess both male and female parts: they can mate with themselves and still produce fertile offspring.

The term for this kind of sex is monoecious, and over breedings the process tends to homogenize the genetic makeup of offspring.

Yet another way to make grapevines reproduce and give a desirable product is to hybridize two kinds of grapevine, each with a different desired trait. Plants can do this because the number of chromosomes present during the union of the ova and pollen is immaterial to the breeding. In this respect plants differ from animals, which must have matching chromosomes when the sperm and egg unite. Specifically, animal zygotes (the union of an egg and sperm) require there to be the same number of chromosomes in each. Hybridization between divergent plant species is thus much easier than in animals. If the hybridization goes as planned by the viticulturist, the new hybrid offspring grapevine will exhibit the desired divergent traits of its parents, and subsequently can be widely propagated.

At the same time, there are several ways of strictly maintaining the characteristics desired of a particular kind of grape. The first is to clone the grapevine, bypassing the reproductive organs. In principle, this is as simple as cutting canes from a vine and planting them in the ground, or air-layering the grapevine, an ancient system based on inducing roots to form on a vine stem without detaching it from the plant. But in practice there are complications. There is something weird about plant cells. In early development, animals have stem cells that start out not knowing what they want to be but eventually differentiate into many different kinds of cells—neurons, skin cells, and so forth. The stem cells’ ability to become any kind of cell makes them pluripotent.

But once an animal stem cell has decided on its role in life it becomes fixed and loses its pluripotency. In contrast, even when differentiated into specialized cell types,

plant cells retain the potential to develop into other kinds of tissue. It is a simple procedure to use one plant part to regenerate the whole.

Usually when cloning a plant the viticulturist takes cuttings (for grape-vines, canes are preferred) and soaks them in plant hormones that will in-duce roots to grow. These treatments activate the root-generating genes. The rooted cutting is then planted, and since the cloning does not in-volve sex, the resulting vines are genetic replicas of the parent. In this way, grape growers can ensure the exact reproduction of any vine that will cooperate with the cloning process, and this in turn ensures great consistency among the vines—and therefore the grapes—in a vineyard. If all the vines are clones of one another and their environment is similar, they ought to produce an effectively identical product.

If the viticulturist opts for layering, a cane from one plant (called the mother) is stretched down to the ground—rather resembling an umbilical cord—and buried, leaving only the tip of the cane and its buds aboveground. This extended cane usually takes a year or two to reach a trunk diameter bigger than the “umbilical cord” of the mother cane, but when it does the mother cane is snipped and the daughter plant allowed to grow on its own.

Another method growers use to ensure genetic uniformity among their grapevines is rootstock breeding. This technique involves an already well- established plant with a healthy root system—either a whole plant or, more commonly, a stump. A cutting—the scion—is made from a vine with desirable characteristics and grafted onto the stump. The scion usually fuses nicely with the rootstock, and over time fusion becomes complete so that the two parts behave as a single plant. But the rootstock has one set of genes—which are usually chosen to enhance root growth or resistance to pathogens—and the scion has another set, which usually controls the characteristics of the fruit. This particular property of grapevines—that they can be grafted—has also been exploited for purposes that go far be- yond breeding: grafting was, for example, critical to rescuing the wine in- dustry in the nineteenth century from the depredations of the phylloxera insect.

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