My Heart by Corinna Luyken


去年在华盛顿逛书局时,在童书部发现了这本书,读后让我爱不释手。对女儿来说是有点阴暗,可能其实根本不适合孩童。Luyken以精简字句配搭着贴切的插图,字字戳入心扉,确确实实的让我正在用心朗读。当时有位店员在整理书本,看了看我手上的书说:“I love this book too, it’s so beautiful, isn’t it?”


My Heart by Corinna Luyken
My heart is a window,
My heart is a slide.
My heart can be closed
or opened up wide.
Some days it’s a puddle.
Some days it’s a stain.
Some days it is cloudy and heavy with rain.
Some days it is tiny,
but tiny can grow…and grow… and grow.
There are days it’s a fence between me and the world,
days it’s a whisper that can barely be heard.
There are days it is broken,
but broken can mend,
and a heart that is closed can still open again.
My heart is a shadow, a light, and a guide.
Closed or open…
I get to decide.

听说她的另一本书,The Book of Mistakes 也是很值得看的。

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