
面对政治的黑暗,要挠它,挑逗它,笑黄它!Use humor and sharp wit to tickle its sensitive spots! Laugh it out of existence!

秘密行动 covert operation

阴谋诡计 wiles and intrigues

自以为是 self-righteous(自认道德高尚,“对完了/懂完了”)

固执己见 opinionated

扭转乾坤 turn the world upside down

糖衣炮弹 Trojan horse/sweet poison


1. golden handcuff 公司用钱把员工拴住

2. gilded cage 锦衣玉食,没有自由

3. fool's gold 愚人金/买椟还珠/错把垃圾当宝贝



When we fail to accept reality and believe things should be different from what has already happened, we create our own distress.

We become opinionated, thinking our mind can control what happens in reality, and even wishing to turn the world upside down. That is truly arrogant and ignorant.


You cannot be bullied, beaten, or hurt again and again unless you replay these scenarios in your mind again and again.


It is almost impossible to desire love from others because everyone who loves you actually loves their illusion projected on you, which is irrelevant to you. Similarly, everyone who complains about you actually complains about themselves, which is also irrelevant to you.


Thought is a shadow projected on mind. It has no substance. Its only function is to play games with itself. Very akin to children playing with enthusiasm outside, they actually cause no harm. When mind realizes the illusory nature of thought, it will not be affected by it.

伏久者飞必高,开先者谢独早,知此,可以免蹭蹬之忧,可以消躁急之念。” 不要太早地开花,该什么时候开花就什么时候,何必一个步调呢?过早的成功也许不是好事,太快地看清楚了未来,“早早地看清了我不能超越的界限”,反而过早地凋零了。生命要有耐心,生命要慢慢地过,理想要慢慢地实现,来得太快,没有过程,理想实现后就丧失目标了。

The one who patiently lies prone will soar high later; the one who hastily blooms forth will wither away sooner. Knowing this, one can avoid the worry of lagging behind and overeagerness for progress.” Do not bloom too early. Everyone has their own pace to bloom at their own suitable time, so why stick to the same pace? Premature success may not be beneficial, but seeing the future too clearly and realizing "the limits I cannot surpass too soon" rather lead to premature withering. Life requires patience. Life should be lived slowly and ideals should be actualized gradually. Otherwise, when everything comes too quickly, the process is ignored, and there are no longer any desires once ideals are achieved.


In general, foolish people and foolish policies are most afraid of others pointing out their stupidity and ridiculing them. Therefore, what foolishness fears most is not your death, but your humor and mockery. Humor spreads far and wide; when everyone laughs at it together, it can be laughed out of existence. Do not resist violently to the death, but instead, use humor and sharp wit to tickle its sensitive spots! Laugh it out of existence!


Any issues under heaven, even when resolved, lead to new issues unresolved. So why not see leaving things unresolved also as a resolution.


Thinking is writing. Writing only after thinking thoroughly is a golden trap. Writing is revising unceasingly until you despise your own work.


Read for the sake of writing. One must suppress the urge to greedily consume literature. It is neither necessary nor possible to read all literature before presenting one's original ideas. The only way to fully grasp a piece of literature is to transcend it, which means contributing valuable new insights.

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