
Desert Rose







据维基百科的介绍,ADHD是注意缺陷多动障碍(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder),也是一种神经发展障碍。主要表现为难以专注、过度活跃、做事不考虑后果等。除此之外,还存在不合年纪的行为且存在注意力缺失问题的患者也可能表现出情绪调节困难或执行功能方面的问题。




ADHD symptoms that can impact relationships















我不知道如何让你的身体减少一些过敏反应,但我希望你能告诉我, 你能够接受哪些亲密的行为。比如牵手或者拥抱,你可以直接说出来不适感,而不是强迫自己默默忍受。如果短暂按摩有用,我也不介意为你提供,起码你能放松一些。









为了写这封信,我还特意观看了一部纪录片,叫《Horizon: ADHD and Me with Rory Bremner》。在纪录片中,不同领域的科学家解释了ADHD的成因,比如基因就是一个重要因素。通过医学仪器的检查,一些有ADHD的人,大脑有一些成分缺失了,或者是有一些部分不够活跃,导致了他们的行为与想法出现错位







Dear E

Hi, my love. I hope you are enjoying your holiday at the moment.

I decided to write a letter to explain what I have found these days and what I thought about you and this relationship. Please forgive my poor English and wrong expressions or grammar if you do not understand some sentences.

I have worked and studied in Canberra for the past two months, and everything seems calm and peaceful. However, I always cried because I missed you so much, and I could only chat with you on weekends when you had energy. I felt so empty when you were not with me, and I started to look back on this relationship and found more materials about having a relationship with people with ADHD.

When you told me you have ADHD, I was so angry and did not understand why you always gave me an announcement without any discussion or explanation. When you continued pushing me away and asked me to find someone else, I felt I was not welcome and realized that you did not like me. But, was that true? Did you stop liking me or have you never liked me before?

Some things triggered my anxiety but I did not mention and I was scared of telling you how I felt. You are a very sensitive person and If I share those feelings with you, you always choose the easy way to react to me, which is asking me to find someone else. I did not understand and I said very rude sentences and words to you. For that, I was not proud of. And, please allow me to say sorry again. That is the whole background for why I want to write a letter to you.

I contacted my friend, who is a PhD student with ADHD, and asked about her relationship to see if she could give me some suggestions. She did explain some patterns and the reasons for some of your behaviors. Considering you always said "I don't know", I decided to explore more facts about ADHD on my own.

Trigger warning: If any words or sentences I use in this letter trigger you or make you feel uncomfortable, plz stop reading. I do not intend to hurt your feelings and this is not a break-up letter.

To me, my ideal partner would be someone who would share their (gender-neutral)life with me daily not just weekly. They should be happy to meet me and make some plans for me. I love it when someone does things for me especially and my love language includes Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, and Physical touch.

In the beginning, I was not happy about you not texting and replying to me a lot. To tell the truth, I am still not satisfied with it but I have to accept that. Later, I realized that you have difficulties in expressing your feelings or you might find it hard to understand other people's feelings.

I guess this is Alexithymia? It did affect me because you seldom said sweet things like I miss you or I like you. I was very anxious when I could not see you so I was always worried about you cheating on me. To be honest, I felt like myself busy finding some proof to prove that you fancy me at some time--I tried to confirm you are still with me.

I do not know about Alexithymia, one of the symptoms of ADHD. But based on you saying so many times "I don't know", I think even if you want to figure it out, you do not have the ability. Even if you wanted to express it, I guess there is nothing in your brain. What does that mean to me? I felt very frustrated sometimes since you wouldn't express your feelings to me. But what makes me feel relieved is that it is not your problem, it is just ADHD.

One of my love languages is Words of Affirmation, and you cannot do it, physically. That is sad, huh? However, it is not just you, maybe other people with ADHD face a similar situation in their relationships too. What can I do? I keep asking myself. I guess I should stop complaining since you were born this way and it is not your fault or you do not do this on purpose. If you can do a little bit more about saying sweet things, that would be great! But if you cannot, it is fine.

The next thing is about Hypersensitivity. I found this word from Google and am not sure this is the wrong word. Sometimes I felt confused since every time I tried to hold your hand, you seemed unhappy and just wanted to shake my hand off. But you looked fine and I wonder whether something was wrong with my hand so you did not like it. And later, you told me you were not interested in being touched so you kinda forced yourself to stand with my behavior since I like that.

According to what I found from Google, some factors make your body feel no good, and maybe too much touching by others for you is a disaster. I remember you said you always do not feel good about your body, and the doctors told you that you are all good. I guess this is because your brain and your body are too sensitive. My friend felt the same. She said too much noise or other things make her feel super uncomfortable, but other people without ADHD might believe that is an overreaction. But the truth is this is the symptom of ADHD. Physically you are fine but your brain tells you differently and it will make your life harder.

I had never thought about why you said you are always uncomfortable until I looked up this word and finally understood the reason why you acted so weird sometimes. I do not know how to make your body feel comfortable, but I hope you can tell me what behaviors you would accept. For example, you need to tell me straightforwardly that too much touching is not allowed if I do it all the time. I would listen and do what you asked but you had to explain that to me. Otherwise, I would be the one who is always overthinking. And I do not mind offering a massage for you if that is a way to help you feel more relaxed.

Other things make me unhappy. For example, you refused to tell others about me and you won't treat me as a partner. You did not remember important dates about me. You always changed your thoughts, let alone promise and commitment. You told me you do not feel motivated all the time, but you can highly focus on your job. I said that you should stop being rude and ADHD is not an excuse. But it turns out all of these behaviors come from ADHD.

According to what scientists found, People with ADHD can be distracted by other things easily, and they also can highly focus on one thing that they are very interested in, even forgetting to eat the whole day. I guess this is why you always seemed to lack patience when you talked to me--maybe it is hard for you to follow up the long conversation? And speaking of the plans for our future, you always avoid giving me a clear answer. I guess it is because you find it hard to manage small things, like time, so you are unable to picture everything when your brain might be affected by lots of things. To take dating with me as an example, you did not feel good but it affected me. And then I got mad and you started to doubt whether you could be a partner. It is like a circle and then your brain would try to protect you. So you want to give it up on me, saying I should find someone else or you do not like me, to allow your negative thoughts to be calm.

I do not have a specific solution for all of these situations, and I have to admit that it is overwhelming for me. But I would recommend you to have some confidence in yourself and us. That means I won't compare you with others and I won't force you to be a good partner, which I believe is a stereotype. For me, I want you to be more open-minded and not push me away. Whenever you feel you are controlled by those negative feelings and I am involved, I hope you can tell your brain to stop making any decisions you regret. Maybe you will change your mind when you feel a little bit better and I do believe sometimes it is not me but other things that make you unhappy. The important is that you need to know a relationship should not be blamed or avoided when you are struggling with something else. Just do things once at a time and I wish you could tell me directly it is not about me, so I won't feel I will be abandoned by you for no reason.

There are some strategies that I figure out. Maybe we could use safe words or stop signs when we do not understand each other's feelings. We can talk about this later and do not let personal feelings affect our daily lives so much. If you do not know how to communicate with me and I seem not in a good mood, you can try using ChatGPT and let it comfort me. Or maybe you can mark it down and share your thoughts later, so no one would be misunderstood. And I can give some examples and send them to you before, so whenever happens, you can copy and paste like a robot. At least I know you do not intend to ignore me but you just do not know how to respond atm.

To be honest, I hope you won't be angry at me after reading this letter. I do wish you could walk me through ADHD and some of your behaviors/thoughts, especially sharing what you like or dislike. I tried my best to find more information since I do not want to hurt you in the future. Also, I do not want you to put your mask on when you are with me. So before we meet up, I choose to write this letter, and plz correct me if you do not mind when meeting up in person.

To write this letter, I also watched a documentary called "Horizon: ADHD and Me with Rory Bremner". Different scientists in the documentary explain the causes of ADHD and it seems ADHD is related to something missing parts in the brain and some parts of the brain are not/or less active than they should be.

He(the main character in the documentary) said HDAD makes him hate himself, and I do not know whether you feel the same, since It seems that ADHD causes low self-esteem as well. In the movie, the character uses a metaphor to describe his life--ADHD is the silent elephant in the room, which I agree with. I could not imagine how hard it is for you to come out to your family about ADHD, and I will be a good listener when you are ready to talk about this part of your life. If it is possible, I would like to try relationship therapy with you in the future.

Apart from that, I also have some random guesses after reading other materials. You mentioned you felt excited when you met me. People with ADHD seem they can't stand with bored and maintaining a relationship could make you feel bored when you have known someone for a long time. Plus, your body might not have enough dopamine, so you find less motivated to maintain intimacy with others, including your partner, friends, and family. I tried to understand your behaviors by using the materials I read. The better way to chat with you seems to meet up under this situation according to others' suggestions, so you can focus more on the deep talk and get less distracted. I guess that's why long distance relationship with you would possibly go down and then eventually you forgot my existence in Melbourne.

Since I do not stay in Melbourne for a long time, so plz forgive me for using this way to communicate with you. It is easier for you to understand since short texting is useless. I know you refuse to relocate to Canberra, but from what I found, the easy way to talk to people with ADHD would be in person instead of talking online. I wish you could relocate here and we can explore together, but I would be happy to visit you when I am available. I know it would be so difficult for you to maintain a relationship when your brain does not function properly. Let us try our best and see what is the best for us.

Merry Christmas and enjoy your vacation. I hope we can talk about this topic in person. Don't feel stressed anyway. Even though I cannot see you on this special day, you are the most important person for me and my chosen family here. I love you.

Desert Rose






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