20211031〈It Is One of Those Nights〉


There was music that will hit you. There were days that you will remember. There were nights that you cannot forget. There were poems. There was poetry. There were the spirits and the Geist of the poets. There was the desert in Algeria. There was the ocean ruled by the seven mad gods that you do not know their names. There was the sigh. There were the hopes.

There were the books that you read for no reason and no outcome. The words and sentences and pieces you wrote for a single, particular and peculiar feeling; that you do not know how to define it. And you don't want to.

There were the trees and leaves. There was the sunshine mixed with the shadow of the tree leaves, scattering on the ground. And there were the moments where you just stopped, in the middle of somewhere, in the middle of nowhere.

There was loneliness. There was the silence. There was what you will ever need for the life. There was eternity.

It was in those moments that we lived. It was in other pale pieces of time that, we died. For a thousand times. It is now that I remember. It is now that I started to remember. It is now, a practice that we must practice. A hope that we must hope. A dream that we must dream.

It is one of those nights, that our thoughts starts to gather, like stars in the universe. What has came to our life, now are all glittering in the darkness of the night. A path of shine. Sound of the wave. Like standing on the seashore alone. Facing nothing. Facing everything. Facing the world. Facing yourself. Fear. Loneliness. Ecstasy. Calmness.

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