

此文是我看書的個人筆記摘要。大衛哈維《新自由主義簡史》Harvey, David. 2005. A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford and New York: Oxford UP.


第 3 頁

It holds that the social good will be maximized by maximizing the frequency and reach of  market transactions, and it seeks to bring all human action into the domain of the market. This requires technologies of information creation and capacities to accumulate, store, transfer, analyse, and use massive databases to guide decisions in the global marketplace.

新自由主義通過最大限度地提高市場交易的頻率和範圍,社會利益將得到最大化,它力求將所有人類行為納入市場領域。 這需要信息創建技術和積累、存儲、傳輸、分析和使用大量數據庫來指導全球市場決策的能力。

新自由主義試圖將所有人類行為納入市場領域的證據可以從 最近十五年內Facebook、抖音(Tiktok)等一系列公司的崛起中看出。 首先,隨著 Facebook 的興起,首先將人際關係本身帶入市場領域,並且很快從這個市場開始,以人的注意力為交易,將人與人之間的關係,和相關連的注意力貨幣化,證券化。 Facebook壯大之後,Tiktok 用同樣的邏輯,但不同的媒介,在年輕人中佔據了風頭。


第 11 頁

This form of political-economic organization is now usually referred to as ‘embedded liberalism’ to signal how market processes and entrepreneurial and corporate activities were surrounded by a web of social and political constraints and a regulatory environment that sometimes restrained but in other instances led the way in economic and industrial strategy.
Embedded liberalism delivered high rates of economic growth in the advanced capitalist countries during the 1950s and 1960s.

嵌入式自由主義在 1950 年代和 1960 年代為發達資本主義國家帶來了高經濟增長率。



第 16 頁

Redistributive effects and increasing social inequality have in fact been such a persistent feature of neoliberalization as regarded as structural to the whole project. Gerard Dumenil and Dominique Levy, after careful reconstruction of the data, have concluded neoliberalization was from the very beginning a project to achieve the restoration of class power. After the implementation of neoliberal policies in the late 1970s, the share of national income of the top 1 percent of income earners in the US soared, to reach 15 percent (very close to its pre second world war share) by the end of the century.

重新分配效應和日益加劇的社會不平等實際上一直是新自由主義化的一個持久特徵,被視為整個項目的結構。 杰拉德·杜梅尼爾 (Gerard Dumenil) 和多米尼克·列維 (Dominique Levy) 在仔細重構數據後得出結論,新自由主義化從一開始就是一個實現階級權力恢復的計劃。 在 20 世紀 70 年代後期實施新自由主義政策後,美國收入最高的 1% 人群的國民收入份額飆升,到本世紀末達到 15%(非常接近二戰前的份額)。



第 29 頁

The first major test case of this came in the wake of the Volcker shock that drove Mexico into default in 1982-4. The Reagan administration, which had seriously thought of withdrawing support for the IMF in its first year in office, found a way to put together the powers of the US treasury and the IMF to resolve the difficulty by rolling over the debt, but did so in return for neoliberal reforms. This treatment became standard after what Stiglitz refers to as a ‘purge’ of all Keynesian influences from the IMF in 1982. 

第一個主要測試案例發生在 1982-4 年導致墨西哥違約的沃爾克衝擊之後。 裡根政府在上任第一年就曾認真考慮過撤回對IMF的支持,後來想方設法將美國財政部和IMF的權力結合起來,通過展期債務來解決墨西哥的困難,但在與其交換墨西哥國家政策新自由主義改革。 在斯蒂格利茨稱之為1982年從 IMF 中“清除”所有凱恩斯主義影響之後,這種處理成為標準。



第 32 頁

… the privileges of ownership and management capitalist enterprises, traditionally separated, to fuse by paying CEOs and managers in stock options (ownership titles). Stock values rather than production then became economic activity and, as later became apparent with the collapse of companies such as Enron, the speculative temptations that resulted from this could become overwhelming.

...所有權和管理資本主義企業的特權,傳統上是分開的,但被通過支付 CEO 和經理的股票期權(所有權)所融合。 股票價值而不是生產隨後成為經濟活動,正如後來隨著安然等公司的倒閉變得明顯的那樣,由此產生的投機誘惑可能變得勢不可擋。



第 33 頁

A wave of innovations occurred in financial services to produce not only far more sophisticated global interconnections but also new kinds of financial markets based on securitization derivatives on all matter of future trading.

Neoliberalisation as meant, in short, the financialization of everything. This deepened the hold of finance over all other areas of economy as well as over the state apparatus as Randy Martin points out, daily life.


簡而言之,新自由主義化意味著一切事物的金融化。 正如 Randy Martin 指出的那樣,這加深了金融對所有其他經濟領域以及國家機器的控制,即日常生活。



第 34 頁

While there are obvious links between these sorts of activities and the world of finance, the incredible ability not only to amass large personal fortunes but to exercise a controlling power over large segments of the economy confers on these few individuals immense economic power to influence political processes.


巴菲特、索羅斯通過投機收益積累了巨額財富。 創業機會的開放促成了新階級的形成—蓋茨、默多克的出現。 與國家權力的親密關係使得印度尼西亞的薩利姆集團和墨西哥的卡洛斯斯利姆集團崛起。大型科技公司的崛起是這種趨勢的延續嗎?

1998 年之後,世界上最富有的人增加財富的速度只增不減。


第 51 頁

The political structure that emerged was quite simple. The Republican Party could mobilize massive financial resources and mobilize its popular base to vote against its material interests on cultural/religious grounds while the Democratic Party could not afford to attend to the material needs (for example for a national health-care system) of its traditional popular base for fear of offending capitalist class interests. Given the asymmetry, the political hegemony of the Republican party became more sure.

出現的政治結構非常簡單。 共和黨可以調動大量金融資源並動員其民眾基礎以文化/宗教為由使其投票反對其實際物質利益,而民主黨則無力滿足其物質需求(例如國家醫療保健系統) ,因為害怕觸犯資產階級利益。鑑於這種不對稱性,共和黨的政治霸權變得更加確定。



第 53、55 頁

The virtuous claims for flexible specialization in labour processes and for flexible time arrangements could become part of the neoliberal rhetoric that could be persuasive to individual laboureres, particularly those who had been excluded from the monopoly benefits that strong unionization sometimes conferred.


這就是所謂的零工經濟(gig economy)的特點。 哈維在 2005 年就很前瞻地這樣預測了。

The conclusion is, I think, clear, ‘During the 1970s, the political wing of the nation's corporate sector’, writes Edsall, ‘staged one of the most remarkable campaigns in the pursuit of power in recent history.’ By the early 1980s it ‘had gained a level of influence and leverage approaching that of the boom days of the 1920s.’ And by the year 2000 it had used that leverage to restore its share of national wealthy ad income to levels also not seen since the 1920s.

我認為,結論很明確,‘在 1970 年代,美國企業行業內的政治派’,埃德索爾寫道,‘在近代歷史上發起了一場最引人注目的追逐權力的運動。’到1980年代初 它“獲得了接近1920年代繁榮時期的影響力和作用力。”到2000年,它利用這種影響力將其在國民財富和收入中的份額恢復到1920年代以來從未見過的水平。



第 64-66 頁

  • 強大的個人產權
  • 自由運作的市場
  • 法治,保障個人自由—國家利用對暴力的壟斷來不惜一切代價維護它。
  • 私營企業和企業家精神被視為創新和創造財富的關鍵。
  • 假設認為水漲船高或涓涓細流(trickle down economics)經濟政策是新自由主義理論認的關鍵,而且消除貧困(國內和國際)最好使通過自由市場和自由貿易來確保完成。
  • 在發展中國家,私有產權的缺乏被視為經濟發展改善人類福利的最大製度障礙之一。
  • 競爭, 不管是個人之間、公司之間、還是領土實體(城市、地區、國家、地區集團)之間的, 都被認為是一種主要美德。
  • 當規則不明確或產權難以界定時,國家必須使用其權力實施或發明市場製度(例如排污權交易)。
  • 市場上的個人和個體自由得到制度保障
  • 每個人都對自己的行為和福祉負責。 這一原則延伸到福利、教育、醫療保健,甚至養老金(例如,社會保障在智利和斯洛伐克已經私有化)。
  • 個人的成功或失敗被解釋為企業家美德或個人失敗(例如沒有通過教育對自己的人力資本進行足夠的投資),而不是歸因於任何系統屬性(例如通常歸因於資本主義的階級排斥)。
  • 資本在行業、領域、地區和國家之間的自由流動被認為是至關重要的。 影響這種自由流動的所有障礙(例如關稅、懲罰性稅收安排、規劃和環境控制,或其他地域障礙)都必須消除,但對“國家利益”至關重要的領域除外,無論其定義如何。
  • 國家對商品和資本流動的主權自願交給全球市場。
  • 國際競爭被認為是健康的,因為它提高了效率和生產力,降低了價格,從而控制了通貨膨脹趨勢。
  • 多數人統治的治理被視為對個人權利和憲法自由的潛在威脅。 民主被視為一種奢侈,只有在相對富裕的條件下才有可能,再加上強大的中產階級存在以保證政治穩定。 因此,新自由主義者傾向於支持專家和精英的治理。 新自由主義者更願意將中央銀行等關鍵機構與民主壓力隔離開來。



第 67-68 頁

  • 最高法院對壟斷權力的解釋(只有關切與消費者價格受損情況下才算壟斷)導致反壟斷法失去效應
  • 市場失靈。例如:當個人和公司通過將他們的負債轉移到市場之外來避免支付可歸於他們的全部成本時(負債在技術術語中是“外部化的”,比如污染,或環境破壞,或他國利益受害)。典型的例子是污染,個人和公司通過在環境中免費傾倒有毒廢水來避免成本。然而,大多數新自由主義支持者會同意,如果要進行干預,這些干預應該通過市場機制(通過稅收徵收或激勵、污染物交易權等)發揮作用。
  • 新自由主義對完美信息和公平競爭環境的假設,要么是無辜的烏托邦,要么是故意混淆會導致財富集中並因此恢復階級權力的過程。假定市場上的所有玩家都可以獲得相同的信息,這是不可能的。 新自由主義假定權力或信息的不對稱是不存在的,更沒有這種不對稱會干擾個人為自己的利益做出理性經濟決策的能力。


第 68-69 頁

The neoliberal theory of technological change relies upon the coercive powers of competition to drive the search for new products, new production methods, and new organizational forms. This drive becomes so deeply embedded in entrepreneurial common sense, however, that it becomes fetish belief: that there is a technological fix for each and every problem. 

… Technological developments can run amok as sectors dedicated solely to technological innovation create new products and new ways of doing things that as yet have no market (new pharmaceutical products are produced, for which new illnesses are then invented). …

Talented interlopers can, furthermore, mobilize technological innovations to undermine dominant social relations and institutions; they can, through their activities, even reshape common sense to their own pecuniary advantage. There is an inner connection, therefore, between technological dynamism, instability, dissolution of social solidarities, environmental degradation, deindustrialization, rapid shifts in time-space relations, speculative bubbles, and the general tendency towards crisis formation within capitalism.



此外,有才華的入局者可以動員技術創新來破壞占主導地位的社會關係和製度; 他們甚至可以通過自己的活動重塑常識,使之成為自己的金錢優勢。 因此,技術活力、不穩定、社會團結的瓦解、環境退化、去工業化、時空關係的快速變化、投機泡沫以及資本主義內部形成危機的普遍趨勢之間存在內在聯繫。

那些“動員技術創新破壞占主導地位的社會關係和製度”的人是當今所謂信息經濟的破壞者,從所謂的零工/共享經濟中的掘金人,新創建了一系列科技革命企業—從Uber、Airbnb,到 Facebook、Instagram、Netflix、YouTube,Amazon,谷歌,和各種在線平台。它們在社交聯繫、娛樂、新聞和信息收集,出行,住房,購物,電子商務領域和各種領域動員技術創新,並破壞占主導地位的社會關係和製度。 常識的重塑尤其體現在零工/共享經濟(gig economy and sharing economny)的興起中,最典型的常識重塑的例子是陌生人的可信度由其他的陌生人的評分的分數來表現。這種觀點和現象在三十年前不可想像。以前深不可測的行為,比如上陌生人的車,睡陌生人的家,現在已經司空見慣。平台的設計和產品相互依靠交換資源使得這些領域的顛覆成為了變現的工具。 隨之而生的是美國中西部和西方各國中心城市外的去工業化,人與人之間的時空關係縮短化和異化,和大部分發展中國家的環境退化,已經上述所提及的投機泡沫引起的金融危機。

沒有其他現像比“技術活力、不穩定、社會團結的瓦解、環境退化、去工業化、時空關係的快速變化、投機泡沫和資本主義內部危機形成的普遍趨勢之間的內在聯繫”更能說明最近三十年的問題。 七八年前出現的加密貨幣更是這一系列現象的佐證。 令人難以置信的是,大衛哈維 David Harvey 在2005年就非常有先見之明地總結了這些,令人難以置信,感嘆非凡。


第 73 - 74 頁

Internationally, the core neoliberal states gave the IMF and the World Bank full authority in 1982 to negotiate debt relief, which meant in effect to protect the world’s main financial institutions from the threat of default. The IMF in effect covers, to the best of its ability, exposures to risk and uncertainty in international financial markets. The practice is hard to justify according to neoliberal theory, since investors should in principle be responsible for their own mistakes. More fundamentalist-minded neoliberals therefore believe that the IMF should be abolished. James Baker, Reagan’s Secretary of the Treasury … used the IMF to impose structural adjustment on Mexico and protect New York bankers from default. This practice of prioritizing the needs of the banks and financial institutions while diminishing the stand of living of the debtor country had already been pioneered during the New York City debt crisis. In an international context this meant extracting surpluses from impoverished third World populations in order to pay off the international bankers.
The extraction of tribute via financial mechanisms is an old imperial practice. It has proven very helpful to the restoration of class power, particularly in the world’s main financial centres, and it doesn't always need a structural adjustment crisis to work.

As the state withdraws from welfare provision and diminishes its role in arenas such as health care, public education, and social services, which were once so fundamental to embedded liberalism, it leaves large and larger segments of the population exposed to impoverishment.

在國際上,核心新自由主義國家在1982年賦予國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)和世界銀行全(the World Bank)權談判債務減免,這實際上意味著保護世界主要金融機構免受金融破產的威脅。實際上,國際貨幣基金組織盡其所能應對國際金融市場的風險和不確定性。根據新自由主義理論,這種做法很難證明是合理的,因為投資者原則上應該為自己的錯誤負責。因此,更具有原教旨主義思想的新自由主義者認為應該廢除國際貨幣基金組織。裡根的財政部長詹姆斯貝克 …… 利用國際貨幣基金組織對墨西哥進行結構調整,並保護紐約銀行家免於墨西哥違約的風險。這種優先考慮銀行和金融機構的需求而同時降低債務國生活水準的做法在1970年代紐約市的債務危機期間就已經開創。在國際背景下,這意味著從貧困的第三世界人口中榨取盈餘,以償還國際銀行家的錢。
通過財政機制徵收貢品是一種古老的帝國做法。 事實證明,它對階級力量的恢復非常有幫助,尤其是在世界主要金融中心,而且它並不總是需要結構調整危機才能發揮作用。




第 78 頁

It should not be surprising that the primary collective means of action under neoliberalism are then defined and articulated through non-elected (and in many instances elite-led) advocacy groups for various kinds of rights. In some instances, such as consumer protections, civil rights, or the rights of handicapped persons, substantive gains have been achieved by such means. Non-governmental and grassroots organizations (NGOs and GROs) have also grown and proliferated remarkably under neoliberalism, giving rise to the belief that opposition mobilized outside the state apparatus and within some separate entity called ‘civil society’ is the powerhouse of oppositional politics and social transformation. The period in which the neoliberal state has become hegemonic has also been the period in which the concept of civil society -- often cast as an entity in opposition to state power -- has become central to the formulation of oppositional politics. The Gramscian idea of the states as a unity of political and civil society gives way to the idea of civil society as a centre of opposition, if not an alternative, to the state.

毫不奇怪,新自由主義下的主要集體行動方式隨後通過非選舉產生的(在許多情況下由精英領導的)倡導團體來定義和闡明各種權利。 在某些情況下,例如消費者保護、公民權利或殘疾人權利,通過這種方式取得了實質性的成果。 在新自由主義下,非政府組織和草根組織(NGOs 和 GROs)也得到了顯著的發展和壯大,使人們相信,在國家機器之外和在一些被稱為“公民社會”的獨立實體內部動員起來的反對勢力是反對派政治和社會變革的動力源泉。 在新自由主義國家成為霸權的時期,公民社會的概念——通常被視為與國家權力相對立的實體——已成為反對政治形成的核心。 葛蘭西(Gramsci)的國家作為政治和市民社會的統一體的觀點讓位於公民社會作為反對國家的中心的觀點,甚至是國家的替代品。



第 84 - 86 頁

This brings one of the more troubling aspects of neoliberalization more sharply back into focus: the curious relationship between state and nation. In principle, neoliberal theory does not look with favour on the nation even as it supports the idea of a strong state. The umbilical cord that tied together state and national under embedded liberalism had to be cut if neoliberalism was to flourish. Nationalism has, of course, been a long-standing feature of the global economy and it would have been strange indeed if it had sunk without a trace as a result of neoliberal reforms. The rise of right-wing fascist parties expressive of strong anti-immigrant sentiments in Europe is a case in point. Even more distressing was the ethnic nationalism that arose in the wake of Indonesia's economic collapse, which resulted in a brutal assault upon the Chinese minority. …
Forced to operate as a competitive agent in the world market and seeking to establish the best possible business climate, it mobilizes nationalism in its effort to succeed. 
Clearly, while there are dangers in the neoliberal dalliance with nationalism of a certain sort, the fierce neoconservative embrace of a national moral purpose is far more threatening. The picture of many states, each prepared to resort to draconian coercive practices while each espousing its own distinctive and supposedly superior moral values, competing on the world stage is not reassuring. What seems like an answer to the contradictions of neoliberalism can all too easily turn into a problem. The spread of neoconservative, if not outright authoritarian, power (of the sort Vladimir Putin exercises in Russia and the Communist Party exercises in China), albeit grounded very differently in different social formations, highlights the dangers of descent into competing and perhaps even warring nationalisms.

這使新自由主義化的一個更令人不安的方面更加尖銳地重新成為人們關注的焦點:國家與民族之間奇怪的關係。 原則上,新自由主義理論並不看好個體國家,即使它支持強大國家的理念。 如果新自由主義要蓬勃發展,就必須切斷在根深蒂固的自由主義下將國家和民族聯繫在一起的臍帶。 當然,民族主義一直是全球經濟的一個長期特徵,如果它因新自由主義改革而消失得無影無踪,那確實很奇怪。 在歐洲表現出強烈反移民情緒的右翼法西斯政黨的崛起就是一個很好的例子。 更令人痛心的是在印度尼西亞經濟崩潰之後出現的種族民族主義,這導致了對華人少數民族的殘酷攻擊。
顯然,新自由主義與某種民族主義調情存在危險,但新保守主義對民族道德目標的強烈擁護更具威脅性。 許多國家都準備訴諸嚴厲的強制措施,同時各自擁護自己獨特的、據稱優越的道德價值觀,這種在世界舞台上競爭的情況並不令人安心。 看起來像是對新自由主義自相矛盾的解答很容易變成另一個問題。 新保守主義的傳播,並不是徹頭徹尾的專制權力(就像弗拉基米爾·普京在俄羅斯行使的那種權力和共產黨在中國行使的那種權力),儘管在不同的社會形態中有著截然不同的基礎,它凸顯了陷入競爭甚至可能交戰的民族主義的危險。



第 90 頁

  1. 經濟的開放金融化,始於 70 年代,並在 1990 年代加速。
  2. 通過快速降低的運輸和通信成本增加資本的地域流動性。
  3. 華爾街-國際貨幣基金組織-財政部聯合體在克林頓時代開始主導經濟政策,能夠說服、哄騙和(由於國際貨幣基金組織的結構調整計劃)強迫許多發展中國家走新自由主義道路。
  4. 新貨幣主義和新自由主義經濟正統思想在全球的傳播產生了越來越強大的意識形態影響。


第 96-97 頁

The whole 'East Asian regime' of accumulation facilitated by 'developmental states' was being put to the test in 1997-8. The social effects were devastating: As the crisis progressed, unemployment soared, GDP plummeted, banks closed. The unemployment rate was up fourfold in Korea, threefold in Thailand, and tenfold in Indonesia. In Indonesia, almost 15 percent of males working in 1997 had lost their jobs by August 1998, and the economic devastation was even worse in the urban areas of the main island, Java. In South Korea, urban poverty almost tripled, with almost a quarter of the population falling into poverty; in Indonesia, poverty doubled … 1998, GDP in Indonesia fell by 13.1 per cent, in Korea by 6.7 per cent and Thailand by 10.8 per cent. Three years after the crisis, Indonesia's GDP was still 7.5 per cent below thar before the crisis, Thailand's 2.3 per cent lower. As Indonesia's GDP fell and unemployment surged, the IMF stepped in to mandate austerity: by abolishing subsidies on food and kerosene. The riots and violence that followed tore the country’s social fabric apart. The capitalist classes, mainly ethnic Chinese, were widely blamed for the debacle. While the wealthiest Chinese business elite decamped to Singapore, a wave of revenge killings and attacks on property engulfed the rest of the Chinese minority, as ethnonationalism reared its ugly head in search of a scapegoat for the social collapse. The standard IMF/US Treasury explanation for the crisis was too much state intervention and corrupt relationships between state and business ('crony capitalism'). Further neoliberalization was the answer. The Treasury and the IMF acted accordingly, with disastrous consequences. The alternative view of the crisis was that impetuous financial deregulation and the failure to construct adequate regulatory controls over unruly and speculative portfolio investments lay at the heart of the problem. The evidence for this latter view is substantial: those countries that had not liberated their capital markets--Singapore, Taiwan, and China- were far less affected than those countries, such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, that had. Furthermore, the one country that ignored the IMF and imposed capital controls- Malaysia- recovered faster. After South Korea likewise rejected IMF advice on industrial and financial restructuring it also staged a faster recovery. Why the IMF and the US Treasury continue to insist on neoliberalization is an apparent mystery. The victims increasingly propose a conspiratorial answer: The IMF first told countries in Asia to open up their markets to hot short-term capital. The countries did it and money flooded in, but just as suddenly flowed out. The IMF then said interest rates should be raised and there should be fiscal contraction, and a deep recession was induced. Asset prices plummeted, the IMF urged affected countries to sell their assets even at bargain basement prices … The sales were handled by the same financial institutions that had pulled out their capital, precipitating the crisis. These banks then got large commissions from their work selling the troubled companies or splitting them up, just as they had got large commissions when they had originally guided the money into the countries in the first place. 

由‘發展型國家’促成的整個‘東亞制度’積累在1997-8年受到了考驗。出現的社會影響是毀滅性的:隨著危機的發展,失業率飆升,GDP暴跌,銀行倒閉。失業率在韓國增長了四倍,在泰國增長了三倍,在印度尼西亞增長了十倍。在印度尼西亞,1997年工作的男性中近15%到1998年8 月已經失業,而主島爪哇的城市地區的經濟破壞更為嚴重。在韓國,城市貧困人口幾乎增加了兩倍,近四分之一的人口陷入貧困;在印度尼西亞,貧困率翻了一番… 1998年,印度尼西亞的國內生產總值下降了13.1%,韓國下降了6.7%,泰國下降了10.8%。危機發生三年後,印度尼西亞的國內生產總值仍比危機前低7.5%,泰國低2.3%。 隨著印度尼西亞國內生產總值下降和失業率飆升,國際貨幣基金組織介入強制實施緊縮政策:取消對食品和煤油的補貼。隨後發生的騷亂和暴力撕裂了該國的社會結構 資產階級,主要是華人,被廣泛指責為這場崩潰的罪魁禍首。當最富有的中國商界精英逃往新加坡時,一波報復浪潮殺戮和對財產的攻擊席捲了其餘的華人少數民族,民族主義抬頭尋找社會崩潰的替罪羊。 國際貨幣基金組織/美國財政部對危機的標準解釋是過多的國家干預和國家與企業之間的腐敗關係(“裙帶資本主義”)。答案是進一步的新自由主義化。財政部和國際貨幣基金組織相應地採取了行動,造成了災難性的後果。對這場危機的另一種看法是,魯莽的金融放鬆管制和未能對不守規矩的投機性證券投資建立適當的監管控制是問題的核心。後一種觀點的證據是充分的:那些沒有解放資本市場的國家——新加坡、台灣和中國——受到的影響遠小於那些已經解放的國家,如泰國、印度尼西亞、馬來西亞和菲律賓。此外,忽視國際貨幣基金組織並實施資本管制的國家——馬來西亞——恢復得更快。在韓國同樣拒絕國際貨幣基金組織關於產業和金融重組的建議後,它也上演了更快的複蘇。為什麼國際貨幣基金組織和美國財政部繼續堅持新自由主義化顯然是個謎。受害者越來越多地提出陰謀論的答案: 國際貨幣基金組織首先告訴亞洲國家向熱門短期資本開放市場。這些國家這樣做了,資金湧入,但同樣突然流出。國際貨幣基金組織隨後表示應該提高利率,應該進行財政緊縮,並引發了深度衰退。 資產價格暴跌,國際貨幣基金組織敦促受影響的國家甚至以低廉的基本價格出售其資產……這些出售是由撤出資本的同一家金融機構處理的,從而引發了危機。然後,這些銀行從出售陷入困境的公司或將它們拆分的工作中獲得大筆佣金,就像他們最初將資金引導到這些國家時獲得大筆佣金一樣。



第 106 頁

This story of Argentina's roller coaster experience with neoliberalization illustrates all too well how little neoliberal theory has to do with practice. As a member of the neoliberal Ludwig von Mises Institute has pointed out, the ‘confiscatory deflation’ that occurred in Argentia was quite properly interpreted by its Argentine victims as ‘bank robbery by the political elites’. Or as Veltmeyer and Petras prefer to characterize it, the whole episode reeks of ‘a new imperialism: pillage of the economy, growth of vast inequalities, economic stagnation followed by profound and enduring depression and massive impoverishment of the population as a consequence of the greatest concentration of wealth in Argentine history’. 

這個阿根廷新自由主義化過山車經歷的故事很好地說明了新自由主義理論與實踐的關係有多麼小。 正如新自由主義路德維希·馮·米塞斯研究所的一名成員指出的那樣,發生在阿根廷的“沒收性通貨緊縮”被其阿根廷受害者恰當地解釋為“政治精英搶劫銀行”。或者正如 Veltmeyer和Petras更願意描述的那樣,整個事件都散發著“新帝國主義”的氣息:掠奪經濟、擴大不平等、經濟停滯,隨後是深刻而持久的蕭條,以及由於最嚴重的經濟危機導致的人口大規模貧困化。阿根廷歷史上財富的集中。



第 107 頁

  • 1960年的韓國還是個不折不扣的農業國
  • 朴正熙改變政策,開始前來接待商界領袖
  • 韓國設立經濟計劃部
  • 國有化銀行
  • 邀請個別資本家中飽私囊
  • 60年代初期,工業家(族)開始以出口為導向,因為日本將他們用作離岸平台,將部分製成品再出口到美國
  • 與日本的合資企業蓬勃發展
  • 韓國政府通過調動內部儲蓄、獎勵成功的企業並鼓勵它們與財閥合併來支持出口主導戰略
  • 通過輕鬆獲得信貸、稅收優惠、採購投入、控制勞動力以及支持進入國外(尤其是美國)市場來支持財閥
  • 財閥也成為權力中心


第 121 頁

These reforms would not have assumed the significance we now accord to them, nor would China’s extraordinary subsequent economic evolution have taken the path and registered the achievements it did, had there not been significant and seemingly unrelated parallel shifts in the advanced capitalist world with respect to how the world market worked. The gathering strength of neoliberal policies on international trade during the 1980s opened up the whole world to transformative market and financial forces. In so doing it opened up a space for China’s tumultuous entry and incorporation into the world market in ways that would not have been possible under the Bretton Woods system. The spectacular emergence of China as a global economic power after 1980 was in part an unintended consequence of the neoliberal turner in the advanced capitalist world.

如果在世界市場運作方式方面,發達資本主義世界沒有發生重大且看似無關的平行轉變,這些(在中國的)改革不會具有我們現在賦予它們的重要性,中國隨後非凡的經濟發展也不會走上這條道路並取得它所取得的成就。 1980年代新自由主義國際貿易政策的集聚力量,向變革性的市場和金融力量開放了整個世界。這樣一來,它為中國以在布雷頓森林(Bretton Woods)體系下不可能的方式進入和融入世界市場開闢了空間。中國在1980年後作為全球經濟大國的驚人崛起,部分是發達資本主義世界新自由主義轉向的意外結果。


第 123 頁

Economic development was seen as means to these ends (to amass wealth and upgrade it technological capabilities so as to be better able to manage internal dissent, to better defend itself against external aggression, and to protect its power outwards onto its immediate geopolitical sphere of interest in a rapidly developing East and South-East Asia), rather than as an end in itself. Furthermore, the actual developmental path taken seems to fit with the aim of preventing the formation of any coherent capitalist class power bloc within China itself. Heavy reliance on foreign direct investment (a completely different economic development strategy to that taken ownership by Japan and South Korea) has kept the power of the capitalist class in the Chinese case, for the state to control. The barriers erected to foreign portfolio investment effectively limit the powers of international finance capital over the Chinese state.

經濟發展被視為實現這些目標的手段(積累財富並提升其國內技術能力,以便能夠更好地管理內部異議,更好地抵禦外部侵略,並保護其權力向外擴展到其近鄰的地緣政治利益領域,在快速發展的東亞和東南亞),而不是目的本身。 此外,實際採取的發展道路似乎符合防止在中國內部形成任何連貫的資產階級權力集團的目標。嚴重依賴外國直接投資(與日本和韓國擁有所有權的完全不同的經濟發展戰略)使中國資產階級的權力保持在國家控制之下。對外國證券投資設置的壁壘有效地限制了國際金融資本對中國政府的權力。



  1. 國有企業(國有企業)—包括改革下崗,但也有完全不放開的產業是國營
  2. 鄉鎮企業(鄉鎮企業)—個體戶,私營
  3. 農村與城市—犧牲農村而保護城市(先)發展
  4. 農民工—放開農村戶口人口流動,大量廉價勞動力流入城市以及周邊
  5. FDI(外國直接投資)—外資和合資企業進入某些領域
  6. 華商僑民—引進各國華商,其中(台商,港商占大比例)
  7. 出口帶動發展—結合以上,以代工加工爲主要經濟活動



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