


On Listening to Your Teacher Take Attendance
/Aimee Nezhukumatathil

Breathe deep even if it means you wrinkle
your nose from the fake-lemon antiseptic
of the mopped floors and wiped-down
doorknobs. The freshly soaped necks

and armpits. Your teacher means well,
even if he butchers your name like
he has a bloody sausage casing stuck
between his teeth, handprints

on his white, sloppy apron. And when
everyone turns around to check out
your face, no need to flush red and warm.
Just picture all the eyes as if your classroom

is one big scallop with its dozens of icy blues
and you will remember that winter your family
took to the China Sea and you sank
your face in it to gaze at baby clams and sea stars

the size of your outstretched hand. And when
all those necks start to crane, try not to forget
someone once lathered their bodies, once patted them
dry with a fluffy towel after a bath, set out their clothes

for the first day of school. Think of their pencil cases
from third grade, full of sharp pencils, a pink pearl eraser.

Think of their handheld pencil sharpener and its tiny blade.

这首诗关于 microaggression,一种隐藏在生活细节中的人格倾轧和情感暴力。老师在点名时似乎有意念错你的名字,凑热闹的同学向你投来哂笑,你处在心碎的边缘。这也是一首诗人以过来人,甚至智者的身份温和地告诉你,在面对日常冒犯时怎样让自己保持自己的镇定和完整。


任何时候你感到环境的恶意试图碾压吞没你的存在的时候,你需要向内寻找一些支撑你,滋养你,疗愈你的东西:一些美的东西,温暖的东西,激发你感知的东西。诗中的 “你” 可以诉诸多年前中国的那一片神奇的海域,诗外的你则可以依靠任何值得你依靠的画面,触觉和气息。把施暴者想象成无害且美丽的海洋生物,这不是为他们的无辜开脱,而是在想象中把自己的身影拉长,就好像海水中被光折射放大的手一样。



这真的是一首非常 graceful 的诗。一方面表现为对施暴者超凡的同情,另一方面则表现为对自己的信任。诗人相信你在面对挑衅,冒犯,歧视的时候,除了羞愧不安还有更好的捍卫自己的方式。把施暴者和最美好的回忆,最温柔的场景相联系,说明你即使感到与环境格格不入,仍然有能力避免失去对自己的控制。这种控制捍卫的是对你来说无比重要的回忆和想象;即使在糟糕的境遇里你也能知道自己是谁,站在哪里。

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毋宁做我I read about the good, the beautiful, the self and love. *The better part of my heart is open.
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