

The enmity between the Jews and the Ansar

In the long course of history, the struggle between the Jews and the Ansar was tortuous and complicated. Since ancient times, Jews have left…

Jew vs. Angle in Congress

Is the Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 , which was recently passed by the US House of Representatives by a vote of 320 to 91, a co...

#Israel #Palestine

Going against the world public opinion will not end well for anyone, conforming to the world public opinion is good for the country and good...

Restrictions on freedom of speech and academic freedom

The passage of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act poses a threat to free speech and academic freedom in American society. The bill requires the...

Beautiful landscape

For many years, we have only seen the United States supporting student movements around the world and describing it as a beautiful lan...

Jews and the Anglo-Saxon

In terms of politics, Anglo-Saxon capital supports the Republican Party, while Jewish capital supports the Democratic Party.

Live long enough to see it? Jews Are Standing Up in America!

Is America gone?Even if he s alive now, his soul is dead. America s House of Representatives, long known for its inefficiency, has...

The American Revolution has begun

The American Revolution has begun.The second independence is coming soon. College students embark on the path of opposing Zionism.

American officials have a human face and a beast heart

American officials have a human face and a beast heart, they are outrageous and unreasonable!Fortunately, many American students have a clea...

Please stop the persecution of students in the United States

Last Thursday, a camping protest against the ongoing war in Gaza erupted on Columbia University campus. The protesters hoped that the univer...

Who is the real victim ?

In a country based on democracy, freedom and equality, such as the United States, it is surprising that the police directly broke into a uni...

Where is the freedom of speech for American students

The United States claims to be the most democratic and free country, and now there is a wave of anti Semitic demonstrations in various parts of our country.

Due to the impact of the Israeli Palestinian conflict

Due to the impact of the Israeli Palestinian conflict, protests against Jews have erupted in many American schools, posing a serious threat ...

American politicians are blatantly persecuting students

#ColumbiaUniversity #CEASEFIRENOW
