Thoughts on the Sahara Desert

Angela Chen

golden sahara

The intelligent and rebellious Sanmao and the romantic and affectionate Jose created a fascinating love story in the Sahara Desert.

Don't ask where am I from? My hometown is far away, why wander, wander far away, wander, for the olive tree in my dream, the olive tree.

Should we weave dreams and give ourselves a good reason to wander? !

The pilot who crashed in the desert meets the depressed little prince and builds a precious friendship.

The little prince from the tiny planet B612, affectionate, disciplined but lonely, is still chasing himself in the Sahara desert after being separated from the pilot!

The true meaning of travel is to discover the insignificance of the self in the vast universe, and to start again after sorting out the thoughts.

Pursuit is a dream in a dream, encounter is a wandering accident, parting is the starting point of reunion.

If I met the little prince in the Sahara desert, what would I say to him?

I would say: a fox cannot be tamed, just like a rose has thorns.

I would ask him not to ask where I came from.

blue shaoan

Chefchaouen (Berber ⴰⵛⵛⴰⵡⵏ Ashawen) is a mountain city in northern Morocco, more than 200 kilometers away from the imperial city of Fes. There are only small hotels and homestays in the old city, and vehicles cannot enter. Passengers have to walk in with their luggage in the sun.

Different from other cities, due to the terrain, Xiao An’s prayers (the Koran scriptures) from the Shore Tower are very clear, and they always call believers to worship five times a day. When the sky is not yet clear, the light of the call tower can guide the direction; the morning call before sunrise can wake up the sleeping passengers.

No matter the morning and evening, the winding alleys, the well-arranged shops and the friendly and enthusiastic people, the romance and piety of the Blue Mountain City have never disappointed those who like to take pictures or are curious about Muslims.


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Angela ChenAn old fashioned lady with no brain!
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