The Eternal God and the Peerless Son: Talking about the Pros and Cons of Internet Slang

It's a hobby of mine to chew on words, and I especially like to ponder the logic of word formation in Internet memes, instead of seeing it as a homogeneous fashion or garbage. In my opinion, whether a meme is popular or not does not necessarily represent creativity or vulgarity, its pros and cons still need to be considered from the level of Chinese language sense. It just so happened that I liked "Eternal God" very much, but was extremely disgusted with "Absolute Son", so I took this opportunity to talk about my judgment criteria and the pros and cons of their language sense.

Recently, People's Daily Online criticized the online terms "yyds" (abbreviation of "eternal god") and "juejuzi" for not being able to speak well, which brought these two stalks that were already on the screen again to the forefront. In all fairness, it is understandable for the media to criticize the phenomenon of "literal aphasia" behind the rampant Internet memes, but the subtle thing is that it also used yyds to praise Olympians a month ago. It can be seen that when the Internet meme is raging, it is often coerced by the media. Fuel the flames.

It's a hobby of mine to chew on words, and I especially like to ponder the logic of word formation in Internet memes, instead of seeing it as a homogeneous fashion or garbage. In my opinion, the popularity of a meme itself does not necessarily represent creativity or vulgarity, and its pros and cons still need to be considered from the level of Chinese language sense. It just so happened that I liked "Eternal God" very much, but was extremely disgusted with "Absolute Son", so I took this opportunity to talk about my judgment criteria and the pros and cons of their language sense.

It should be emphasized that words with a good sense of language do not necessarily have to cite classics and pile up rhetoric, but should have some intriguing internal rationale . For example, in the 1990s, there was a famous striker in Germany, Klinsmann, with fluttering blonde hair and good headers, so he was dubbed the "Golden Bomber" by the media. In recent years, there is a German striker Werner, who also has fluttering blonde hair and is good at running, but his shooting skills are poor. This stalk is very good, the word formation is simple, it not only mimics Klinsmann's nickname, but also vividly points out Werner's "good consciousness and poor shooting skills" with the reconnaissance aircraft. On the premise of accurate portrayal, simplicity itself is an advantage.

eternal god

"Eternal God" can be called the representative of this minimalist and imaginative, and it is my favorite Internet meme in recent years. The first time I saw "Forever God" was when fans touted stars in sports forums. At that time, I felt that the word had a subtle sense of joy. Just like a good comedian doesn't speak, his actions alone make people laugh. The words "Eternal God" don't need any context or modification, they all make me feel like Coke. At first I didn't understand why it was so funny. Until it became popular, it started to iterate with other Internet memes: fans first praised the idol "eternal god", and then began to ridicule some unstable players "occasional gods" and "temporary gods". It was the latter kind of ridicule that made me suddenly understand where the joy of "Eternal God" came from.

That's the delicate relationship between "forever" and "God." If from the perspective of Abrahamic monotheism, God himself is eternal, then "eternal God" constitutes a kind of tautology, and tautology is the point of many cold humorous jokes. For example, the recently popular "Listen to your words, listen to you", "The last time I saw this post was the last time I saw it", "You know, every minute the clock passes, African children lose 60 seconds forever". Some people may think that there are not many people in China who believe in religion, and it is a bit of a fuss to talk about monotheism. But at least in terms of language, the connotation of "God" in modern texts has been inevitably influenced by monotheism, especially its serious and transcendent side.

Interestingly, the "god" in modern Chinese also retains a rather secular connotation since the traditional pantheism of East Asia. For example, people gossip and say, "I saw a juggler today, he is really God!" The "God" here is obviously not a "miracle" that proves the existence of God in the eyes of Christians, but is nothing more than some powerful skills. More typical is Japan, which believes in animism. Mountains, rivers, lakes, birds and beasts can be conferred gods, and there are "eight million gods" at every turn. The gods here are similar to our country's kitchen king and land master, and they are full of human fireworks. Incomparable to the one god of monotheism. A few years ago, a documentary about the "God of Sushi" was held in high praise in China. However, considering that the Japanese Fengshen is more generous than Hong Xiuquan's Fengwang, Tokyo's "Sushi God" is actually just the counterpart of Beijing's "Baodu Feng" and "Tea Tang Li"-maybe more advanced, but the advanced level is limited. The praise of the "craftsman spirit" behind the "God of Sushi" has aroused a backlash from netizens against the backdrop of today's sclerotic relations between China and Japan, mocking Japan's "artisan spirit" when dealing with the unfavorable handling of nuclear leaks, or parodying each other. The "God of Walking" and "God of Pancakes". In my opinion, the diode-like shift described above is nothing more than an indiscriminate conflation of "pantheism" with "god" in the context of "monotheism". "The God of Sushi" is not so god, but not so neurotic either.

The God of Sushi in Tokyo
In terms of seniority and craftsmanship, Beijing's popping belly Feng Du and the gods of sushi can be called peers

From this we can see the real tension of the expression "Eternal God". Monotheism and pantheism themselves are incompatible, and they are so strange when combined with "eternal": "eternal God" in the sense of monotheism is a tautology, a kind of nonsense, or even use nonsense to dissolve the sacredness Taste; "Eternal God" in the pantheistic sense is equally absurd: imagine us shouting "Eternal Landlord!" or "Eternal Bumbo Feng!" The joy comes from the fact that we do not feel this pantheistic in our hearts. God deserves such a solemn eternity. Of course, no one prescribes how the "eternal God" is to be understood, which means that the polyphony formed by the two Godheads can emerge simultaneously in the figurative feeling of the word. At least for me, the two interpretations of monotheism and pantheism are difficult to separate completely. They often follow one line of thinking, but they can't help but think of another dissonant sound in their minds, like laughing at each other. It has a complicated and dense sense of absurdity: I can't help laughing almost every time I see "xxx, eternal god".

yyds (forever dripping god) has even been exported to the English-speaking world

Of course, the above is just my personal habit of clinging to words. The game anchor who invented the "Eternal God" was only mentioned casually during the live broadcast at first, and was later sentenced to three years for gambling. I believe that many people, including this anchor, have never thought of an analysis similar to the above, but they are just happy. However, it is precisely because everyone does it at will, without deliberate hype, this kind of group preference for specific expressions often has potential regularity and analytical value, (for example: why does the eternal god use the context and the Similar to nb, but obviously more hilarious) The above can be regarded as a superficial analysis.

green tea

At the time of writing this, a Taiwanese teacher just asked what "green tea" is in the group. I first posted a paragraph on Encyclopedia, "Green tea bitch is a buzzword on the Internet in mainland China, referring to women who are pure in appearance but gain fame and fortune by seducing men or even selling their bodies. It is a discriminatory language", but added "Green tea has some subtle sense of language, It's not as crude as this entry says. After netizens use it more, the initial sharpness gradually fades into a joke, and it also extends to expressions such as tea words and tea words."

It must be pointed out that the word green tea bitch has a clear female orientation. Even if "bitch" is omitted, it is still mostly used for women and is suspected of attacking women. The analysis of the sense of the word "green tea (bitch)" is based on the fact that it is objectively widely used (both men and women), rather than the phenomenon of "green tea" or whether the word should exist or not. . In this sense, the person who invented the green tea watch has no low literary attainments. "Green tea table" is not simply labelling or insulting, but using some traditional techniques of Fu Bixing, the magic lies in the word green tea. Although young people who drink green tea are probably far less than milk tea and cola, if they change to "milk tea bitch" or "cola bitch", it may really just be maliciously attacking milk tea and cola lovers, and there is no room for extension. Although "green tea" is inaccurate in describing eating habits (even green tea bitches recognized by men and women do not drink green tea), it accurately creates a "person as light as chrysanthemum". Obviously, there is a strong contrast with the "bitch" of vulgar fans. The tension of "Green Tea Bitch" does not lie in a kind of plant and a profession at the figurative level, but in the natural sense of opposition between green tea and the images derived from prostitutes. This conflict of imagery goes above and beyond many buzzwords. For example, if the genders are swapped, Mabaonan and green tea table have similarities in word formation, especially ① Mabaonan still refers to men even if it is referred to as Mabao (just like green tea refers to women), and ②Many men also despise Ma Bao (as if women hate green tea). However, as far as word formation is concerned, there is no strong antagonism between "mabao" and "male", which is derived from "green tea" and "bitch", but there is no tautology, so it is just a label for a social phenomenon The attack of the style lacks the flavor of the inside and outside words. In contrast, "green tea" leaves many people unable to say why, but subconsciously feels expressive.

Among the various "popular science" on the "green tea table" on the Internet, the act of drinking green tea itself is often ignored.


If you follow the above-mentioned way of looking at words in a figurative way, Juejuezi is too lackluster. The reduplicated expression of "juejue" is nothing more than people pretending to be cute by imitating the behavior of infants and young children. As for "zi", it is not a respectful name for people like Confucius, Mencius, and Xunzi, but a brainless affix (Jiejuezi is not a person, and everything in the popular atmosphere can add "zi"). Not to mention the mechanical and low-level taste of this kind of fun, the essence of stacking affixes is a thinking tendency of phonetic characters. Therefore, it can be said that there is very poor Chinese behind "Jejuezi", or even not Chinese at all. Babies are cute because of their ignorance, and people are exempt from or even miss this ignorance, precisely because adult society is not easy, or even should not be in this state. Ironically, the fans of Juejue not only did not realize what was behind it, but used it as a kind of "knowledgeable" popular knowledge. What I want to bombard here is not those netizens who follow what they say, but the entertainment stars who master the aura of traffic, and related media.

Unlike "Eternal God", which originated from the folk, "Extraordinary Son" was first seen in a talent show network comprehensive, and its overwhelming bombardment was also given by the bombing of entertainment documents. Compared with Korean and Japanese artists who are proficient in playing, pulling, playing, and singing, China's traffic stars are too postmodern: since they know that the essence of idol worship is just to follow the trend, then simply eliminate the window paper of business ability and rely on Bought drafts, hot searches, fake fan marketing, singers don't have singles, actors can't act, and they're all on their own. In ancient times, famous prostitutes had to have a little knowledge of writing and ink. Today's stars are not only loose in playing and singing, but also in cultural deserts in terms of text aesthetics. Previously, netizens found out that the average educational background of the new generation of net comprehensive traffic is less than high school level, and the appearance of "absolute sons" seems to be less absolute.

In the dissemination of Jue Juezi, the figure of Wang Zong can be seen everywhere

A few months ago, Su Mang, who is known as the best in the fashion industry in China, heard in the variety show that the daily food cost was 650 yuan, and he said, "650 yuan is really not enough, you don't drink milk in the morning, you don't eat eggs, We need to eat better, I can't have such a bad meal." As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar in public opinion, and finally the program team had to wipe her ass and say that she thought "650 yuan is a month's food expenses". Not to mention that it is an unspoken rule that stars and even assistants spend hundreds of thousands of meals per meal. If it is really 650 yuan per month, which is even lower than the standard of meals for ordinary white-collar workers in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, it is obviously unrealistic. The explanation of the program group, which is trying to cover up, reflects their absurdity of being too disconnected from the masses. Even if it is compiled into "mistakenly thought it was 650 yuan a week", it would be a little more decent.

The Su Mang scandal actually dates back to ancient times. He Zeng, the Taifu of the Western Jin Dynasty, lived a very luxurious life: "Eating ten thousand dollars a day is like saying that there is no following." He Zeng's meal cost tens of thousands of yuan, but he still felt that it was difficult to use chopsticks. He was probably the spiritual leader of Su Mang. However, the material enjoyment in ancient times was lacking after all. When the "Book of Jin" described this Taifu He, who spent thousands of dollars, it was just "no crosses on the steamed cakes, no food", that is, no cross cracks appeared on the steamed cakes. (commonly known as flowering buns) do not eat. Being so rustic is to make Su Mang laugh out loud (of course if they face today's "Taifu", it will be another face).

The above allusions established the image of He Taifu in later generations.
When Su Mang really saw a "Taifu"-level figure

But I always think that Ever was cuter than Su Mang. After thinking about it, it may be because I have a penchant for writing. He Zeng was known for being erudite and knowledgeable, and no matter how you look at it, "Though there are thousands of them" is more literate than "Jejuezi". If the world is doomed to stinky red wine and meat, I hope at least the words are packaged beautifully. Recently, the domestic rectification of the entertainment industry has mainly been carried out in the economic fields such as falsely high income, and even suspected of money laundering and insider trading. But from the perspective of Chinese ecology, another sin in the entertainment industry is a group of blind streamers who cannot use Chinese, but they control the main entrance of information flow, which is unimaginable in the age of traditional paper media. I don't use Weibo, but I have seen other apps push "So-and-so is obviously a must-have" every once in a while, and my blood pressure is a bit high.

Although this article is quite critical of Chinese stars, the stars earn a little more or less, and they can’t get into my pocket anyway. In fact, it doesn’t matter: when they are psychologically unbalanced, it is relieved to regard them as NPCs in large-scale virtual reality games; but if Any characters in the game who open their mouths and shut their mouths, "Supreme Son", then I will definitely uninstall them.

Humans live in a sea of languages, and language is something we cannot avoid even if we escape from the world. Some people urinate in the sea.

For this, I can only curse unnecessarily: God of eternity, please let the absolute sons cut themselves off from the society.


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