For those of you who want to receive/roll the Cosmos airdrop


Recently, I have seen some chaotic images, and I am really unhappy, so I have this article. I'm not a good teacher, and I don't like to make trouble for people, but I have to be a person and do things in a proper way, so that I can cultivate others and achieve myself. Therefore, I intend to write about my weak airdrop experience, and I do not want anyone to agree. Just like my account, it has always been just talking about myself and writing it as a study note. If you tell me to organize it properly, I will ignore it after shooting, and don’t do anything. The navigator and the elders told you to listen to me and so on. In short, don’t talk nonsense, let’s go directly to the core of this article,

Mentality: not good dick / don't fuck your mother

There are a lot of people who have the mentality of receiving the airdrop, which is like "the world owes you" for some reason. Wow, what a great official prestige. Every blockchain project actually wants to try to solve problems: LikeCoin's freedom of publication, Evmos and Ethereum interoperability, BitSong's music copyright fan demand, Polygon's reduction of Ethereum transaction fees... The purpose of the airdrop is to let everyone understand the true meaning of the project , so that everyone has the opportunity to have some coins to test each project and appreciate its connotation.

However, what I often see is: "Why do you have me?" "Why did I miss it?" "Why do you have so many and I have so little?" "Why is this airdrop so small?" Why don't I ask first What have you paid for? The main axis of your Staking and LP allows you to invest profitably, and the airdrop is just an add-on to it. You haven't put in extra effort and support for that project, why should someone give it to you?

Do you think it is very powerful/big to be a Staking / LP?

I personally believe that good energy attracts good luck. If every time there is no airdrop, you are complaining about the heavens and the earth or complaining on other people's Discord. Really, someone will have some luck. Because their airdrop is equal to the troublesome situation imprinted in their hearts, and bad emotions will arise in the next airdrop, so the cycle is endless. This seems to be called Anchoring Anchor or Moment of Truth in the theory of NLP, so let's study it yourself.

So please join the airdrop of the buddhist system . I am fortunate to get it, and I lose my life . Let others go and forgive yourself. Dear donors, it is not especially aimed at you and not given to you. There are also many people who fight for one day just like you. If you fight for a few coins, you will be those coins, and if you don’t have it, you won’t have it. Of course, I'm not saying that you can't ask questions about the airdrop, but people have worked hard to write a lot of codes to get the airdrop out, and don't greet their mothers every now and then, okay? Comparing your heart to yourself, if you spend a lot of time on a project that you want to benefit from, but you are constantly harassed and even scolded your ancestors for the eighteenth generation, do you really deserve it? So if you have any questions, please DYOR first, and ask someone if you really don't understand. Don't add to the trouble and let the project team use the time saved to do better development.

In addition, it is common sense not to be in a hurry to receive the airdrop immediately. It is common sense that the blockchain team does not have the opportunity to do airdrops every day. If you can't get it successfully, try again on another day, it's no use getting angry and wasting Gas Fee,

Type: Prime/Sub

In fact, these types of airdrops are my own creation (Sign).

Prime : This is the airdrop announced by the project on its official Blog/Medium/Twitter/Discord/TG.

Sub : Some validators, KOLs in the currency circle or exchanges will hold airdrops on Twitter . For example , Chihuahua Proposal 4 is an airdrop made by the validator, and later it became an airdrop approved by the community. The airdrop is also the same type of airdrop developed by the validator.

The news of the Prime airdrop is actually hard to miss. There are so many people who will write and introduce, and you can't close your eyes. As for the Sub airdrop, have you seen how I stole the Twitter list of the great gods? To put it bluntly in the inside, it is to ask you to read the list of great gods and also add your own validator or KOL to the list and use it to facilitate monitoring. Sometimes the lottery of some validators, KOLs or exchanges is not without small supplements. For example, I have won the small prize of ZB (but their accounts disappeared for some reason).

Scope: not only Staking and LP, GG if not in scope

In the past, the Cosmos airdrop seemed to be relatively simple, 5 ATOMs or something, but the current airdrop seems to be more demanding, not only requiring delegation and liquidity mining but also tasks. I have seen:

  • voted for a motion eg Evmos
  • Answer questions eg AssetMantle
  • Use some DApp eg LikeCoin depub.SPACE

As for the case of not being able to receive airdrops, there seems to be more:

  • Not in Snapshot snapshot date range
  • Insufficient amount of commission/liquidity mining
  • Not doing LP in a specific liquidity pool
  • Delegated to a centralized exchange validator / zero-commission validator (refer to How to choose a validator? )

So why do I say that I want to be a Buddhist, sometimes there are thousands of mistakes that are wrong when I suddenly cancel the commission or liquid mining on a certain day, or I don’t pay attention to what happens in the blockchain and don’t vote to accumulate Yin virtue, then you can Who is to blame? Just blame yourself! However, in some cases, what you do will be moved to the gantry. For example, if theJuno Motion 16 is given to you, you can change it. It says that it will be given to you or not given to you. What about you? Upright, if there is or not, there is no, so what? Don't rush to the ground, okay? Even beggars in today's generation will just sit quietly and wait for someone to put in coins without shouting, so don't be worse than beggars.

Cosmos airdrops are nothing more than given to Holders (exclusive), Delegators (delegators), Liquidity Providers (liquidity providers), and most commonly to delegators. I try to summarize some basic orders that I think should be prepared to obtain airdrops at present, and I believe that this demand will continue to change as the times change. The following are only personal opinions and do not represent investment suggestions:

  • 10 ATOMs
  • 10 OSMO, you can actually budget more
  • 20 JUNO
  • 10,000 HUAHUA
  • SCRT is Secret Network, it is said to be a new star but has not studied how much it needs

Pay attention to the actions of Ignite, which used to be called Tendermint, the core gang of Cosmos-SDK. Basically, I personally believe that many "children" projects should have good luck.

There are also some cross-chain projects. Although Evmos is bad, I personally believe that cross-chain projects should be more generous, but I don’t know how to prepare them. Only those who really love to use them can get them.

In the past, the airdrop was usually released after the snapshot was taken, and the news that there would be an airdrop, but now it has become a pre-announcement of when there will be a snapshot in the future . Although some people say that this is a bit attractive, but if the coins I am entrusting will not be used, how can I enter the game? So no need to be too picky.

Safety: receive coins without losing money

Losing money here means don’t even lose your own money, hacking your wallet. There are many people who are desperate when they see the airdrop, and click on something when they see something. In fact, this is very dangerous. So if you want to claim the airdrop of Sub, please confirm that they are really validators, or that the content has been forwarded by the official project before claiming it.

In addition, pay attention to whether the person in charge of the project has a history of Rug Pull ( three types of Rug Pull you need to know and how to avoid becoming a Rug Pull victim ) before doing liquidity mining, otherwise your ATOM/OSMO will be destroyed by the impermanence. Loss clearance.

Even though there are a lot of people who will sell their coins as soon as they receive the airdrop, I would say that by doing so you may miss out on a rising star. I know that it is useless to try to make people not sell coins. It’s just that the coins that I hold for me are actually my luck. No matter what, I have to keep my luck and learn more about the projects airdropped to me. Even if I want to sell it, it is separated because of understanding. Everyone has Good Karma.

More news: I want all the air investment news

The following introduces some websites that provide Cosmos air investment information. In fact, as long as everyone can grasp one or two of them, basically they will not be leaked.

Cosmos Drops : A website created by Matters users and LikeCoin validators@ericet. For details, see CosmosDrops Cosmos Ecological Airdrop Query Tool Update + New Domain Name

Cosmos PUG : Another dog with air investing news

Cosmos Airdrops : A must-see if you like the iPhone interface

Cosmos Airdrops Tracker : This true love is unmistakable, it will give you the security level of airdrops, with daily updates. If you can check the number of airdrops or claim them, there will be a button to take you directly to heaven, which is simply a must for getting Prime airdrops.

The above is today's nonsense, if you don't like to read Baguwen, just skip it. In fact, kin has already written about ten things I learned after receiving more than 100,000 magnesium airdrops , so I found that I was a waste.

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