
Calm in front of people, ecstasy behind; ruthless outside, knee-tuck in the room; I didn't attend his farewell dinner, but I was the person who thought of him most often.

Calm in front of people, ecstasy behind; ruthless outside, knee-tuck in the room; I didn't attend his farewell dinner, but I was the person who thought of him most often.

Humans are organisms composed of countless personalities. What you see is not necessarily true, but you can definitely see some falsehoods. You can't blame the other person for that, and you understand that it's hard for even yourself to be honest with yourself.

Remorse and regret grow from the cracks that cannot be sincere, grow out of their own shape, eat a poisonous mushroom, and you will trip to the "crime scene" at that time, hate or love yourself in the psychedelic, and in the gorgeous Immerse, and then remember why that decision was made at the time.

All followed by withdrawal symptoms. The sun still rises.

Some personalities you can never use in life, they are too crooked and too deviated, they will only scare away the people around them, so they stay out of the spotlight and stay in the dark all the time. That's a few Billys. You can't count anyway.

What society can't keep, stay in the blockchain.

False and true. True or false. Please don't overthink it.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

張靖新媒體編輯/寫作者/樂於攝影。立場:支持免治馬桶和社交距離常態化。 微單眼與底片相機拍的一些東西 Instagram : moonightmorningpie
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脫稿的人工智慧 NPC的浪漫革命 萊恩雷諾斯害我哭了