After reading "The Metamorphosis", who can define the value of existence?

The first time I read it was when I was a teenager. At that time, I thought it was ridiculous and incomprehensible. After becoming a so-called adult, I can understand some helplessness and pity.

ღ The beginning of the Metamorphoses

"One morning, Gregor Samsa woke from a restless sleep to find himself a terrifyingly large worm in his bed."

Nothing is more absurd than Gregor's lack of fear of being a bug.

Just find it hard to turn around? Even kept thinking and so on how to go out to catch the train on a business trip?

From the reader's point of view, Gregor, you have misplaced the emphasis! !

ღMetamorphosis Simple Story

Gregor was able to talk to his family at first before the door was opened, but when his family and boss saw him transformed into a bug, he was unable to communicate with humans. Is he unable or afraid or unwilling? Nobody understands.

His father's disgust, his mother's fear, and his sister's transformation hurt him deeply. Before he passed away, he still missed his family. At first, he was worried about his job. He was the breadwinner of the family. The bug, he hid himself in the corner of the room, not to scare the family.

In his life, he devoted time, body and mind for the family, and finally left with a tired but peaceful heart, because he also believed that his departure was the best result for this family.

I can't deny his love for his family. It's just this kind of love. When he has the ability, the family is grateful, but when he is worthless, who really cares about what he wants to become a bug?

ღ Metamorphoses and Existentialism

When Kafka published The Metamorphoses, he strongly demanded not to draw the worm. I don’t think it matters what the morph becomes. It just happens that worms are more easily hated by the world. In the whole article, Gregor does not care about his transformation into a worm. Confused and disgusted, the definition of value is all from others, the bug is just a symptom.

Will they still love Gregor when he's not what his family wanted him to be?

Live under the expectations of others and become the kind of person expected by others. One day you change passively or actively. When you become another appearance or another character, how many people can continue to support you?

The existence of a human being is nothing more than this "self". The external morality and worldliness cannot represent this person. If you change your appearance, you will still be the same person. It just happens that I want to live in a different way.

If I were Gregor and wanted to say, "Transformed into a bug, I can still love and feel this way, as long as you can still see me as me. "


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