The Lion King, Coffee Fragrance (Thanks for reaching 600,000 words.)

Good day! Commander, your drink is called "Qahwah". It was first discovered to be planted in Ethiopia, Africa. Later, some people ground its fruit and mixed it with wheat flour to make bread, which was used as a food for warriors when they went out. Food, to improve the spirit of battle...

Step out of the cab, the night sky, without any angels or demons... Here is the silence, like the junction of the stars in a religious temple, the silver spaceship is on a cruising mission during each profit and loss week; it looks like The comfortable clubhouse for top-level social listening is like being in an elegant porcelain cup in an ancient castle. It is not only injected with bright black precious liquid, but also has bursts of rich aroma and sweetness. However, an astrological map marked "The Heart of the Lion" (Qalb Al Asad) clearly indicates that it is about 77.5 light-years away from Earth;

Earth? Is it the coordinates of 616 or 666? It's been a long time since I went back... With a soft sigh, the commander casually opened the guide booklet on the table.

 Good day! Commander, your drink is called "Qahwah". It was first discovered to be planted in Ethiopia, Africa. Later, some people ground its fruit and mixed it with wheat flour to make bread, which was used as a food for warriors when they went out. Food, to improve the spirit of battle...

In the village of Kebado in the Sidamo region of Ethiopia, there are nearly 600 independent small farmers who work together to harvest native Ethiopian species that grow in the mountains at an altitude of 1,800 to 2,200 meters. After the fruit, it is sent to the "Haileselassie" processing ground. ,

The external peel and pulp are removed with a special machine, and then put into a water tank for fermentation, and then washed in water and placed on an African high shed to dry naturally... Strict process control, the fruit looks very clean without concealing its rich floral fragrance With fruity aroma.

"So it's 'Hale Selassie'..."

Enjoying a moment of afterglow and leisure, looking at the lion head badge on the diamond pin, the commander issued a new flight order...

Good day! Commander, first provide the information you requested for this review:

"Jewish Lion", Haier. Selassie I (Haile Selassie I, 1892-1975; Reign: 1930-1974), famous birthday on July 23.

The "Lion King" recorded in the history of the world is comparable to Selassie I, "the 225th successor of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba". In addition to the Africans who were listed as "Man of the Year" by the American "TIME" magazine, they also became unswerving anti-communist allies of the European and American democratic camps during the Cold War!

However, due to selfishness, a generation of lion kings could not rest in peace in their later years, and personally destroyed their empire...

Selassie I was born in the ducal family of Harari in eastern Yiguo. At the age of 24, he assisted the new king Zewditu in the name of the regent. In addition to participating in state affairs, he also quickly became the core of power. During this period, he visited the western industrialized powers many times, and humbly requested the local political and social and cultural systems. After returning to the country, he also actively carried out unprecedented reform activities. Through diplomatic visits, he also signed friendship agreements with Britain and France as an agent of the country, so as to avoid being divided up by foreign powers under the African colonial boom, so as to maintain the integrity of the country's sovereignty. Later, he even spent more money on the purchase of Western-style weapons. On the one hand, he suppressed the conservative forces in the country, and on the other hand, he also greatly enhanced the military strength of the country of Yi.

In 1930, Zoditu died of illness, and Selassie I became the new king, with the title of "the power of the Holy Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit" in his title. He immediately followed the example of Japan after the "Meiji Restoration" and gradually referred to the Western model and made slow progress. Under the framework of the "Constitution of the Empire of Japan", the country's first constitution was promulgated, which established the parliamentary system of the Senate, the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives and guaranteed the people's property rights, work rights and residence rights.

In addition, he also promoted the policy of abolition of slavery, which was rare in the African continent at that time, and set up educational institutions to encourage students to learn a second foreign language. He also encouraged the people to open newspaper offices, run printing factories, and reduce the proportion of illiteracy; of course, in order to consolidate the legitimacy of his leadership Sex and inviolability, Selassie I also added a discussion of "deification" in this constitution, describing it as "Messiah", yes, the second savior after Jesus Christ returns!

In the mid-1930s, when the European continent was on the verge of the outbreak of World War II, the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who had long coveted Africa's vast territory and agricultural and mineral resources, saw that Western countries were busy dealing with it. Adolf Hitler, the head of the Nazis who demanded too much, had no time to pay attention to the situation in Africa, so he quickly mobilized the land army and launched a comprehensive war of aggression across the sea...

Selassie I, who loves the country and embraces the people, has delivered a number of inspiring speeches at the moment, calling on the military and civilians across the country to defend against foreign enemies together! And you are a king like him, and even now he is not afraid of artillery fire, he personally went to the front line, and took the lead in picking up machine guns to shoot the rebels! This behavior of leading by example earned Selassie I the great title of the unparalleled "Warrior Emperor", and also gracefully boarded the American "TIME" magazine's Person of the Year in 1935!

An icy warning sound rang in the corridor, and after another three minutes, the spacecraft was ready to enter the space-time collision on the first floor, that is, to cross the "Einstein-Rosen bridge" (Einstein-Rosen bridge).

The constant approaching of the Italian land mobile forces, coupled with the unscrupulousness of the Mos, authorized the military to use restricted gas weapons that violated international conventions, making the situation in Ethiopia more and more critical. Under the resolution and request of the cardinal ministers , Selassie I was forced to abandon the motherland, chose to go into exile in England, and continued to lead resistance movements overseas.

But the British government at that time, regardless of the government or the opposition, still held the appeasement thinking of appeasement and raising traitors... It's fine if it's all right, it's really fine if it doesn't hit me! Therefore, the British official has never recognized Selassie I as the head of the Yiguo government in exile, and also said through diplomatic channels: Ethiopia has been killed by Mussolini! Selassie I, who was helpless and depended on others, had to constantly appeal to Western elites and powerful people through private gatherings or banquets to help, and urged the "League of Nations" to properly handle it.

Selassie I had only one belief, that the land of Ethiopia will always belong to the Yi people!

The so-called feng shui turns, in less than three years, when the two evil axes of Italy and the Nazis began to ravage and devour the European continent one after another, and under the threat of uninterrupted bombing of London by fighter planes, it really affected the survival of the British Empire. At the same time, the owner of "10 Downing Street" (the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) finally figured it out, and the cabinet also made a final decision... The United Kingdom decided to use the official name of funding, announcing its endorsement and assistance to Selassie I, giving an unlimited supply of weapons and food Austrian aid, support the Yiguo rebels who stayed in the local area, and make every effort to promote the Yiguo people to return to Africa and start the great plan to restore the motherland!

In 1941, the balance of the European War Bureau slowly reversed. Selassie I, who had been away from Yi Kingdom for five years, also successfully led his army to regain his homeland, repelled the rebel army, and destroyed Mussolini's dream of being an African king! But as a former pirate kingdom (?), will the British really run a business that will not pay off like a philanthropist? The answer is of course no, because from the first day of assisting Selassie I's counterattack, the British government actually had a wishful thinking...

The British wanted to use the power of Selassie I to repel Italy, and then the troops would go south from North Africa (Egypt) to establish a complete colonization system in East Africa, which belonged to the "British East African Empire" of Buckingham Palace!

Twisted light! Rotating mirror! Although this is the third time to enter the strange bridge point, it is still a great challenge and test for the body and mind... After the commander estimated the time to enter the second floor collision, he decided to have another cup of "Qahwah"... without sugar.

Selassie I, for so many years, the rough years in the water and in the fire have already cultivated the skills and head to be prepared for danger in times of peace, not to mention that he has suffered from the loss of the British before... Therefore, Yi Guo sternly rejected the British party. The proposed economic revival plan for the partner country adheres to Ethiopia's independence and integrity; Selassie I even emphasized that he is the eternal and unchanging supreme leader of the country from beginning to end!

The following year, before World War II ended and the Axis villains had not been eliminated, the British government officially recognized Ethiopia as an independent and independent country because other war zones in Africa still needed to rely on the support of the Ethiopian army. Selassie I is the legitimate ruler of Yi Nation.

In 1945, when the Second World War ended, Selassie I ushered in the years of rejuvenation in Africa, and continued to promote a series of new reform plans in Yi country, and vigorously reformed the old tax system, promoted public works, and created the first domestic institution. Universities, vocational and technical training schools at all levels, etc., allowed the post-war Yi country to quickly lead other African countries in terms of national strength, and became one of the top and second-tier powers in Africa at that time, not inferior to Egypt in North Africa!

However, at this time... "United States", the United States of America appeared!

Old America, who defeated Japan in the Pacific Ocean and won the battle with two lethal atomic bombs, saw that Europe, Britain, France, Germany, and the Netherlands, which were devastated by the beacon fire, were in the midst of the reconstruction of the country and society. It is simply impossible to resist the continuous expansion of the power of the Red Iron Curtain countries such as the Soviet Union. Therefore, the White House of the United States, as the leader of the victorious countries, has set its sights on Africa. We hope to establish a free line of defense against the communist forces.

In the context of this time and space, the United States and Ethiopia began to establish a bilateral dialogue... The "generous" Uncle Sam first signed the "Mutual Defense Agreement between the Two Countries" with Ethiopia in 1953, and subsequently signed the size of the agreement. More than ten economic, trade and military cooperation agreements have also further built a military base dedicated to the US military in Yiguo; in return for Yiguo’s goodwill in releasing land, the United States has given Yiguo about 150 million US dollars in military assistance. , and even helped Selassie I train a strong Ethiopian ground army!

As for how big the $150 million is? It was almost half of the total US military aid on the African continent at that time!

In this way, Selassie I, who was escorted by the "big stick of democracy" and believed that he was already among the world's great powers, gradually lost his vigilance that a leader should be "invincible at heights", and in turn decided that he should not be just In East Africa, there is only the ability to speak, and on the global political and economic stage, there is also a place to decide the world...

In just 10 years, Selassie I, whose personal ambitions have been constantly rising, is no longer the king who dared to reform, loved by the people in the past.

In 1955, in order to commemorate the 25th anniversary of his accession to the throne, Selassie I promulgated a new constitution, determined the absolute dictatorship and hereditary system of the king of Yi, and also strongly terminated all tax reform plans, and even changed the income of the state's gold mines directly to the list. The royal family's private income... What's more outrageous is that he also took back all the ownership of the domestic land and changed it to his personal distribution! Not to mention, the total annual budget compiled by the Ethiopian royal family at that time was four times the government's budget for investment in agriculture!

Finally... I saw the bright nebula in the sky again, the harsh warning sound gradually became smaller, and the one that passed into my ears... was Andante in F major, "The Piano Concerto No. 21" by Amadeus. Concerto No. 21, K.467) second movement.

In the 1960s, Ethiopia's political and economic situation was gradually turbulent, a series of anti-government and anti-imperial protests broke out in the country, and there were also several serious paramilitary coups... Many parties pointed the finger at greed. Sexual Selassie I and the United States behind it! But relying on the private operation of the CIA and other national security organizations and the special forces sent by the White House to suppress, Selassie I often passed easily!

However, the counterattack of the majority of public opinion also made Selassie I more and more dissatisfied with his compatriots, and he strictly enforced high-pressure rule, and executed or imprisoned dissidents from time to time!

Naturally, the country's economy has also declined since then, the country's competitiveness has been weakened, and the gap between the rich and the poor has become more and more serious; in 1970, Ethiopia, which used to dominate the corner of Africa, was actually ridiculed as "the beggar". The country"... Especially when the largest agricultural drought in the history of the country hit, Selassie I was accidentally caught by the media with a large piece of raw meat to feed the precious pet "lion" placed in the Royal Lion Park! Yes, "Lion"! As soon as the photo was exposed, it immediately caused a sensation in public opinion around the world, and even attracted criticism from many political observers and humanitarians!

After the turning point of the peak, the ending may have been clear to the heart. If the emperor did not end well, it must be the most terrifying tragedy in the world. In 1974, the unbearable ordinary people and the soldiers who were short of water and food finally combined the two to launch a national general series, which is somewhat ironic... to declare war on the great head of state in the minds of the former people! In the end, with no one to lend a helping hand and the staff of the US embassy to run away, Selassie I, who had lost all his support, was overthrown by angry soldiers and civilians on September 12, 1974!

The temporary military government that took over made a statement to the international community that Yi Guo would abolish the dictatorship forever... Selassie I was also forcibly imprisoned in the palace by the military government, unable to communicate with the outside world.

On August 27, 1975, the Ethiopian military government held an international press conference, announcing that Selassie I unfortunately passed away due to old age and illness at the age of 83; The news pointed out that Selassie I was ordered to be executed by the military government before he stepped on the solitary journey of Huangquan!

Throughout his vast life, this generation of influential figures who led Ethiopia to modernization and defeated fascist gangsters was eventually overthrown by the people as a dictator, became a prisoner of the palace, and even died... Perhaps, in the long river of history , at this time, there was another inexplicable sigh.


Rastafarianism is a black religious movement that emerged in Jamaica, Central America during the 1930s. Rastafarian believers believe that Selassie I is the reincarnation of God, and that the Messiah predicted in the Bible will return to the world again.

"Ras Tafari" is a tribute to Selassie I, where Ras means "leader" in Amharic, and Tafari is the name Selassie used before he ascended the throne. This sect chose to use the "Lion of Judah" as the symbol of Selassie I, because they believed that Selassie I was a descendant of the tribe of Judah, and also had direct blood of King David and King Solomon. The "lion of the tribe of Judah" is mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

 Good day! Commander:

This voyage has reached the new destination you indicated. The spacecraft will land in 838 Addis Abäba's Haier. Haile Selassie I International Airport.

Welcome home!

After a slight shock, the cheers of "Rastafari" and "Rastafari" did not stop outside the silver-winged hatch. With both hands welcome the savior's coming...

Haier. Selassie I smiled and stepped out slowly.

What you drink is coffee; what I say is life.

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l'ange de l'assassinat...
