In the worst times, please grasp the most important power


During this time I seem to have put most of my energy and attention on the war in Ukraine. In fact, I am not ignorant of what happens in Hong Kong every day. The regression of the rule of law, human rights and freedoms in Hong Kong, and the gradual decoupling of the international community, is not something I have not seen. To make matters worse, I can almost predict what Hong Kong will look like in half a year or even a year from now.

In the face of such an era, escape is not the solution, nor is brute force. Only wisdom can keep us alive to the bright hour.

What is wisdom? Is Wisdom "Practicing Refinement and Learning Laziness"? Is it to take advantage of the opportunity, to be wise to protect oneself in times of crisis, and then to hitch a ride when it is comfortable? None of the above.

Wisdom is the combination of the apocalypse and human intelligence. A wise man understands the principles of heaven. Understand what is righteous. Therefore, the wise will first stay away from the wicked, and will not be in their company or help the tyrants. Wise people know that kindness is at the heart of the soul. Therefore, no matter what the situation is, he will never betray his kindness.

A wise man also understands the world. Willingness to face fear. Therefore, in the face of intimidation, they can remain unmoved and even die bravely.

Wise people keep an open heart at all times. Be willing to accept your vulnerability. Also see your strengths. Believe in your ability to keep improving. Therefore, wise people are also willing to continue to learn and strive to improve.

The threshold for attaining wisdom seems to be very high. But it's not. If you realize that your material desires are too high and are easily threatened, but you voluntarily reduce your material desires, you already have wisdom; if you maintain a heart of curiosity, and constantly learn new knowledge and skills to help those in need, You already have wisdom.

There has been a time in history when the ignorant rides on the head of the wise. Perhaps this era will repeat itself again and again in the long river of history. But always believe that such times will not last. Wisdom is the most important strength in the face of the worst of times.


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