I suddenly realized that I was lucky enough with my English skills

Talking about things that are not smooth and roundabout, it is all said in the end. If you still have something to say, if you know where you are lacking, you can make up for it.

I came across a travel note on Xiaohongshu. The author lamented that he was not familiar with English and that something was missing during the trip.

I thought about my experience of English conversations since coming to Chiang Mai and realized that I am lucky with my English skills.

There is a Language exchange party in the ancient city of Chiang Mai. I've been there several times.

1. My first English interlocutor was from England. We talked about population and fertility.

He said today's young people tend to be infertile or delay childbearing - such as his children. This was unimaginable in his time.

He is familiar with his grandfather, but he is probably not in his grandson's memory. He cannot accompany his grandson to grow up like his grandfather accompanied him to grow up, which destroys the concept of family.

"Young people will take the world forward, even if it is in a bad direction."

2. I have asked many of my interlocutors whether they feel disconnected from the society.

Sojourn is not as glamorous as it seems. Every time you go to a new place, new problems will arise, and new problems require the establishment of new interpersonal relationships to solve, and you cannot rely on the interpersonal relationships in the previous environment.

Because I live in isolation, I live in isolation; because I live in isolation, my connection with society is not strong.

It bothers me and I would like to hear if more people feel the same way and how to deal with it.

The sister of an overseas Chinese in the Netherlands said that she would liken this kind of life to a bubble.

When people walk on the road and meet the right person, everyone gathers together and becomes a big bubble.

When the person leaves, it splits from the big bubble and returns to its original appearance.

She often told herself that she was lucky enough to have the opportunity to live such a life.

3. Also because of the English conversation, I learned about Southeast Asia from another perspective.

Before coming to Thailand, I was warned and worried by many people.

After coming to Thailand, I was walking home at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night without any injuries.

In addition to Thailand, my impressions of Vietnam and Myanmar have also changed.

Many people living in Chiang Mai have gone or will go to Vietnam.

Compared with Thailand, where you have to report to the immigration office every 90 days, Vietnam’s visa is more friendly to travelers; there is no mountain burning season in Vietnam.

From their mouths, I learned that Vietnam is livable.

As for Myanmar, it’s funny to say that. I am obviously in Thailand, but I am learning Burmese, eating Burmese food, chatting with others about my travel experience to Burma, and learning about the impact of Burmese people in Thailand on the local job market.

The Thai I can speak is "hello" and "thank you". I am still familiar with "not spicy", "how much" and "can I get a discount".

And I already know how to order food in Burmese at my favorite Burmese restaurant.

The owner of the Burmese restaurant, who has learned Chinese for a long time, told me that the fried dough sticks in the store are selling well. The other people in the Burmese restaurant don’t know much English, but I’ve been there so many times that everyone is familiar with me and can say thank you to me in Chinese.

Many people who have been to Vietnam have also been to Myanmar. Everyone likes Myanmar’s food and culture, and prays that it will reopen.
The owner of the Burmese restaurant, who has learned Chinese for a long time, told me that the fried dough sticks in the store are selling well.

Many people who have been to Vietnam have also been to Myanmar. Everyone likes Myanmar’s food and culture, and prays that it will reopen.

4. After coming to Chiang Mai, I received no less than ten compliments on my English proficiency.

Sometimes I would be praised three or four times a night by people from different countries. The frequency was so high that I thought time was going backwards.

My English is lucky enough.

Talking about things that are not smooth and roundabout, it is all said in the end.

If you still have something to say, if you know where you are lacking, you can make up for it.

I am lucky.

A second-hand bookstore in Chiang Mai

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luzhiyuan保持强烈、单一的欲望 今年愿景:用英语进行深度交流 | 开辟第二份收入来源 |做个稳重的人|身体健康
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