The Space | Support playback function, dynamic NFTs are included in The Space Museum to get double $SPACE


This post is all about covering the two things the title says.

Playback function introduction

The Space has already supported the "playback" of paintings. It is very healing to watch pictures appear on the canvas.

1. Select the clock icon in the THE SPACE logo in the upper left corner.

2. Then select 1X, 2X or 4X to play back the production process at double, double or quadruple speed.

Video and editing clips

With the playback feature, the process of painting can be made into a movie, and included in The Space Museum as a movie can get additional bonuses. Here 's the announcement from The Space Discord :

As you may have discovered, we have launched the "playback" function. Click the playback icon to enter playback mode. With the 1X button, the playback speed can be adjusted.
Go back to a historical moment to view patterns that have existed in the past
You can select a specific area on the map, use the playback function and screen recording function, and make playback animations. The ambition of The Space is to become the Culture Hub&Museum of the Web3 world, and the historical playback function is part of this plan. Next, we will also design a built-in playback and sharing function, so that everyone can share the "moments" or "events" on the canvas to their own social media. Therefore, I also hope that everyone can be creative and use the playback function more so that we can better upgrade it~
Something More:
The Space Web3 Museum will buy GIF/Video works for 2x the price of static images
Vidline plugin is recommended for screen recording

There is a double bonus? So I'm going to try it out. However, many Chrome plug-ins require account registration, and Vidline is no exception. But I'm free, so I don't do it with plugins, but with free Portable Apps.

The ones I use include CamStudio Portable and Avidemux Portable .

1. On The Space canvas , adjust the size of the range to be captured.

2. Open CamStudio and select "Region" from the Region menu.

3. Press the red record button of CamStudio to select the video range to be captured. Then press the playback button on the canvas to record. When finished, press the stop button and a window will pop up for you to directly save the captured video as AVI.

4. The playback speed of 1X, 2X and 4X refers to the playback from the opening of the canvas to the present. So even playing my images at 4X will appear very late. I need to cut out the previous paragraph.

Put the clipped video into Avidemux, and select Output Format before processing.

5. Pull the progress bar to the part where the drawing starts to appear, click the red positioning on the left-hand side below, and then click the object on the right-hand side to locate the finished part, and then click the disk to save.

6. Avidemux carefully changed the file name to "name_edit" when saving, so just click "Save".

7. You can follow The Space | Teach you how to do it: If your work is included in the museum, you can get $1,000 SPACE to put it in The Space Museum. They have also added a lazy man Dafa. You can directly provide simple information such as files, titles and introductions, and Museum will help you to mint NFTs. You can even save the minting effort, just sit and wait and collect $SPACE. For details, see The Space Museum (MVP) submission scheme .

Come to Opensea to watch my dynamic fat short video NFT !

The Space series

The Space | Teach you how to: Get $1,000 SPACE if your work is included in the museum

The Space | A crazy night, a thousand pixels in one night

The Space | Opensea Feature Items Feature, what have I drawn recently?
The Space | Discover a lot of cute animals and recent works
The Space | Baby Bear Appears

exchange currency
Osmosis Liquidity Mining | ParaSwap takes you from $SPACE back to Osmosis to connect to Cosmos

MetaMask | How to convert $SPACE to $MATIC?

Osmosis Liquidity Mining | Cross-chain from Frontier to Polygon to exchange Matic to play The Space

The Space | Airdrop is officially launched, Travellogger holders, Story Solitaire participants, and Metamask wallet logins can all receive

The third round of beta testing of The Space | If you want to live a good life, you must follow the big guys

The Space Beta Version Public Test: I'll Draw and Make Money!


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