Daily errands|Glasses

I often think that if I opened a store, I would never have the patience and service of this glasses store. In the past, looking for reviews on the Internet and looking for a store could not help but step on the thunder, after all, it is too simple to buy stars and buy reviews these days. But after this glasses-matching process, I believe that every star in this glasses shop was picked off by myself.

Not a job match. Just thought it was time to write this down.

Maybe it's a professional relationship, I'm getting older. A friend told me a long time ago that presbyopia is not gradual like myopia, but overnight. In other words, it may be that at a certain time of the day, you naturally pull the picture on your hand away and narrow your eyes. Before you realize what action you have done, congratulations, you are old.

I felt a little frightened that my friend was ripping me off, but I never forgot this sentence. Soon, one day I found that I had a great sense of switching between the distance and the focal length of my vision. Whether it is from far to near or from near to far, I have to go through a process of blurring to clear. I know, about the old flower.

I was probably only thirty-five then, or earlier, forget it. I just remember that after an interview, I had lunch with editors and photographers. Waiting for the meal to be delivered to the table, I picked up the small standing sign on the table, I couldn't see clearly, so I moved a little further away, and I asked the editor to see my actions and asked him if he would do this, he was relaxed. Say yes, old man. The photographer next to us, who was a few years younger than us, stopped us inexplicably and stopped us, asking us not to look like seventy or eighty.

Over the years my focusing ability has only gotten worse. Sometimes when I see a Chinese medicine doctor, the Chinese medicine doctor says that my heart is weak, and the blood cannot be sent to the brain, which affects my eyes. Traditional Chinese medicine is somewhat useful for conditioning, but people are not too diligent.

Compared with my peers, I count people who are old and recognize their age. After all, I think it is an achievement that I can live to this age, so I don’t hide the numbers, and I accept all the physical changes that come with age. Getting old well is more practical than thinking about how to rejuvenate, and how to deal with it.

But I stayed late to get my reading glasses. There is no other reason, it is expensive. As long as I know who my friends are going to get presbyopic glasses, I must first ask how much it is, and it will probably cost nearly 10,000. I do not have money.

Until the beginning of this year, I thought it would be impossible. It’s okay to go out during the day, but at night to read the store signs and signs are scattered. If this goes on, the yin and moral values will be burned every day to save lives. Taking advantage of the issuance of the revitalization coupons, I decided to get presbyopic glasses as a government subsidy.

The selected store is one that I have been watching for a long time, and the google evaluation has five stars. Since I moved back to the south, I have been searching the Internet from time to time for where there are eyewear shops with good reputation. One day, I passed by one of the houses that I thought was far away, and I felt that the distance was not bad, so that's it.

I just didn't expect to go there five times before and after, and it took nearly a month to complete the match.

The first time I went there, there were three employees in the store, one older was designated as A, and the two younger were designated as B and C. In the beginning, young C came to serve. After telling about my vision condition and needs, I started to pick frames. I have been used to wearing one-piece frames without nose pads for a long time, so I still hope to find this type. C took out only two or three pairs at first, saying that very few people now wear frames without nose pads. It's just that I didn't like those pairs very much, thinking that I might miss the store, and I'm not reluctant. As I was about to get up and leave, A and B took out a few more pairs from the drawer, and I picked out a pair that fit my budget. Then the older A took over.

A optometry is kind and careful. The conclusion is that my astigmatism and myopia have increased, and I also have presbyopia. It is recommended that I wear multifocal lenses, which can meet my needs with a pair of glasses. I'm a little hesitant.

"I have a few friends who have multifocal lenses. They say that their eyes get tired easily, and the degree of prescription will increase very quickly. I would like to ask you, according to your majors, what is your opinion on this?"

Before departure, a friend knew that I was going to wear reading glasses, so he made a call to share his experience with me. He said that he had a bad experience wearing multifocal glasses. He asked the ophthalmologist and got the answer that "in fact, multifocals are not needed, and it is better to replace them with monofocals of different degrees." This passage is almost the same as what another friend of mine said. I thought about it for a long time, and decided to ask directly.

Of course, it is a bit silly to ask the glasses store this question, just like asking the boss whether it is sweet or not when buying fruit. But with the attitude of not pretending to understand if you don't understand, I believe that A will be honest and not deceive when he sees me confessing his ignorance like this.

A said that in his experience it was the opposite, with glasses with insufficient prescriptions, the pressure on the eyes was even greater. But he also understood that it was my first time with multifocals, so I might have concerns about adaptation. He said that I can choose pressure relief lenses, which should be more in line with my needs.

I didn't do my homework and was ignorant. I didn't know what a stress-relieving lens was. In my heart, I listed it as a commodity for businessmen. But the test glasses that A helped me to wear is really good for looking far and near, and the focus conversion is not obstructed, and I am moved to tears. God knows how long it took me to bring my own soft focus.

I was wearing test glasses and A asked C to point me for my interpupillary distance. After ordering, I was still hesitant to see, A said that otherwise I would still wear monofocal glasses that match my degree, at least it can solve the dilemma that I go out at night and the world is a blur, and I still wear my old glasses when I see close. I nodded. It's just that as a person who wants to get everything done, I feel a little embarrassed when I think of going out with another pair of glasses in the future.

A helped me write the order, and I pushed the whole package of revitalization coupons as a deposit. Before I left, I didn't know which nerve was wrong. Maybe I was nostalgic for the clarity and convenience of the glasses I just tested. I asked again, "Will it be difficult to adapt to the pressure-relieving lenses?"

A smiled and said, "New glasses will inevitably take a little bit of getting used to. You still need to look at them. If you're not used to wearing them, you can take them back, and we'll help you replace them with monofocal lenses."

I was taken aback, it was the first time I heard that it was possible. "Wouldn't that make you lose money?"

"Isn't that right? You are the guest, we just want to serve the guest to the satisfaction." A smiled. "Otherwise, will you give us a chance to try it out?"

I nodded blankly and handed the order back to A. He changed some necessary information and handed it back to me, saying that he would call me to pick it up when it was done.

Received a call a week later that the glasses were ready. I went there happily that day, thinking that my life would no longer be hazy. After arriving, there are only B and C in the store. C brought me the new glasses, I put them on, I can see far away without any problem, but when I see near they are blurry.

I wanted to say that my posture was wrong or something, but I pushed the frame up and down a few times, but it still didn't work. C asked me suspiciously if it was okay, and I was a little embarrassed: "It seems...no way."

C helped me adjust the frame tension several times, but the situation only changed from impossible to reluctant. But you can't force it to wear glasses. C took the glasses to the back and handed them over to B. The two chatted for a while. B came out with my new glasses, asked me to put them on again, and asked, "Where do you want to wear them to be clear?"

I pressed my glasses to the bridge of my nose as close as possible, "That's it."

B looked back and forth, and adjusted the tone again, "It should be that the focus below is too low for you. Can we help you do it again?"

I didn't expect to actually enter the "rework" stage, but I really couldn't accept this kind of glasses condition, so I agreed. B helped me measure the interpupillary distance again, and asked casually, "Who did the measurement for you at that time?"

I looked at B and pointed at C with my hand: "He."

C panicked: "No way! It's not me."

I was stunned for a moment: "It's you." Seeing C's constant denials made me angry. There are only three of you in the store, one old, two young, ABC three. No matter how blind I am, I will not make a mistake. But that's not the point. In short, after B helped me measure it a little more, he said that he would call and ask me to come over again.

Another week passed, and I was notified to step into the store for the third time. When C saw me, he took the initiative to pick out my new glasses and asked me to try them on. I tried it back and forth, and the situation is between the ambiguity that it seems to be okay and a little bit impossible. Maybe it will be fine after getting used to it, right? I told myself this in my heart, thinking that the store had already helped me redo it once, so I didn't want to be too smart, so I nodded to C.

C received my final payment and did not forget to explain: "If it is still uncomfortable to wear, I will take it back."

"In a few days? A week?"

C smiled and said what A said before: "If you have any problems, bring them here. It doesn't matter when it is time. As long as it is the glasses we go out, we will serve the customers well."

Wearing my new glasses, I was riding my bike home, and for the first time, I saw all the bright and dark store signs around me. I was very happy that night.

But not the next day. Throughout the day, from the morning, whether I read a book, look at a mobile phone, or look at a computer, I have to be at a certain angle to be clear and unobstructed. I have to sit upright and despise the target I want to see clearly; or I have to hold the chin with one hand and put the glasses against the frame with the little finger of the hand holding the chin against the frame. It is not a problem that can be solved by adapting at all.

I hesitated again and again until the afternoon, and in the evening, I still took the glasses back and decided to be an OC. I just walked to the door, and C saw me through the glass and asked, "Is it still not possible?"

"No." I shook my head, very sorry. "Just a little bit."

I gave my test results throughout the day, what posture, what angle, one by one, to C in detail, and C adjusted and adjusted, tried and tried, still no improvement.

Maybe C was a little annoyed that he couldn't adjust to a better result all of a sudden, and he started to get a little impatient. I politely asked him if there was a way to deal with it, and he said in a sullen voice that it was me who picked this kind of frame without nose pads.

There was a small flame in my heart that was ignited by this sentence for a moment. Before I can figure out why I'm on fire, I try to put the fire out, after all, I'm annoying first. It's just that my cultivation is poor, and I can't stop my tone from hardening: "If you can only match this, then so be it."

I want to go home with my glasses. But C's face was hesitant, and he took the glasses to the back to A, and chatted again for a while. A came out with his glasses and asked, "So what's the situation?"

When I thought of repeating the daytime exercise I told C, I was exhausted physically and mentally, and I couldn't let go: "So do I have to repeat the whole thing again?"

A caught me in a good-natured way: "Can you still see clearly?" He put the glasses back on my face, pushed the frame, pressed the temple behind the ear, and said, "Let's redo it for you."

My mind is mostly blank, and I can only sigh. A is still the same sentence: "The glasses we go out will definitely serve the customer's satisfaction."

Another week, I stepped into the store for the fifth time. The same is that C quickly picked out my glasses, and this time there are still some marks on the lenses that have not been wiped off. I guess they are deliberately reserved for testing and comparison. In the same process, C looked at the condition of my try-on. Before I opened my mouth, he said, "Is it still better?"

A wasn't there, so this time he went directly to the back and replaced B. B looked at the condition of my glasses from a close distance, maybe he was still thinking about how to solve it, I asked, "So am I being too shaggy?"

B said no. "But this kind of frame without nose pads, in fact, the range we can adjust is really small."

Here again, I have to say that it is the problem of the frame I picked. I tried my best to maintain a good attitude, but I couldn't help saying, "You must have matched a lot of glasses for customers. If this kind of glasses without nose pads is not suitable for the glasses I need, why didn't you say when I was choosing the frame? I don’t know if you still remember, when you said you didn’t have the frames I wanted, and I also felt that you shouldn’t be reluctant to wear glasses, and I was ready to leave now, but you pulled out these frames and let me pick them. You didn’t have them from start to finish. Tell me that this kind of frame without nose pads is not suitable for multifocal glasses. Or is this the first time you have met? Then I will recognize it.”

B was silent for a while, not counting the positive answer to my question, but saying that these types of frames without nose pads are mostly used by Europeans and Americans, and are relatively unsuitable for our oriental faces. I said okay, my nose is collapsed, and asked if it would help if I put an auxiliary sponge nose pad on the frame, B shook his head, then looked at me seriously: "May I ask, why don't you like frames with nose pads? ?"

"Because I've always worn glasses without nose pads. If I've worn ten pairs of glasses in my life, at least eight of them will be without nose pads, and the other two are just to make me more sure that I don't like nose pads. glasses." I told B, I have all the bad habits he wants that will make the glasses crooked: wearing and taking off clothes, wearing sports, wearing with one hand, throwing it around, sleeping on it... I have thick hands and feet, and I often break my glasses, and I don’t want to buy something that is obviously a daily necessities but needs to be provided and protected; and the nose pads are not only prone to crooked, but also press out two puddles on the bridge of the nose. Anyway, don't like it.

B quietly listened to my distaste for glasses with nose pads and said, "Then do you want to give me a chance, I promise to change your opinion on these glasses."

I looked at B, and I was silent. I was a little helpless, but I was very grateful for his kindness: "Then let's try this time again. If it still doesn't work, change back to the frame I originally picked, and then we'll close the case, okay? I'm I'm really embarrassed, I'm also responsible for not doing enough homework, and I don't want you to waste any more time." I don't believe in the theory that the rich is the uncle, and I should admit it myself.

Hearing me agree, B was so happy that I was a little surprised. He diligently took out three or four pairs of glasses for me to choose from, all of which were thin metal frames that couldn't be broken. I should take it back and break it within three hours.

B picked up my original bamboo-legged black-rimmed glasses and shook it: "If you can wear these old ones so well, this kind of glasses is absolutely fine for you." The owner of the glasses shop loves to show how strong the frame is: break the temple feet out to the sides to make a split look: "Look, this really won't break." Mom, I'm most afraid of seeing this trick, I always feel down. In a second the glasses would snap in half in front of me.

I changed the subject and looked at the three almost identical pairs of glasses he put on the cabinet: "So what do you want me to choose now?"

"Choose which one you like!"

Those three pairs were like triplets to me. "Just help me decide, I just want to close the case."

B didn't care about my lack of interest at all, with a smile on his face, "Really! How can you be so good." He took turns to grab each pair and compared them on my face, helping me decide on the silver-footed black frame "I'll change the lenses for you right away, you can come and get them when you wait." Then, as if thinking of something, "Would you like to wait here, can you sit down?"

"Is it all right now?" I was taken aback, "Okay, I'm fine anyway, I'll wait here."

It's no exaggeration, B is like a child who has received a gift, happily and briskly walking to the back with his glasses, and discussing with C and making adjustments. I heard the sound of the machine grinding, and after a while, B came over with the modified glasses.

B helped me put on my glasses, adjusted the temples behind my ears, looked at the position of the frame, looked left and right, and asked me how I felt.

I tried some customary viewing angles, much better. It should be said that it is very good.

"Basically, it's okay to see far away, but is it something you're used to seeing near?" B said.

I nodded. While it wasn't the frame I expected, it was the result I was hoping for.

I asked B how much I had to make up for it, after all, I got a new frame and they remade it a few times for me. But he said no. I thanked again and again, and B waved his hand: "I just thank you for giving us the opportunity, and for letting you run so many times, we are even more embarrassed."

When sending me away, B reiterated that if there is any problem with the glasses, he will take them back at any time, and even if they are broken, he will help me fix them. "But you can wear the previous frame, this one must be even better. This frame really lasts longer than you think."

It's been about two weeks since that day. Except for the first day or two, there is still some adaptation process. Basically, there is no big problem. The frame is still strong. I'm really lucky and very grateful.

I often think that if I opened a store, I would never have the patience and service of this glasses store. In the past, looking for reviews on the Internet and looking for a store could not help but step on the thunder, after all, it is too simple to buy stars and buy reviews these days. But after this glasses-matching process, I believe that every star in this glasses shop was picked off by myself.

Hope they continue to do business well. Aoker (like me) has since withdrawn.

Jialun Glasses|No. 595-23, Park Road, North District, Tainan City

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