Author Lu She, I authorize the reprint of the article a little bit


Originally, I wanted to use the fishing title "Be a nasty Party B: Lu She I use "these" methods to ensure my rights", but it was really hard to ignore the conscience shouting to me: "This mother soup". In the end, the angels defeated the demons.

It is said that it is a small idea, some experts think it is too shallow, please forgive me.

Photo by Brooks Leibee on Unsplash

In this era when anyone can write a space on the Internet as long as they want, when a media who can name them wants to come and ask for reprint/invitation, saying that there is no "happy heart" is a lie. It's certainly a good thing for platforms to expose articles, although having more visibility is another matter.

Many online media in Taiwan have not disclosed the original author generously, and even deliberately did not reveal the original author's story. I have already heard it, so I rarely submit an article to the media on my own initiative. Since I don't have the manuscript fee, I will not disclose the original author properly. The first publication of the article should be voted for those media, of course, the first publication of the article should be left to one's own writing platform.

However, when the media invites to reprint, I will basically think about it. Anyway, I have written and published my article. After asking the other party about my questions, it is up to me to nod and agree.

For example, when Big Lemon came to me to reprint, I first replied to the other party like this:

Then, what am I going to do? Of course, do your homework first and collect some questions to ask the other party. So, who to ask? Ask google, ask friends (of course, friends with relevant industry or relevant experience), and several English alphabets active on the Internet, the information they provide is also worth reference.

Maybe some people will think, why do you want to be so rigid with just one article? Cai Kaixi Who do you think you are?

It's just because it's not who it is, so I have to ask more! Do more homework on the Internet, ask more questions, first have some concepts in your head and then communicate, you really don’t suffer.

In fact, I didn't spend a lot of time. While waiting for the bus and taking a ride, I checked information and asked friends through Facebook messages. After understanding a little bit of basic information, I replied to Big Lemon, which was also done when the work was over at that time. I generally asked the other party a few key points:

  1. The organization that the editor I contacted belongs to, and which sites will it be reprinted to?
  2. Is there a license fee for reprinting (I know usually not, but try to ask anyway).
  3. Will the title and body text be modified?
  4. Continuing, if it will be changed, I will show it to me before I can go online.
  5. Is there an authorization contract (I know usually not, but try to ask anyway).

The content of the dialogue between the two sides is as follows:

I also told the other party that because I was hacked by a slut, I will be more careful about these things when someone asks for authorization. I ask the other party to understand that Lu She has a lot of questions. Secure your rights.

After understanding the general situation, I agreed. Lemon Editor also replied later when I will publish it, and will not change the content, but will indicate that it has been authorized by me to publish.

Big Lemon takes the articles that the author agrees to authorize, takes them to the backend of their home to retype and edit them, and then goes online. My habit is to go to their website to confirm after the other party publishes them.

As for not long ago, Wheatfield Publishing House came to inquire about the authorization of the book review of "Imperial Route". It was to directly repost my original text in the square grid and link it to their fanzine, and the other party also informed me of the scheduled release time.

I am used to reprinting the articles on his site with authorization and keeping a screenshot for backup. In fact, it was an inadvertent move that started a few years ago. Later, with the screenshots at that time, I successfully obtained a certain article from a certain media at the end of last year that I had written for them, but disappeared on their website and in the background (this ghost). The story will be discussed later).

After that, I will take a screenshot. By the way, I will push it here, the editor of Maitian is very professional.

After authorization, whether it is published after re-editing in the background of the online media, or directly reposted with the original link, the online media informs the author when it will be published, and posting the link to notify the author is a necessary and basic action, then show a sincere smile when apologizing. It's common sense.

Even if there is no manuscript fee, choosing to agree to the media's invitation to reprint does not mean that you should ignore your "right to know" as an author. I have the right to know and ask the other party how to use the content I have worked so hard to produce, such as where is it published? Will the text and title be changed? You should also show your bottom line to the other party. For example, any revision actions must be approved by me first, and the link between my author's name and the original text should be clearly displayed, not obscure.

If you only agree to reprint and don't ask anything, it's really easy for a place like Huaguo to happen "you don't say you can't, people think you can". For example, I have heard the title of an article by an author that was changed to be exaggerated, but the media did not get the consent of the person concerned. If nothing is asked, perhaps the other party may think that your article can be manipulated however you want.

To put it a little bit harder, in this society, many times you have already shown your bottom line, and you will still be ignored by people and still eat enough. Not to mention silence is like sacrificing one's own rights, whether it is copyright or other things.

Let's talk about this first! Maybe later, let's talk about the square grid direct delivery plan.


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蔡凱西Cathy Tsai | 蔡凱西 台北人 / 不專業旅人 / 流浪中的學術人 / 研究旅行史與旅行文化的不良歷史學徒/《後綴》假掰文青誌編輯群 在出門旅行、閱讀,與作古的旅記文本中持續穿越 佛系粉專: 合作邀約
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