Can IG Shop efficiently manage Instagram DMs and build long-term customer relationships?


The IG Shop business in Hong Kong is booming, and merchants from all walks of life can find business opportunities on Instagram. The IG Shop in the form of a small store needs to carefully maintain the relationship with customers, so as to consolidate a group of loyal customers. Only by establishing a long-term customer relationship can the company maintain long-term and stable income.

To stay relevant, businesses regularly share brand updates or advertise special offers with their followers on their Instagram business accounts. In addition to the daily management of posts and limited-time dynamics on IG, the communication between brands and fans is also of great significance to the long-term development of business. According to Hubspot research , 90% of customers expect an "immediate and prompt" response, and 60% of respondents believe that this "immediate and prompt" response should be completed within 10 minutes. It can be seen that instant response is a very important service experience for customers.

imBee's customer information platform can help companies manage customer service messages from social communication platforms such as Instagram and Facebook in one stop, and colleagues in charge of customer service do not need to jump to different software to reply to messages. At the same time, users can simplify the entire customer service process through imBee's automated message management function, which not only shortens the waiting time for customers to reply, but also helps improve work efficiency.

Taking "Quick Reply" as an example, imBee's Quick Reply function supports creating and sending message templates for text, pictures, videos, and files. Users only need to create reply templates for common general questions in advance. When customer service personnel encounter these queries later, they can quickly reply to customers with one click of this template. Users can also make changes to individual quick replies without creating a new message reply template.

In summary, imBee can help companies achieve the goal of efficient management of IG DM, while establishing a good long-term customer relationship.


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imBeeimBee(蜂傳) 提供了一個全渠道、自動化的顧客溝通平台,在一個介面上讓您的銷售團隊通過不同的即時通訊軟件與顧客溝通。平台有助於發掘潛在顧客戶並管理顧客關係,如蜜蜂般不停歇地促進團隊銷售量,並提供優良的顧客服務體驗。
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