LikeCoin Proposals 55 and 56: Re-refuting IBC, Migration Wallet Requests


LikeCoin has two new proposals for voting and proposals:

Motion 55

Voting is underway to change the expired IBC Channel 07-tendermint-24 to 07-tendermint-35 to rebuild the relationship between LikeCoin and the Cosmos Hub.

If you don't know what IBC is, you can read this article Keplr Wallet Advanced Application | Welcome to Cross-chain and Cross-ecology, Directly Execute IBC Transfer

Motion 56

This proposal is to apply for an additional 2,000,000 LIKEs for , allowing users to continue the upgrade migration process.

If it's not clear what this is, LikeCoin used to be on Ethereum and managed using Metamask, but on November 15th, 2019 LikeCoin was transferred from Ethereum ERC-20 to the Cosmos ecosystem, so prepare these $ to have People with "old ERC-20 LikeCoin" can successfully upgrade and transfer to LikeCoin chain .

Originally, I thought the migration pool's hot wallet still had money, but it turned out to be used up (maybe because the LikeCoin Writing NFT has attracted more attention recently, people remembered that they have not upgraded yet). But I think that at some point, the migration process is actually going to end. Or by the end of the year I will file a case like this.


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Daisy「𣎴去糾正觀點不同的人,克制自己的反駁慾,是情商最高的行為」 自封 LikeCoin 後援會頭號會員及會長、高重建盲粉、元祖讚賞公民2019年1月1日加入。 所撰寫之內容不歡迎任何人以任何方式截圖分發,斷章取義,斥責不雅,敬請自重。除非 tag 我或關聯文章,否則不予回應。
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