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I heard that he was a brave man named "Peng Zaizhou". This may be his real name, or it may be imagined by people who still have a little resistance: taking public opinion is like a romantic meaning that water can carry a boat and capsize it. Of course, it doesn't matter whether the name is correct or not. The person has already been arrested. In China, he and his banner will just disappear, silently as if they had never appeared.

A flashover to the United States over the weekend to attend an academic seminar, the meeting inevitably talked about when China launched a war against Taiwan, although in my opinion a group of Sino-US relations scholars who are well-known in the field and have close ties with Taiwan and US officials still remain. I am a little optimistic about the timetable for China's military invasion of Taiwan, but I am still surprised that it seems that the Taiwan and US governments have already set an exact date.

When China's military invasion of Taiwan is imminent, the hanging cloth of the Sitong Bridge seems irrelevant to the Taiwanese. After all, in the early years, "if China democratizes Taiwan, it will be willing to talk about reunification" is a dream, not to mention that the possibility of China's democratization is lower than the probability of winning the lottery, even if it is really democratized, it is willing to let the people of Taiwan decide for reunification. There are zero options for independence or not. Patriotism and democracy have always been two different things. In the final analysis, the century-old suspense must be resolved with a war between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

And this kind of thing, I can't even talk about it on my own social media. People don't live in Taiwan anymore. Talking about war or not listening to people living on the island is just slander. That being the case, it is even more false and unrealistic to talk about whether China is democratized or not, or whether the unexpected one-person protests can provoke Chinese resistance to the dictatorship.

However, after seeing the banner on the Sitong Bridge today, I still posted a photo on my FB and shared my mood with the stratosphere:

 It is still possible to commemorate China's most daring and clear anti-central government slogans and actions in Beijing after 1989.

I heard that he was a brave man named "Peng Zaizhou". This may be his real name, or it may be imagined by people who still have a little resistance: taking public opinion is like a romantic meaning that water can carry a boat and capsize it. Of course, it doesn't matter whether the name is correct or not. The person has already been arrested. In China, he and his banner will just disappear, silently as if they had never appeared.

Then I found the guide that Mr. Peng found him at ResearchGate. I shared the link on SocialLiker. After a short sleep, I opened my eyes and heard that the link was gone. Originally, I wondered whether this Mr. Peng was the brave man who hung the banner. There are still doubts, which are self-evident so far.

At first, I was a little angry: I didn't expect a file to be downloaded by dozens of people, but it was banned so quickly, so I told my friends from China that we should turn the downloaded PDF file into an image file and send it on Matters? Half of the screenshots are taken, but I think it’s too bloody to think about it (and to be honest, it’s a waste of time to take all of them), what if they are reprinted by China Digital Network (even though they are anonymous on Matters) )? Would you like to post in a trumpet? Wait, reposting this kind of propaganda directly attacking Xi Jinping is a big deal. Will I be accused of secession and sent to China one day? As a friend said: offending the abbot is very troublesome.

Of course, these questions are just supplements for the brain. Yu Chenchen is not so important to attract the attention of China's state apparatus, or it seems that it is not bad for this, but back to what I said at the beginning: Chinese democracy The process of transformation is not my battleground, criticizing China and the Communist Party, or even Xi Jinping himself on social media or writing articles, is an ordinary right in a free society, and sharing the contents of documents with one's own Taiwanese stratosphere is a once in a lifetime. In order to make more Chinese read Mr. Peng's ideas, causing unnecessary trouble seems to be another level of task, and obviously not a task that Taiwanese need to worry about (fortunately, there are many people who are willing to do preservation actions) .

However, even if I don't quite agree with the content of the guide, I have no intention of using the full text as a screenshot in this article, but I still want to share with you that such a document existed , like the two banners with red letters on a white background, like "Peng Zaizhou", these things that are easy to disappear in China in a short period of time will eventually be consciously preserved outside the wall, if not in the cloud hard disk, or in people's memory.

Before launching the action, Peng Zaizhou left messages on various Twitter accounts with many followers and obviously anti-communism, calling on everyone to take action, and then he said, "Let the dictator Xi Jinping know that on the road of pursuing freedom, there are men in the land of China. (I don't quite understand why this is excluding women, but that's probably not the point), maybe he just wants to prove that even in a system of total repression, there is still someone who is willing to incarnate as that little pebble thrown into the sea of stability maintenance, even if in the end only It's a ripple.

Further reading : The scene where he calls Peng Lifa a happy family will become a chapter in history


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