Read Share: John Hollander, "Life and Death Communication"

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This is a book on spiritual practice based on the beliefs of the New Era. You can read it as a manual for spiritual practice or as a storybook full of short stories.

Author John Holland is an American psychic. While doing psychic demonstrations to help the bereaved, I also teach students to develop their psychic abilities. By sharing the author's more than 20 years of psychic experience, this book explains the spiritual world, reincarnation, and innate psychic abilities under the New Age beliefs. Whether you are interested in becoming a psychic, or you are just curious about the spiritual world, want to pursue more knowledge, and develop your psychic abilities to help others or help yourself, this is a book worth reading.

The whole book is divided into three parts with "realm one", "realm two" and "realm three". The first part is the central idea of the whole book. Including the belief that there is a spiritual world in addition to the physical world; man is a soul with a body. The soul is the true self and the body is only a temporary garment that the soul puts on; the soul, through reincarnation, puts on different body garments, experiences various types of life, learns different lessons, and thus improves. Therefore, the death of the body is not the end, because the soul continues to exist. It is precisely because of this that death cannot separate those who are alive and those who "reach the other side."

The second part is about the role of the psychic, and from the author's more than 20 years of psychic experience, it describes how those who "reached the other side" expressed love to their living relatives and friends through him. The author wants to tell those who are still alive that those who have reached the other side have not actually left them. Those who reach the other side live well in the other world, without pain or suffering. They prefer their relatives and friends who are still alive to live happily.

The third part covers how people develop their psychic abilities. This is an innate ability that every human being has. It is a pity that the education of human society focuses on the training of the left brain and emphasizes rational analysis. Over time, the perception ability of the right brain is wasted. The author recommends that those who are interested in developing their own spiritual abilities should start from the most basic: develop healthy and balanced living habits; get close to nature; pay attention to the signals sent by the body. Then practice opening and closing your seven chakras in meditation by developing a regular meditation habit. In this way, people will gradually develop and strengthen their spiritual abilities.

Although the author is a psychic, he does not deify the role of the psychic. Nor does it say that all those who are going through a bereavement can just find a psychic and everything will be solved. He advises people who have experienced bereavement and become depressed to seek professional help. After the psychological situation has stabilized, I will consider whether to seek help from a psychic. The author also mentioned that those descriptions of psychic abilities are false or even fraudulent, and people should be vigilant. Therefore, this book is a valuable read for anyone like me who wants to improve their spiritual abilities, someone who has experienced bereavement and is looking for a psychic for help, or who is aspiring to become a psychic.

Since I'm not going through a bereavement myself, the content of the second part doesn't really interest me. On the contrary, the third part of developing psychic abilities has benefited me a lot. They clear up my long-standing myths. For example, I always thought it was good to keep the seven chakras open; the higher the chakra, the more important it was. Therefore, I have always believed that the crown chakra and the brow chakra are more important than the bottom chakra and the navel chakra located under the human body. But the author clearly told me that every chakra is important. The seven chakras must be in balance for our new mind to be in balance. An imbalance in either chakra can cause problems. again

The chakras must be able to open and close so that they are not disturbed by surrounding energies. The author also suggests how we can practice opening and closing our seven chakras while meditating. This part inspires me the most. I've practiced meditation on my own for over seven years, but I still have too many distractions to stay focused. Many times, if you sit for more than fifteen minutes, you will not be able to sit still. Started practicing opening and closing the chakras in meditation for the first two days, and I have found that my concentration and sustained focus have improved and prolonged. Hopefully, after continuing to practice for a while, there will be more interesting discoveries.

This book is the beginning, not the end, of my quest for spiritual ascension. After reading it, I discovered more books I wanted to read in this field, and areas I wanted to know more about. It was a fun and valuable reading and self-study experience.

Book Information:

Title: "Life and Death Communication"

Author: John Holland|

Publisher: Persimmon Culture Co., Ltd.

Publication date: March 2020


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