Reading Notes | The Magic of Tidying Up Your Life

呆比 Debby
The point of breaking apart is never the competition of the number of competitions, but about "you". Why should you keep it? Why should you lose it? It is through the process of sorting out that you can understand yourself better
Marie Kondo - The Magic of Tidying Up Your Life

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Ladies and gentlemen! Queen of the finishing world - Marie Kondo! The Bible that must be read when you are separated from the house - the magic of organizing your life! I fell in love with organizing at the age of 5, read all related books at the age of 15, and started to work as a consultant at the age of 18... wow~ Even now, it is still very avant-garde, can you imagine it? With sorting and storage as the goal, from Asia to Europe and the United States, I will share my personal views in five chapters in the book.

Chapter 1 / Why can't I organize it well?

1. You shouldn’t just organize a little thing every day, you should do it all in one go! “Every time it takes a lot of time to organize and it’s too tiring!” If you have this idea, maybe you can listen to me - the advice of a former super hoarder , If you are like me before, the room is crowded and the debris is stuffed in every corner, you really have to do it all in one go! You can do it without 100%, but at least 50% or more, otherwise the speed of throwing things can't keep up with the speed of coming in , Usually, you should first practice Diansheli, recognize your likes and dislikes, and then you will be able to choose objects accurately. If you skip Diansheli, you will continue to buy garbage (a personal pain), so the first step! Set aside one week of holidays, Right! Just enjoy the whole day, and bravely eliminate those who are not suitable for you! As for the Buddhist system, it is not impossible to lose one thing a day, but it is more suitable for people who have already broken down (advanced class).

2. The better a person is at storage, the easier it is to pile things up . Isn't this...Isn't it just me? Hahaha, I used to be complacent about being able to put a box in a box like a Russian doll. Visually, there are fewer things, but it's been hidden too deep for a long time. I forgot what I had, so I forgot what I had, bought a new one, and put it into the same storage mode. There are more and more boxes for unknown contents. High-quality storage should be easy to see and take.

3. "Not according to the place, but according to the category." Draw a line, draw a line and then draw a line! Instantly awakened why the previous organization was so inefficient, has it ever been collected and found an album, opened and closed again It's getting dark. To break this cycle, please refer to the suggestions in Chapter 3 of Marie Eizai, starting with clothes and books, and finally the items of memory.

Chapter 2/Leave only what makes your heart beat, and throw away everything else!

1. There should be some people who are particularly disgusted by the word "throwing". First of all, this is a book that focuses on "detoxification", so there is no need to explain the whereabouts of the items. In fact, you don't need to throw them all in the trash! There are quite a lot of ways in life to help. They find their next home , become sellers on online auction platforms, barter, give away directly, and my other articles will talk about how I deal with well-preserved items.

Link here: sell | exchange | gift

2. The pounding seems a bit abstract, so Marie asked: "What does your ideal life look like? Do you want it to continue to accompany you? Do you want to bring it with you when you move? Every day I open my eyes and see it and I am happy ?"

3. If you live with your elders, it is really difficult to escalate Duansheli. "You have to give it away again?" After a few years, those items are still dusting in the same place, so do n't be seen by my parents. The truth of the ages , the grace card is also a tasteless existence. At one time, my wardrobe was full of all kinds of cousins, cousins, Don't get me wrong, aunts and aunts can't wear clothes or clothes when they were young, I thank them, but after all, it's not my clothes (throw them decisively).

Chapter 3 / Sorting by "Item Category" went so smoothly!

1. From easy to difficult: clothes, home clothes, books that you haven’t read, books that should be left, various documents, small things, change, souvenirs, photos.

2. This chapter mentions clothes, socks, documents and other items as well as the arrangement of the seasons. What I am most impressed with is the upright arrangement of clothes. The common horizontal storage method folds clothes flat and has a large area. Multiple clothes can be stacked, but Pulling one of the whole piles is like a landslide, and it is quite easy to forget the bottom layer of clothes. Standing upright avoids the above problems, and your clothes will be organized and clear at a glance.

Chapter 4 / Heart-to-Heart Collection Lessons That Make Life Shine

Storage is not a matter of throwing it all into the box and covering it up. I have stepped on all the mines mentioned by Marie in the early days of breaking up! Including:

1. Start storing before reducing the items . Out of sight is the net, and the symptoms are not cured.

2. There is no centralized storage place . There may be several pieces of clothes in the living room, some in the room, and a few scattered everywhere. It is very difficult to find a specific one at a time.

3. Buy a large number of commercially available storage products , which is related to the first point. I don’t think you should think about storage in the early stage of separation, let alone buy a bunch of storage that you think you will use. It will become idle garbage after it conforms to its own usage habits.

Chapter 5 / The Magic of Tidying That Makes Dramatic Changes

The first four chapters explain many specific methods, and the last chapter returns to the essence to discuss psychology. After all , the focus of breaking up is never the competition of the number of games, but about "you" . Why should you keep it? Why should you lose it? Still not lost? It may sound unrealistic to change your life by tidying up, but it is better to say that it allows you to understand yourself better through the process of tidying up, "So those items don't suit me!", "I'm that style!" Know how to take the time to choose what you love and love what you choose.

Digression/a few fly in the ointment, I don't appreciate some of the author's overly subjective arguments, such as being a girl should like flowers rather than cacti, or you shouldn't wear comfortable sports clothes, pajamas when tidying up, need to wear Dressing up is like attending a meeting. Although the flaws are not concealed, the viewing experience will be more comfortable if these controversial sentences can be removed.

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