"Balloon Crisis" Carnival of Chinese and American hawks

Revolutionary Communist League Odd and Double Mountain

Article link: “Balloon Crisis” Carnival of Chinese and American hawks – Revolutionary Communist League (rclcommunist.info)

A high-altitude balloon that China said "accidentally entered" U.S. airspace was shot down by the U.S. military, and Beijing accused the U.S. of overreacting by using force to bring down the unmanned airship. Earlier, US Secretary of State Blinken announced the postponement of his originally planned visit to China on February 5. Whether the balloon is used for "climate research" or "espionage," the diplomatic wrangling surrounding the matter reflects that the relationship between the two parties has become fragile. It's clear that this move was intentional.


According to the joint statement of both China and the United States, the balloon flew from the Aleutian Islands into the Americas, passing through Canadian airspace and flying into the central United States. But one thing is extremely strange - why not shoot down the balloon in the Aleutian Islands? Instead, wait to fly to the heart of the United States and shoot down the balloon at the risk of accidentally injuring civilians?

And with the "continuing in-depth investigation" of "spy balloons", records of Chinese "spy balloons" have been "discovered" in the United States, Latin America and Japan. If it was really a spy balloon, why not shoot it down instead of breaking the news on the eve of Blinken’s visit to China? This is worth thinking about.

China claims that it was a "civilian balloon" and that it deviated due to weather conditions. So why can it convince everyone with only the "verbal explanation" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? And why doesn’t the US release data on the wreckage of what it considers to be a “spy balloon”?

Who is secretly promoting

This quite dangerous approach is obviously promoted by hawks on both sides. The hawks in the Chinese and American militaries happen to collide with each other. The Chinese hawks want to send balloons-this extremely primitive weapon to challenge the United States, and the United States The hawks deliberately put the balloon into the United States to exaggerate the threat from China.

This move will disrupt the diplomatic arrangements of China and the United States and re-intense relations between the two countries that could have been eased. This can be seen from the delay in Blinken's visit to China. Generally speaking, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs will answer questions in this way when it comes to visits by Chinese leaders or visits by foreign dignitaries, from the time when the news is disclosed to the time before the leaders leave, but two or three days or one or two days before departure. God, the answer will change to yes. According to the U.S. side, Blinken’s visit to China on the 5th will have to depart on the 4th because the flight will take more than 10 hours. However, China has not been able to officially confirm its position on the 3rd, indicating that the communication between the two sides regarding Blinken’s visit to China is not smooth. There is a lot of resistance.

Because except for the sneak attacks by the Japanese during World War II, the US airspace has never had any serious incursions. The American hawks' approach is obviously to alert the American people - such a "sneak attack" can happen at any time, and it is the largest attack in the United States. done by competitors. China's hawks, on the other hand, continue to manipulate populism and ignite nationalism - making the Chinese people feel "proud" and using this to consolidate the absurd statement of "entry into the country". Moreover, Qin Gang's appointment has made China's hawks extremely dissatisfied. They are trying their best to find opportunities for revenge and let China return to "wolf warrior diplomacy".

Who benefits?

Obviously, this is a time when interest groups are driving these hawks to take such risky actions. Once China and the United States ease relations and stop competing for hegemony, U.S. sanctions on China's high-tech industries will be loosened and military spending will be further reduced - something technology giants and arms giants don't want to see. China will return to its good impression of the Western world in its Jianghu era, which will inevitably affect the "obfuscation policies" of some ruling classes and the "patriotic sentiments" hyped by big capital giants, because the big bourgeoisie and bureaucrats in China and the United States The bourgeoisie has already tasted what the Cold War brought to them, and they will not agree to reconciliation between the two parties!

our opinion

The beneficiaries of the struggle for hegemony between China and the United States are the ruling class, while the working class has to bear the extreme suffering caused by the risk of world war. We must unite the working class in China and the United States to fight against capitalist governments. Only then can we avoid the extreme suffering caused by the risk of world war and spend huge military expenditures on education, housing and public health.


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