The difference between immigration and emigration

Immigrate and emigrate are one word difference, and immigrant and on-going are also one word difference.

The interview remarks made by the former Apple newspaper reader a few days ago not only proves that some people are particularly fond of "catch the word lice" and play language pseudo-art, but also shows that Zhengku is indifferent to the departure of a large number of Hong Kong people, and even justifies it with false reasons.

The fact that Hong Kong people have left in large numbers, regardless of the data, everyone should feel in their minds how many people around them have left, whether they know each other or not. In the past, people who immigrated would also notify their friends in Bafang, and everyone would meet for dinner. However, under the influence of the epidemic and the political climate, many of them had to settle down in other places before sending a text message or email. Because for some people, this time it is about fleeing and going into trouble. It is not as simple as just immigrating. The more low-key the better.

If you want to look at the data, the scholar Liang Qizhi (he is now a visiting scholar in Taiwan, but immigrating, not immigration) has always been good at data. The article on departure from Hong Kong stated that from July 1, 2020 to the beginning of the year, more than 320,000 Hong Kong people left the airport. This is the net outflow figure, which subtracts the number of arrivals from the number of departures. And he also told everyone that 320,000 is a concept. It is equal to the population of one Tsuen Wan or one Tai Po, and it is also approximately equal to the population of the entire Yau Tsim Mong District. Can you imagine the situation of the entire Yau Tsim Mong District without people? If that's not enough to "ring the bell," I really don't know what else to do.

As for the people who left, they did not return their Hong Kong identity cards and SAR passports, it means that these people are just emigrant and will definitely return to Hong Kong in the future. This statement is absolutely self-deceiving, as someone said, multiple passports are just a travel document, which is convenient. The law also does not stipulate that immigrants must return their ID cards. Some people who left during the June 7 riots still hold their ID cards, because this status is permanent and their right of residence in Hong Kong is permanent. Unless there is legislation to cancel some dinosaur-level ID cards, and then legislation to not recognize dual nationality, and to cancel one (some people may have to cancel several) passports, it must be clear at a glance who is the most loyal.

But I have no objection to saying that these people who left are hoping to return home one day. Most of the people who have left in the past two or three years are people who really love Hong Kong. Many were forced to leave, and some were forced by reality. They do not want to live in the current environment. They never thought of giving up their identity as Hong Kongers. As long as Hong Kong recovers, many people will come back without hesitation. I'm pretty sure of this, but the reality is, that's a distant future, and it won't even happen within a lot of people's lifetimes.

Hong Kong is developing in the other direction, and today's field, of course, did not form overnight. In the past, it would take care of face, and it would be a show if it was true or false. Now it is showing its true colors. There are opponents, it seems that there is competition, and you have done a full set of efforts. Now that one person is elected, what can you do! The most classic golden sentence is: a candidate does not mean that you have fewer choices. If you want to go deeper, you are not wrong, you have no choice, so there is really nothing!

Therefore, Patten's advice back then was often turned out, and Hong Kong would only be lost to its own hands. This is a common sin, and there is really nothing to say. In the past, when mainlanders immigrated to Hong Kong, they would strive to integrate into social life, enjoy democracy and freedom, but also learn to understand civic responsibility and build a city together. Later, the number of daily one-way permit holders increased, and with the addition of the professional entry plan, many of these new immigrants simply did not understand Cantonese. After the opening of the free exercise program, the situation has become more intense, and the conflict between China and Hong Kong has intensified, and the officials who are suffering usually stand opposite the Hong Kong people. Everyone remembers the China-Hong Kong World Cup qualifiers. Officials didn't even dare to speak out to support the Hong Kong team. Can they still hope that they will safeguard Hong Kong's interests?

Today, hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong people have left. We are walking on the streets, especially in areas with many people, such as Tsim Sha Tsui, Causeway Bay, Mong Kok, and Kowloon Park. It is easy to hear Mandarin. Some families of three or four play together. Not tourists, but residents of this city. Over time, Mandarin is bound to become mainstream. There are already members of the Legislative Council who only understand Putonghua, and the education sector is vigorously promoting universal education. In the near future, officials and even heads of state who do not understand Cantonese will be the king, and integrating into the Greater Bay Area is a six-character mantra, but the Hong Kong we know Woolen cloth?

With the recent development of the epidemic, the nationwide quarantine was about to emerge, but it was not implemented in the end. Many people pointed out that the supporting facilities in Hong Kong could not cooperate because we did not have any street offices. We see the situation in Shanghai. If a city with a population of 20 million can do it, then what is it with a population of 7 million! But if this set of regulations is introduced into Hong Kong, everyone will come and go every day. In addition to building watch, there will also be some street aunts who use chicken feathers as arrows to report your illegal behavior from time to time. Today, who can say for sure that this cannot happen. What is certain is that if this happens, Hong Kong will never be able to turn around.

Is it really necessary to destroy it first before the Phoenix can be reborn?

Another: Recently, many officials have come out to sing well. Some people say that Guo Anfa is very broad. Basically, the dialect is the department. So far, everyone knows it. But I feel that it is not rich enough. I think that theoretically all those who commit crimes should be charged with Guo Anfa! Everyone, look at the skirt of a police officer who steals shadows, takes drugs and sells drugs, steals and steals, etc. Such behaviors, I hate the police, and then hate the management of the police, and then hate the hardship, and bury the central government, what you say What about Mi inciting others to hate the country? Or maybe some officials go to the birthday party and don't "dumb" at ease, repeating the important thing again and again, but also hiding it, not willing to be frank and open, this kind of behavior, in addition to personal ethics, they are very important The representative of Zhengku, the most important thing is that the taxpayer pays more than them. In addition to despising them, the public will hate Zhengku again, which will definitely endanger national security! If their bosses come back to protect them and help them, it will also increase public anger and directly endanger national security. So it's not a good word to talk about, you are so broad and so broad, and treat them equally, which is the cornerstone of the rule of law!


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