Three months of mad writing short stories

Photo by Trey Gibson on Unsplash

Crazy days of writing short stories

For some reason, I was writing short stories wildly for three months from April to June, and then I should take a break from writing short stories for the next three years.

The days when I wrote the most novels should be when I was in middle school. When I first developed an interest, I wrote feverishly, no matter whether it was good or not, in short, I just wrote and wrote.

When I entered university, I unexpectedly won the first prize in the novel category of the Macau Literature Award. For a novice, I was very surprised. Because of this award, I was able to get to know my husband, and after seeing more literary works, I understood When I realized how naive my novels were, I almost stopped writing novels for a year or two during college, mainly because I started to realize that I wasn't good enough, and the more I was afraid, the less I could write.

After graduation, I continued to write serial novels and novels, but before 2020, I only wrote two short stories a year on average. Serial novels and novels focus on persistence, while short stories require greater calculation and planning, so I have been lazy to write short stories.

After writing "Indiscriminate Lovers" in 2020, the soul of the novel seems to be awakened, so I wrote four short stories in 2021 and completed "All Those Legends". In fact, "All Those Legends" is basically composed of short stories. , so I will write a lot of short stories in 2021.

In 2022, after taking a three-month break, I decided to start writing novels in three months from April, and the number of results was more than I expected.

I finished 15 short stories in three months, which is crazy enough for me, and seems like three years' worth of writing.

In fact, the most difficult part of writing novels for me is finding themes.

If there is a very clear content of the novel, then you don’t have to worry about it at all, just write it directly, but if your mind is empty and you can’t think of what novel to write, what should you do?

During the three-month novel writing challenge, most of my novels were found from the theme library. Of course, there were also some novels that I thought of, but most of them were in the theme library, and I insisted on writing novels that could not be completed before. Going down, it can really be successfully completed.

Every time I finish a novel, I have a great sense of satisfaction, especially when I continue to write the novel, I have not conceived the content of the novel at all, but as long as I persevere, I can still write a work that makes me overjoyed. Why couldn't I write it in the first place? First, I can't think of the follow-up development, and second, the motivation at that time was not enough.

So if you ask me the best way to write a novel, the most important thing is to persevere.

(The experience of writing novels will be shared in another article)

Preparing for a Novel

After madly writing novels for three months, I took a full break in July and stopped writing novels to recharge myself. Although I didn’t write novels, I still wrote a little essay. After all, I found that writing is a kind of enjoyment for me. If one day If you don't write anything, you will feel as if you owe something.

Next, I will fully dive into writing new novels.

The experience of writing novels is of course persistence, and it takes longer than writing short stories, but before persisting, you really need to think about the theme and content. Now that I think about it, it is more difficult to decide what theme to write than to think about the content. .

In order to write a new novel, I am working hard to prepare for the class. The so-called full rest is just a statement. In fact, I have not really fully rested.

Although the theme has been set and the outline has been set, the details have not yet been implemented. This time, should each subsection be set as before, or should I start writing only with the outline?

It is still in the preparation stage, while reading the reference book, while triggering inspiration and writing it down immediately, can it slowly form a universe?

This time I will also use the writing software Scrivener to create, I hope to complete the work smoothly.

More creative experience: Fiction diary


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