Unrelated to Encryption | Hong Kong: "The Best Time" Life Story Exhibition, from small stories to record big times


Memories are always precious and moving, worth saving, even ordinary people have their own unique stories. Time Capsule , a Hong Kong charitable organization, is precisely to record life stories for Hong Kong citizens. Through different families' narrative experiences, the text and photos are made into memorial albums, which are of special significance to the parties and echoes the increasingly enthusiastic conservation trend in Hong Kong in recent years. Let the younger generation understand the history of Hong Kong from a different perspective.

From this Mid-Autumn Festival to the 19th, Time will hold the "Best Time" life story exhibition , so that everyone can learn more about these life memories worthy of inheritance through text, photos, videos and sounds. Form Society in the exhibition venue does not need to use "what code for travel", which means that I can enjoy and participate without going against my beliefs, which is really great!

The Heshe on Danan Street is a good place to hold exhibitions and events many times.

event poster

Everyone has a story worth passing on

Can write about how you feel about the event and share it with others

Story display wall, if you are interested in reading the story in depth, you can find the "Life Story Book" according to the number. There are chairs on the scene where you can sit down and enjoy it slowly.

Video commentary of the exhibition

Old cassettes, cassettes, and old TVs kept showing old TV shows.

Life story book, real old photos let us understand the story of Hong Kong in the past.

We used to use old iron boxes for photos in our house! !

I found a photo of Du Yexien

The most impressive life story is "Story Number: 003 Hu Jiezhi", she went to Guangzhou with her classmates in 1950 to play, how could she know that she could not return to Hong Kong and was forced to stay in China. She could only come back after 30 years, relying on the old Hong Kong ID card. This is the first time I know of this certificate.

Tote Bags are available for sale at the event, which can support the work of time.

The details of the "Best Time" life story exhibition are as follows, and from 14:00-17:00 pm on September 10-12, photographers will be stationed to help take photos and develop photos. Friends who are interested may take the opportunity to participate.

【Exhibition Details】
Date: September 7-19, 2022 (Closed on Tuesdays)
Time: 12:30 - 18:30
Venue: 186 Tai Nan Street, Sham Shui Po

In the same scene, Gayoung took the wrong way to Medical Bureau Street, and the light was so beautiful.


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