Winter is coming and spring is coming, it is worth looking forward to


When we are in the cold winter, we feel that this winter is bitterly cold and long, and we think that there has never been a winter as cold as this.

When all the cold winters are over, we realize that many times we only see the eyes because of our emotions, and forget the memory of the winter. At that time, we infinitely magnified the cold of this winter and enlarged it to what we thought it was this winter. Cold, long and insurmountable, long and never ending.

After walking through it, I found that this winter is not so cold, long, maybe, just waiting for this winter to pass, we ignore the present and hope.

When we are young, we always don’t care at the beginning, and at the end, we are heartbroken; and when we grow up and mature, in order to avoid harm, we would rather miss it than show the courage to love at first.

However, the years are long, and life is still worth the wait.

We work hard all our lives, we want to be loved all our lives, and we have everything we want. Time tells us that simple love is the longest, and people who understand you are the warmest. The more I grow up, the more I feel that it is better to be silent than to sue for my grievances and unwillingness. Anyway, you go with yours, and I live with mine.

Anyway, thanks for the experience.

Just like how we feel about winter, the sadness and loss that life is going through is actually just because we are truly in this moment, and in this moment we have turned our life into a well.

Our whole world is full of unease, sadness, loss, filled with all the negativity that life is all about.

In fact, one day, we will come out of this well, and one day we will see the outside world, and all the pain and sorrow will disappear.

In the later life, our eyes will not stop at this well, nor do we immerse ourselves in these sorrows, but slowly move forward, leaving this sad dry well far behind, Until one day I meet new hope.

In the days to come, the pain and sorrow will pass, and life will go on, and there is no sorrow that cannot be overcome.

An empty heart is the best gift; a lonely road is the most beautiful scenery.

This winter, let us release the enthusiasm in our hearts, warm each other with burning hearts, release the care from our hearts, and become a strong support for moving forward. Please believe that no winter is insurmountable.

There is no incurable pain, no sinking that cannot be ended, all that is lost will come back in another way.

In the cold days, forget your full heart, forget the darkness, the dark time is about to pass, this winter, nothing is more important than your happiness.

So many days, you have come by yourself, what are you afraid of, there will always be someone who will accompany you to finish all the remaining festivals without a single one.

Don't be confused, don't be afraid, we will always pack up our mood and move on when the sun is shining; we must allow ourselves to experience sadness and sadness, and don't deliberately ask us to live as full of positive energy, but neither Fall in those negative emotions unable to extricate themselves, and even lost.

There is not a single sadness that cannot be surpassed, not a single joy that cannot be reached, not a single winter that cannot be overcome, and not a single spring that cannot fail to come. , do not despair.


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