A Few Questions To Ask About God, I Mean, Ask Yourself First (13)

God is infinite, and what I know is only a very small part. If I and you know the Most High through other means, of course, congratulations, and you are welcome to share, because I hope to know more.

We asked a lot of questions about God, and also explained why monotheism is the only logical explanation, and that atheism and polytheism are partly wrong (only partly, they can be wrong about more).

Over the past few decades, I have walked this way, from seeking God, away from God, opposing God, and surrendering to God. Although this path is tortuous, most of it is actually working in my mind, because I meet God through my thoughts . of.

This is of course grace, but it is not easy to copy. First, God has a plan for everyone. Second, I admit that my reading volume is not so easy to imitate, and there is no need to imitate it, but I can try to tell you my own experience. Tell you the results directly.

Moreover, God is infinite, and what I know is only a tiny part of it. If I and you know the Most High through other means, of course, congratulations to you, and you are welcome to share, because I hope to know more.

Never have too much.

Today's question is:

"Why believe in Christianity?"

When I was young, I didn’t think much about my age. I thought it was not the same thing as worship. There is a God who loves you. You ask him to be a good child, and he will treat you well. I mean, no matter what religion you believe in, you were probably raised like this when you were a child. It was a very elementary theological education, a system of exchange and cause and effect.

Of course, there will also be threats of various opposite positions, such as being caught by Aunt Tiger if you are not good, but the essence is the theory of exchange and causality.

But in fact, this kind of argument will soon hit the iron plate. First, you will find that even if you work hard, many things are not what you want. Second, you will see a bunch of rotten people living happily. Although many people will tell you that the time has not come, but to be honest, this statement is very unconvincing, and young talents have no time to waste time with you! Young people's time is precious.

Not to mention that you will come into contact with all kinds of ridiculous superstitions, which make people laugh at this age of science. Whether it is Meijiang's diamonds or the ability to accumulate points by chanting Buddha, no matter which kind is easily recognizable nonsense.

So it's also very common to leave the pursuit of God, until you grow up and start to face all kinds of pressures, and you may start to ask for "more direct assistance."

The problem is, you will find that the process along the way is actually very elementary theological content, and even harmful, because of the theory of exchange and causality.

To put it simply, if you only take faith on the surface, the chances of going back to the right path are very slim, because it is just a behavioral cognitive control of candy and sticks, and there is no truth in it, especially there is no systematic study of this science. people.

Of course, once again, you don’t necessarily need to be a theologian. Even if you only have a rudimentary belief, it can be very beautiful. In fact, many people live like this all their lives. Thank you God’s grace for you to be so stable.

But there are many more people who are actually being tempted all the time, so the path of faith stumbles.

Thank God again, what I experienced is not faith, I have no question of whether or not to believe, I "know", even if the sky is broken, 1+1 is still equal to 2, so I don't need to complain about the bad thing, because that is the bad thing , with the will of God in it, just deal with it, and the Most High is with me forever.

Yes, I went through a stage of questioning, and then I started laughing at people of faith, and even complained about the information. Thank God, the process of searching for information allowed me to come into contact with more information, which has since become the nourishment of my life, and the object of my ridicule and opposition has gradually shifted from man to God Himself.

Now I have been tricked into opposing God, which actually means that I am ignoring Him, and I admit His existence, otherwise my opposition would be meaningless.

That’s why I like Jonah, and I especially like the passages in the Bible in which the elders of the faith complained to God. This is truly the “communion of saints.”

So, I met God, and I knew very well that I was not the first, and I was not that special. There are so many people who have met God in human history, so they must have left clues or various records.

This is also the source of my serious study of religion. I met God, but what clues did He leave in history?

I believe in the universality of God's revelation, and I am well aware of human limitations and the possibility of error. This is also the reason why I finally decided to enter Christianity. I am willing to believe that all kinds of human beings meet God's records, and they become all kinds of myths, legends and religions. But the content of these things is not all true in truth, as I have always thought of commutative theory and causality which is very wrong - but it is indeed a very rudimentary reflex point of view, in line with one-sided observations. In other words, if someone met God but came to the wrong conclusion, what he left behind was just an anecdote, just as the Council of Nicaea classified some works as Apocrypha or Apocrypha.

This last step is that I got to know Jesus.

Of course, I have been familiar with the story of Jesus since I was a child, but this is not the same as knowing. You have heard the "myths" of Jesus, or you think that Jesus is a "great philosopher".

Knowing Jesus means getting to know the Apostles' Creed about Jesus and accepting it fully.

You have to believe that he is the only begotten Son of God, the savior of mankind, born of Mary (the virgin thing, the original text is "virgin", referring to women of marriageable age, usually 13 years old Ronaldinho at that time Li), was nailed to the cross and died for the sins of mankind, resurrected three days later, now reigns in heaven, and will judge mankind in the future.

All right! It is one thing to believe in a Supreme Being, and many agnostics have the same concept, such as Einstein (actually many scientists have the same concept because they understand where the limits of science are - and of course, more scientists are directly devout Christians) , because science is the tool of theology, and correct thinking can help human beings find God), but it is not the same for believing in Jesus, after all, he is a historical figure.

Besides, why did God favor the Jews? Seems weird for an almighty father, doesn't it?

No problem, this kind of questioning is normal and even necessary. I won't just tell you that Jesus is your savior, that it's good to believe in Jesus, etc. I've said that this statement is very commutative and causal, and may provide a little benefit when you need immediate help ( It is true that many testimonies are moved by these words, thank God for such grace), but it is by no means a long-term solution, because any religion can come up with the same words, and even provide assistance directly, such as relief materials. I'm not saying this is impossible, but it's a thousand miles away from theological truth. Although these words are true, I know very well how many wrong and even harmful interpretations they can have.

For the reason, please go back to the first article in this series to start reading!


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