Nett Login 2.0 Third Reading Passed: My Story with This Act


【Draft of the third-reading statement of Net Price Login 2.0: It is not too late to mend the prison, hope that the reform of housing justice will continue to advance】

I have passed the third reading of Net Price Login 2.0. I have already written it in the statement of Chaoyun if I want to thank or comment. Interested friends can click to read it. I just want to say something about my personal experience with Net Price Login 2.0. Just bullshit.

When I first came to work, the task of writing the first article on the first day was to write real price login 2.0. Since I had never dealt with housing issues before, I was writing while holding my head.

But after I finally finished writing the first draft, the boss threw me a piece of news, which said that because of the rebound in the real estate industry, the Ministry of the Interior tended to reveal the house number and publish the pre-sale house in time to remove the news.

At that time, I just thought, "Don't withdraw it sooner rather than later, and withdraw it for me as soon as I finish writing it." However, we can only adjust the structure of the article silently, and publish it after almost half of the rewrite.

Since then, I have been on the Net Price Login 2.0. These days, a bunch of posts and articles have been published just by Net Price Login 2.0. There are only a few key points in this bill, but every time I talk about it, I have to publish another one. I can only dig something from the left, right, top, bottom and bottom as much as possible. To put it another way, I am really familiar with it. .

Yesterday, I came home from work and lay on the bed, and only saw it when I swiped my phone. Hey, did I read it three times when I didn't know it? There is an unreal feeling at the moment, like the feeling that I accidentally fell asleep during the New Year's Eve, and I feel that I have been with you for so long, you read it three times and I didn't know until I read the news.

But after thinking about it, I felt that this bill surprised me like this when I first came across it, and it seemed reasonable to read it three times by surprise.

All in all, the third reading of Net Price Login 2.0 has passed, and the final version is even better than I expected, which is still a very happy thing. I also look forward to this important bill, which condenses everyone's efforts, to fully play its role in the future and take a step forward towards housing justice.

In addition, the net price login 2.0 ended on the battlefield this year. Starting next year, I will come to the next big move...


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