I have written the most valuable 1388 words of my life (literally)!

Where does the fantastic academic journey of an older wife go?

At 5:00 on Monday morning, the night before, thinking about getting up early and watching the last game of the Toronto Raptors' season, the night before, tossed and slept well, and didn't sleep well until the sky was twilight. My husband's noisy voice woke me up: "Someone has already received the email, have you received it?" For the first time since the two had known each other for 10 years, he picked up my mobile phone to confirm, "I didn't see the letter, you can check it again. Check the mailbox in the computer!" I got a little angry and asked him what the hell was going on? He said that he saw on the forum that many doctoral students had shared that they had received notifications.

As soon as I heard it, I immediately sat up, turned on the computer, and rummaged through the letterbox, but there was nothing! ! !

I went to the forum Gradecafe to investigate, and everyone shared their application results one by one. I thought to myself: Ah! All right.

Regarding the application, no news is good news for the time being.

I couldn't sleep after being so upset, so I sat on the bed and opened the ball game link to start watching the game. The Tyrannosaurus had a 1:3 disadvantage in the seven-game four-win format, and they played the fifth game at the opponent's home court. , how do you think this is about the last game of my NBA season this year, let's watch and cherish it.

Unexpectedly, from the beginning of the game, the Tyrannosaurus team played this game with a posture that was about to be caught but always pressed the opponent. My husband and I watched the blood flow, and the notice was thrown out of the sky until the end of the third quarter. , "Ding dong", is the sound of a new email coming in!

The husband yelled that it was a letter from the committee! The two of them hurriedly overturned the laptop and straightened it. My husband grabbed the computer and said that he could read English faster. After going through numerous password setting procedures, he opened the notice, and the bolded words offered in black immediately jumped into mine. within sight.

I started screaming, but my husband was calm, but he couldn't stop laughing. He moved the mouse and clicked on the second letter, so I screamed longer and more shrill, my mother's hearing is not good, but even she heard it on the first floor, and was so frightened that she hurried upstairs to ask what happened?

"I got a PhD scholarship in Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences!" "And it's the one with a higher amount, 35,000 Canadian dollars a year, for a total of three years!"

It was almost the second week of school, and I was thinking about giving up. The fun of studying in the master’s program was gone. The qualification examination system for the Qiha doctoral program changed the course from a process of learning thinking to one that I avoided for the rest of my life. Cramming education, they said it was important, I thought it was important, but is it important to learn why capitalism happened in Britain and not China in the Song Dynasty? Perhaps the pursuit of classical political science traditions, but the world is changing rapidly, these theories have been repeatedly verified that all events are only one time and one place, I am tired of the general rule of changing the soup and not changing the medicine.

In practice, older people have poor physical strength when reading, their eyes are dim, and they can’t concentrate until they can learn the meaning of the text. No one can finish it), coupled with the unfamiliarity with the transfer subject, the ability to write a report with one hand in the past has disappeared in the question mark that each article is not sure whether to read it or not, all of this is in Undermine confidence in your eligibility for a PhD program.

For a person with nervousness and anxiety problems, being a TA is also very frustrating. The preparation work of the TA is unexpectedly heavy and trivial. You also have to worry about students not handing in homework. The professor thinks that you are too loose/strict. When students start dropping out of discussion classes (it's normal for half of them to drop after reading week), they start to wonder if they're too bad.

As for this whole year, the epidemic situation is still severe, all courses can only be conducted online, and there are several funerals. In the end, my father passed away and returned to Taiwan to go to the funeral to endure the long funeral, and to stay with my mother for a period of time. I thought about returning to Pingtung, but I have n't been to the campus yet. I don't know how my principal is?

"What the hell am I doing?" is the most common question in the first year of the PhD program.

When I sent out the application at the end of September last year, I was quite confident that I would be able to wait for it no matter how bad it was. But a year later, if my husband didn’t mention it, I had forgotten about it: I couldn’t even write a book report, how could I apply for a scholarship? In fact, my husband is not very confident, because this is a highly competitive scholarship. Although his family members working in the academic circle have all won scholarships of the same level, they have also experienced several failures.

However, the days in Pingtung City have been too long, and we need to survive in the rain in time. Although getting SSHRC will generally not increase my confidence in the Ph.D. in the Department of Political Science (probably will only continue to increase the pressure), but having money It can still be a ghost, as long as it is a 4-5 year work contract (one year has been completed), it can still continue.

By the way, I would like to introduce the scholarship itself. If there is a new immigrant who wants to study in a graduate school in Canada, it can be used as a reference.

SSHRC is a nickname provided by the Canadian federal government to reward outstanding academics in Canada. As the name suggests, it is dedicated to subsidizing liberal arts research. Scholarships are available at all levels, from master's, doctoral, post-doctoral, to professor's single and group applications. For a Canadian academic institution, if you can apply for the master's degree, they will be optimistic about your potential in the doctoral level. Apply, if you get it in the doctoral class, it is also easier for postdocs to admit, and so on, it is a ticket, and it also erases the difference in the ranking of the graduate school. The tangible and intangible value of this scholarship is so important to their academic path in Canada that many doctoral students have been repeatedly applying and getting hit for four years.

If you are studying medicine and health-related topics or a doctoral student related to science and technology, you can apply for the same level of CIHR and NSERC .

Only those with Canadian citizenship, permanent residence, and refugee status can apply.

The basic application condition is that the grades in the first two years have an average of A-. Please note that this condition does not have to be the grades of universities in Canada. The grades of universities in Taiwan or any other place are counted (my master-level SSHRC used 800 years ago). grades in Fu University).

At the doctoral stage, this scholarship, which is much more than the original enrollment funding package, is to hope that after obtaining this bonus, the Ph.D. will not have to spend a considerable amount of time on TA's various chores, or even delay their studies in order to earn extra money. It is to focus on research and not worry about food and clothing.

 In Canada, there are two more academic scholarships with fewer places and higher subsidies, but both of these scholarships are for students with both academic ability and leadership. The winners are obliged to participate in government public events and to make speeches. , basically only the elite of the elite can get it, but SSHRC is already quite good for ordinary readers.

SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships are divided into two levels: SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships are 20,000 Canadian dollars a year, depending on your grade level, you will get a few years (for example, if you apply before admission, you will get 4 years, and first-year students will get 3 years starting from the second year). , decreasing year by year), even if you end up studying abroad, you can take it with you. SSHRC CGS-D is clearly only for Canadian students who stay in Canada to study, with a total of 105,000 Canadian dollars, which will be paid in three years. The two are applied together, and no more than 1,100 winners are awarded each year, and who wins which one is determined by ranking.

Students in Canadian universities need to apply to the school. If they leave the school and have no registration record in the year, they will apply directly to the committee. Each university has a quota for sending out applications every year, so all qualified applicants must first go through the selection of the department. In contrast, this stage is the most professional selection, because the professors who serve as the reviewers Have a professional understanding of your research topic. After that, the department will send the students they think are the most promising to the school review committee. This stage is the most competitive selection, because the whole school from the first grade to the fourth grade, the doctoral students in the literature group and the family are not enough to prepare for the plan. Doctoral master students compete for a very small number of quotas in the whole school (York is a large school in humanities and social sciences, and there are more competitors).

After the most intense review, the school will notify you whether you have been sent to the SSHRC Committee to compete with other applicants. The entire Committee will be further subdivided into several groups according to the applicant's subject. A group of about 150 people will admit about 46%, but the lowest score of group A may be much higher than the lowest score of group B. At this stage , I'm very lucky, because the research major of the review can't cover everything, basically it is more intimidating than anyone's plan(?), but the probability is also 46%. After the application was sent out, I thought I should be able to get the reason. But I didn't expect to get a higher ranking with the crushing ranking.

The scoring criteria are based on half the applicant's research ability and potential, and half on whether the applicant's in-class and extra-curricular related experience is relevant to research. So I included how my own writing on Matters was helpful in studying China's information warfare .

The information required for the entire application is quite simple. Fill in an online public CV, a two-page research plan, a total of no more than two pages for academic contributions and related activity experience, transcripts, and two letters of recommendation. The rules of the research project are also very strict, that is, US letter paper, 1.87 borders, 12 fonts, and single-line intersentences, so at most 1500 words are stuffed.

The secret to winning the award is to try to incorporate your research topic into Imagining Canada's Future: 16 Global Challenges , but few people seem to know about it.

For me, the best thing about this liberal arts scholarship offered by the federal government of Canada is not that it has a lot of money, but that there are no age restrictions and shallow rules for school rankings . Older new immigrants also have the opportunity to get them in universities ranked around 15. It is immigrant-friendly. nation.

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