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Speculation and gambling are often the pursuit of exaggerated capital gains, so do you think you are "investing"? Organize your thoughts, drink water, and take you into Xiaotu's investment thinking training.

Is building thinking easy to do?

Welcome everyone to my article again. The first one may be the more difficult "investment skills". Let's talk about it today. Let me first declare that the following remarks are all experience sharing, without any investment advice, you may not believe it anyway, but please keep it in your heart.

Investing = Gambling?

Before after Gambling Laws

I know you may want to laugh and say what the hell is my title? Of course investing is not gambling~ But you are wrong, investing is gambling. Whether it is investment, all things in life are more or less " gambling " It’s just that the explanation of gambling in your mind may be a hypothesis that the content of the ingredients is too high, so you will think that investment is not gambling. You may think that gambling is either 1 or 0 hemp, AII in or All out , but you have ever Have you ever thought about a question, not everything in life comes and goes, will you eat the entire textbook in one day when you are preparing for the exam? Maybe it may, well, then I will ask you again, if you are exercising , I don’t know if your first workout will explode your muscles at one time, and then the next day it hurts here and there, and it takes a long time to return to the gym. This is the experience that many people have Thinking of thinking, when it comes to this, please pack up this thinking and throw it in the trash, and then I will tell you what a better idea is.

Get out of All in and think about "expectations"

Okay, in fact, among professional gamblers, they are also all in, but not all, but through professional training, calculation, and thinking, to find a way to " higher expectations ", have you ever thought about it? , you will make too many choices in life, big or small, so how do you choose things? I believe that many people will pay attention to the CP value. In fact, this is the option in your choice that you think has a "higher expected value" , so why don't you refer to the same logic when investing? In investment, the thing to think about is "value", but 99.99999% of people care about "price" , don't you think this logic is weird? You spend 5,000 yuan to buy an Android phone and you spend 30,000 yuan to buy an iPhone, why don't you criticize that buying an iPhone is a plate (seems to be criticized by many people), in fact, because they think that the value of the ihpone is much higher than the price, so Back to investing, don't just say that investing is gambling, please say it completely: investing is gambling, betting that his "price" will gradually approach "value", and then seize the opportunity to invest when the price is not close to the value.

Investment & Speculation
 Do you know, if you had a doubtful attitude in the above paragraphs, or were eager to talk in the comment area, I guess your thinking is likely to stay in "speculation", why, in fact, from everyone's opinion The investment in his heart can be interpreted. If he said: I bought this today in anticipation of his rise, and then I don’t know why it rose, but everyone is buying it, and it will be more expensive if they don’t buy it. Get 20 yuan to sell, so happy to double the profit, and then hope that the next fool buys with 25 yuan and waits for the opportunity to sell 30 yuan, yes, this is speculation, you will find that there is speculation everywhere in life, or you can It's called "gambling". Let me give the most cruel example. The traditional Taiwanese concept: if you have a lot of money, you will rush to buy a house. It's not because he buys it and rents it out as an asset to generate cash flow. The loan paid is a positive cash flow, but the reason why Taiwanese buy a house is: you fucking want to buy a house, because the price will only get higher and higher, if you don't buy it, you will be a loser, but this has created a bunch of people "being “Forcing” to buy a house and then repaying the loan is all in real estate in disguise. Whether you need to live in or buy a house, I would like to ask you a question, how likely do you think the current house price is to double again? Put all in; or asset allocation, there are too many opportunities for you to double in financial products, real estate? Think again

in conclusion

The above is mainly to give us young people a little reflection, not to exclude buying a house, but when you find that the burden of buying a house accounts for more than 10% of your total assets , you should really consider whether to get involved. Well, today I mainly want to talk about gambling and investing.

  1. Calling All in is called gambling. When you are a speculator, don’t forget that you are a speculator. When your reason for speculation disappears , don’t convince yourself to be a “value investment”, so you will lose badly.
  2. Cultivate to look at things and make decisions based on " expected value ". Whether it is investment or life, you should think about whether it is worth it, not whether it is expensive or not.

Thank you for watching, and I have a lot of ideas to share with you in the future!

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