How to choose products for novice sellers | E-commerce life


Hello everyone, my name is Anzai Xiaomantou.

Today I want to share with you, as a small seller, how I choose products and what to pay attention to.

⁣ When we are running an online store, the most important thing is the product, which represents what kind of product the seller wants to provide to the customer, and the quality of the product is one of the keys that affects whether the customer will repurchase, as in writing When you focus on good content in an article, fans will naturally stay.

So how should the product be planned?

I share the concept of product selection in 3 general directions. If you have ever been confused about purchasing goods, please refer to my example. By the way, the premise is that you have already decided what category of products you want to sell. ⁣

1️⃣ Select hot-selling products to attract traffic to the store⁣

Make good use of product keywords to find hot products on the market, and selling these products will attract traffic to your store.

There are many reasons for the hot sale, such as good quality, high practicability, currently popular, low price, etc. Therefore, there are many competitors of the same type as you will sell this product, when you find out, the price It's all pretty much pushed down, so don't expect how profitable it will be. ⁣

But you must be curious, why should such goods be purchased if they are not profitable? Because its purpose is to help you attract traffic, mainly to attract your customers to come and buy other products. In the case that you have not done marketing exposure, please remember to lay out the drainage products for your store. ⁣

2️⃣ A variety of basic products lay the foundation for the store⁣

The concept of basic goods is the basic goods that a store has.

For example, when you walk into a stationery store and sell pens but not notebooks, and pencils but not erasers, then you will find that this stationery store is difficult to visit, and the items are not complete in style. After walking around for a while, you will want to leave and look for the next store. ⁣

Therefore, when building a store, try to make your products as diverse and complete as possible, so that when customers buy, the selection will be relatively easy and easy to get the concept of free shipping when the shopee is full of 299 (the shopee is currently There is no 299 free shipping 😭). At this time, you may want to say that you will have to buy a lot of goods in this way, and the cost of capital will increase, but in fact, you can control your SKU in a "various and small" way. ⁣

⁣《SKU is the abbreviation of Stock Keeping Unit⁣, which means the smallest available unit for keeping inventory control⁣》

3️⃣ Create your own unique recipes⁣

These two items mentioned above are products that other competitors are also selling. Therefore, this unique method of picking products will test the seller's vision and character, and it is also a place for you to play (actually, it is not very unique 😎) .

As far as I am concerned, when choosing products, I will choose a product that I want to buy at a glance. When your eyeballs are attracted to this product, I believe that your product will also arouse the attention of customers. ⁣

The next step is to think about why customers need this thing, and how does this thing meet their needs? Therefore, from the perspective of customers, by selling highly practical products, you can continuously increase the number of customers for you. ⁣

The most important thing is to provide high-quality products and accumulate customer trust is the king!

At the beginning of the novice seller, the performance of the operating conditions may not be as good as expected, such as insufficient traffic, not many fans in the store, few people pay attention, the number of orders is unstable, etc. At this time, please calm down first. Prioritize the things to be done, think about it in your mind, do it step by step, and focus on optimizing the store will be more realistic~

The above sharing is here! ⁣

To be continued,

Nice to meet you at Matters,

See you next time!


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安說從閱讀與學習開始,透過寫文探索自己。 讓我們一起 做一個有故事的人, 願你我每一天都過得精彩 ♥
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