Playboy's first gay "Bunny Boy" Bretman Rock: Straight guy is popular because photos excite him

In October 2021, the famous American adult magazine "Playboy" (Playboy) ushered in the first openly gay cover model since its inception 68 years ago - 23-year-old Filipino YouTuber Bretman Rock. After the cover was published, the response was overwhelming, with Playboy saying it had received some positive reviews but "too many attacks" at the same time, but still defended the decision on Twitter.
Graphics: Beth

Written by: Coco

Text Editor: Jeffrey

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In October 2021, the famous American adult magazine "Playboy" (Playboy) ushered in the first openly gay cover model since its inception 68 years ago - 23-year-old Filipino YouTuber Bretman Rock. After the cover was published, the response was overwhelming, with Playboy saying it had received some positive reviews but "too many attacks" at the same time, but still defended the decision on Twitter.

Bretman Rock

In early October, Rock posted a photo shoot for the cover of Playboy on Instagram . In the picture, he is wearing a classic "bunny girl" outfit, with bunny ears on his head, a black tight-fitting vest, stockings and platform high heels, his arms outstretched, and a frame that reads "Playboy". In another post, he wrote: "Posting the photo to piss off straight guys," jokingly referring to straight guys just because the photo excited them.

On the cover makes a lot of sense to increase group exposure

Rock believes that it is very important for a gay man to be on the cover of "Playboy", and points out that this is a dream he has always dreamed of, which not only proves his ability to achieve himself, but also increases the exposure of his group in the media, which is an important moment, " This is a big event for the LGBT community, my brown community."

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In the "Playboy" interview, Rock showed his identification with bodily autonomy and self-love everywhere. He describes his style as "Fuck the Labels". He doesn't care about other people's eyes at all. As long as he dresses beautifully, no matter what kind of clothes he wears, he will still wear it to show people. He also revealed that in his second year of high school, he wore back-empty underwear to physical education class, and deliberately showed it to his classmates in the locker room, so as to "introduce" this kind of attire that made him feel sexy to heterosexuals.

'Playboy' slammed 'as it was when it hired black, trans models'

Bretman Rock's cover has attracted a huge response. When "Playboy" responded to the incident on Twitter , it reiterated the controversy caused by the use of models in the past, referring to the criticism received this time. Transgender models were unanimous when they were young, reiterating that defending freedom and equality is the core value of the magazine, "Playboy has always been a platform that supports diverse representation and freedom of expression, and it will be the same in the future." He also defended the appointment of Bretman Rock. Decided, "If a gay man thinks wearing a bunny costume -- a classic sex symbol -- will make him feel sexy, why can't he be proud to wear it?"

Internet stars are known for being bold and unabashed

Rock moved to Hawaii with his family when he was a child, and became famous on YouTube by running beauty and lifestyle channels. He captured the hearts of a large number of supporters with his bold, unpretentious and avant-garde style. He currently has 8.86 million subscribers and about 18 million followers on Instagram. , and also cooperated with many brands to launch products. Rock has never concealed his gay identity on his personal channels and social media. He often shares with the audience the moments of getting along with his boyfriend, and expresses his support for the LGBTQ+ community. He once appeared on the cover of the British magazine Gay Times during Gay Pride Month in 2019, and said that he has always felt comfortable with his identity and encouraged supporters, "I will always use my platform to remind everyone that when you truly love yourself, you become invincible.”

Extended reading: American actor - Willie-Garson - passed away - once played a gay role in "Lust City"


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