Jixunchengqiu helps Ukrainian civilians survive the cold winter of lack of electricity

This article just wants to use the social features of the platform to do something. .

In the past few days, the Russian army has been bombarding civilian facilities in various parts of Ukraine, especially power plants in various places. Power plants were damaged, causing severe power shortages. The Ukrainian government was forced to start rationing electricity.

Ukraine is now entering a cold winter. It is not difficult to imagine the hardships and even the threats to the lives of residents who are forced to cut electricity in the cold winter. It is the responsibility of the governments of Europe and the United States to provide more air defense systems for the local area to block Russian attacks; it is the responsibility of the Ukrainian government to maintain power plants across Ukraine. All of the above, we as ordinary people can't do anything. But I think, can we try to provide some resources so that local civilians can get more warm clothes or food while waiting for the power plant to resume operation, so that they can survive the cold winter without electricity?

If you are willing to help, you can donate to international humanitarian organizations such as the International Red Cross and the United Nations Refugee Agency. It is also possible to donate directly to the Ukrainian Red Cross . Of course, if you know more support channels, you are welcome to share the relevant webpage links in the response column.

In addition, Matt City also has authors from Ukraine. @vlad1vpole, if the situation permits, I hope you can update your current situation and let us know if you are safe. Please let us know if we can assist in those places.

Let us send a little warmth to Ukraine together, so that they have more strength to endure this difficult winter.


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陶樂思社工系學士。現職行政人員。業餘寫作。喜愛自學。寫作領域涵蓋觀點、社會科學、歷史知識、寓言短篇等。Github: https://github.com/Dorothy1984
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