"Batman" is neither super nor heroic

Weaken high technology and highlight the sense of suspense, the transformation process of a detective.

If you have seen " The Dark Knight " directed by Nolan , using this tone and highlighting (weakening) certain specific elements will become the 2022 version of " Batman ".

Photo by Sajjad Ahmadi on Unsplash

■ Least super and least heroic

Although Batman has no superpowers, his strongest superpower is money. He is super rich. However, this work extremely downplays Bruce Wayne's financial resources and advanced equipment . It is still used, but it is very restrained. For example, there is a scene where the protagonist jumps from a tall building. It was originally expected that when he spreads his arms, it will be a pair of elegant bat wings. Unexpectedly, it is actually a flying squirrel suit, which is blocked when he lands. The object is stuck...

Compared with the high-profile arms demonstration in " The Dark Knight " - I believe everyone will never forget the exclamation that the Batmobile can be separated from the heavy motorcycle after being bombed - this time it has greatly "weakened" the high-tech that was built with money, give it to me The feeling is that Batman is just a flesh and blood man, an ordinary person, not omnipotent .

He is neither super nor heroic.

In the play, when he took off his mask for the first time, what I saw was a gloomy, gloomy face (it was really dark, and it seemed that the set material would stain the face). He no longer walked the line of saving citizens and heroes. Instead, he calls himself the "Messenger of Vengeance" and simply wants to get to the bottom of things and try to unravel the many doubts surrounding Gotham City. Especially when his opponent is the Riddler (The Great Sage) , it "highlights" the suspense of reasoning. Sorry, this time we are watching a detective film, not a superhero film .

It wasn't until the end, when the signal torch cut through the darkness , that we saw Batman - not using the method of "fighting violence with violence" - to provide substantial assistance to the citizens.

Perhaps at this time, he understood his position and must stay to do something for Gotham City and help the gray city face usher in the first dawn.

With the change of mentality along the way, the detective becomes a real hero.

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