Chihuahua Coins | From Proposal 6 Hori can export $LUNA $OSMO LP Reward records to the site


Chihuahua Motion 6 says that solicits $4,200,000 from the community pool for HUAHUA to integrate and develop HUAHUA CSVs on their website, which will support the service until April 2023 (next tax season).

  • Scope: Includes adding CSVs to, covering research, CSV implementation, integration and testing.
  • When: HUAUA CSV will be launched on within a month.
  • Procedure: After the integration is complete, 4,200,000 $HUAHUA will be sent to the following address: chihuahua18qpryc2jgwcx7xaw7j7ze6cfausvf4hmdvjg4t

For related proposals, please refer to the discussion thread in Commonwealth:

If you haven't forgotten, I also said in the liquidity mining series that Osmosis once said that it would provide the function of querying liquidity mining rewards for tax filing purposes, but it has not been seen. However, this function was actually made by the private sector, which is the website of . The website is made using open source, completely free, and provides complete documentation for users to understand how it works .

Since cryptocurrency investments in the U.S. and other countries are subject to tax declarations (see Frequently Asked Questions on Virtual Currency Transactions for details), unfinished reports are a headache for users. The protagonist of set up a website to solve this problem. It can process $ALGO $ATOM $LUNA $OSMO $SOL and convert the data into CSV and export it. And Chihuahua bill 6 is to increase support for $HUAHUA. At the same time, it also introduces crypto currency tax filing websites such as Accointing, Cointracker, Cointracking, CryptoTaxCalculator, Koinly, Taxbit, TokenTax, and ZenLedger. Friends in need can try it out.

Many people are excited about the useful tool, but some users express doubts about its privacy issues ( @FarmerL , who has a comment on Commonwealth, please say a few words). However, the developer said that what did was to generate a CSV report after receiving the input wallet address, and no one actually knew the wallet's name and personal identity. However, there are also users who claim to have many years of financial accounting experience, saying that as long as they have a wallet address, they can connect to the CEX centralized exchange and then know the identity of the user. It is very troublesome to be targeted by the tax bureau, or if I am you Friends who know your wallet address can know all your assets and so on.

Some people questioned that since the website is open source, why do you need to ask for money? Did the developers of ask for money from other communities? And his answer is that he does have this plan.

In principle, I know your $OSMO wallet address can actually view your assets on BigDipper or Mintscan, but it cannot be downloaded as CSV. The reality is that as long as the data is public on the blockchain, whether is used or not depends on personal choice.

I put my $OSMO wallet address in, and its CSV shows that my daily liquidity mining returns are amazing. Friends in need may try it.

Also @FarmerL This article on why you should delegate to a lower-ranked validator - also on the power of #8020Giveaway and why you should veto the Chi Doll Chain proposal 5 I strongly recommend everyone to read it to understand the importance of blockchain theory.

Chihuahua series

Chihuahua coins, entrusted to the code farmer

Chihuahua | Evil validators manipulate events? Chihuahua about to cry?

Chihuahua Coin | Truly decentralized, justice airdrop that helps the weak

Chihuahua Coin | Hoe the Strong and Help the Weak Airdrop Delegation Strategy


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