Ant-man is more prone to infection in private parts! How can drinking water help you solve the problem of excessive secretions and burning urination?


Are you all full? I'm Yi Xuan, a nutritionist, nutritionist

Being a girl is really hard to hide! For example, an infection in our private parts makes us "itchy in our hearts". Anyone who has experienced it knows how difficult this period is. In addition to the thick and thick secretions, the itching, stabbing, and pain in the genitals are even more difficult to tell others.

In addition, if combined with urethritis and cystitis, there will also be burning and pain in urination. If it is more serious, it may cause fever, hematuria or even kidney inflammation. At this time, it will be better if you have to be hospitalized... But believe me, among them The most unforgettable symptom is the unstoppable urge to urinate frequently, running to the toilet without dripping a few drops. So, you should drink enough water, replenish bacteria, and eat right berries . Maintenance and prevention are very important!

 I want to tell you: A healthy private area needs to maintain weak acidity and a balance of good and bad flora. Therefore, reducing the chance of bad bacteria multiplying, drinking the right water, and supplementing probiotics and cranberries is the way to maintain a healthy and supple private area. great way!

Why are girls so vulnerable to private infections?

The vagina is not actually in a "sterile state" as Professor Xu said ( you can google it if you are interested, laughing too long during the referendum caused the corners of your mouth to twitch every time you talk about this topic XD ), but is maintained by Lactobacillus to maintain health. Weak acidity, but also some Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus, Candida, etc. coexist. When our immunity is functioning normally and the number of bacterial flora is kept in balance, good and bad bacteria will be fine. However, in some special cases, bad bacteria will occupy the land, and the urethra and vagina of girls are closely interdependent, resulting in more infections. There are two simultaneous developments, among which Candida albicans is the number one public enemy that causes infection in the private parts of girls.

Bad Situation 1 / Environment is stuffy, hot, humid

Mold likes stuffy, hot, and humid environments the most. I miss it. Summer in Taiwan is hot and humid, so the first thing I do when I get home during the rainy season is to remember to "turn on the dehumidifier" besides washing your hands!

In addition, try not to wear too tight jeans, if possible, choose cotton and linen wide trousers, skirts and other cooler outerwear to reduce the chance of sultry and frictional irritation.

Bad Scenario 2 / Antibiotics

"What! Isn't antibiotics meant to fight bacteria?" You're right, but Candida albicans is a mold! When antibiotics are used for a long time, it is likely to "accidentally kill" the lactic acid bacteria that maintain the pH balance of the vagina.

Bad Situation 3 / Sweet tooth

Ant-Man beware! If you eat too much refined sugar such as pies, Basque cakes, hand-cranked drinks or white rice, not only will the meat in the waist become more and more rampant, but the fluctuation of blood sugar will also make the sweet-loving Candida albicans become white and fat. fat. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the intake of sweets and starchy staple foods when vaginal infections are present, and diabetic patients must properly control their sugar.

It is very important to reduce the occurrence of 3 kinds of bad situations, and then with daily maintenance to improve the defense of private parts, I would suggest that girls supplement the following 3 kinds of food, especially those who are prone to repeated infection, pay special attention to the third point :

1. It's okay to drink plenty of water

To prevent infection, remember to drink plenty of water! Sufficient water is needed to produce enough urine, and each urination not only removes metabolic wastes, but also flushes the bad bacteria from the urethral wall, which is very important when preventing or treating infection. How much water do you need to drink? You can refer to my golden formula for drinking water , and at the same time confirm whether you have urinated 4-8 times a day, if all meet the standard, don’t worry.

2. Sufficient good bacteria

Remember that girls' private parts are not sterile environments! As long as the flora balance is maintained, even if there is an occasional bad bacteria, they do not dare to make waves, so supplementing Lactobacillus may not be a good way.

"Is it effective to eat yogurt and yogurt?" I will treat them as healthy snacks, but if you want to achieve more obvious health effects, eating probiotic capsules or powder is the most direct way. After all, most yogurt, The number of bacteria in yogurt is small, and additional sugar is added. It is difficult to say whether eating too much will help good bacteria or bad bacteria to proliferate~

3. Supplement with Cranberries

This is a trap question. Cranberries contain organic acids that can acidify urine, and A-type proanthocyanidins can inhibit bacterial adhesion, so it is reasonable to say that supplementing cranberries is beneficial, but cranberries themselves It is composed of fructose. As mentioned earlier, Candida albicans is addicted to sugar, so if you eat enough organic acids and type A proanthocyanidins, fructose has already exceeded the standard! Therefore, if I want to maintain the health of my private parts, I will choose to supplement with cranberry extract capsules, and cranberry fruit will be used as a healthy daily snack.

 Key points: Infection in the private parts is really a troublesome problem for most girls, so drinking more water is the key to prevention! However, don't be shy to seek immediate medical attention when symptoms appear to avoid delays.

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