Analysis | Doodles NFT and its Twitter Marketing

Trump can rule the country on Twitter, can nfts take a rocket on Twitter?

As soon as the news of Musk's recent acquisition of Twitter spread, it immediately attracted the attention of many marketers. What is the charm of this traditional social media, enough to make the world's richest man so optimistic? It feels like it's time for a thorough analysis of Twitter marketing.

Twitter vs Facebook

Before understanding Twitter's marketing, we must first clarify its underlying logic:

When it comes to social networks, people's first reaction is Facebook and Twitter. On Wikipedia, Twitter is rated as "social network". But in fact, unlike Facebook, which set itself up as a "social network" from the beginning, Twitter is actually more inclined to be a "information" platform.

The following set of data also shows that there are indeed a full 70% of twitter users who watch news on it:

70% of Twitter users use it as a source of information for breaking news

What impresses me is that when I first came into contact with nft, I communicated with a senior currency circle friend. I asked him what platform do you usually get information from?

His answer: Twitter.

Before that, I didn't pay attention to Twitter as a major platform, so I still remember the shock in my heart. As I got to know it gradually, I finally felt the essence of it.

In fact, everything is derived from the original Microblogging (that is, microblogging, microblog) form of Twitter. This simple form of sending makes everything so easy. At the same time, people in the nft circle have joined in, everyone is looking for their own foothold on Twitter, and they are scrambling to throw the latest news they have obtained into a pool, which also makes Twitter into a "high-density information" "network.

Why do NFTs use Twitter marketing?

The most important point is to keep the information transparent and consistent. Gaining "trust" is necessary to build a loyal community.

Because Twitter's initial sms communication system can shorten the distance between users and KOLs, it has gradually accumulated some users with relatively high stickiness. You can easily find that on Twitter you choose to follow a celebrity you like, or someone who can bring you important information. As for other people, you are not interested in what he says every day. And ins or Facebook is a completely different matter: ins is the visual center, that is, as long as the person is attractive enough in visual layout, you are likely to follow ta; Facebook is a circle of friends from the beginning. As the center of the gradually expanding circle of social networking, it is still friendly to local businesses. Once you enter the nft project with a strong globalization, the effect is almost a drop in the bucket.

At the same time, twitter is also the first platform to enter the nft social circle. Not long ago, the nft avatar function was launched, which allows users to connect their own digital virtual wallets, use their favorite pfp as their avatars, and display them in hexagons.

And this is exactly the point, nft buyers just need such an opportunity to show their particularity.

Doodles: Half of the world is powered by Twitter

I don’t want to make the whole thing too theoretical, I want to illustrate it with an NFT project that has recently become a “blue chip”.

Floor price is relatively stable

Since doodles is one of the nft projects with relatively stable prices, I choose this to analyze.

1. Build trust and a sense of authority

The first step in the nft project is to build trust and authority. Twitter and discord can complement each other and help you achieve. If you have followed the nft project closely, you should know the whitelist, which is the whitelist. This is actually a strategy to create a sense of mystery during the gestation period of the project. Generally, it is to limit the number of people in discord, and those who enter can chat directly with founders.

Therefore, the follow-up link of the AMA came into being, ask me anything, the founder will find a fixed time to answer questions for everyone, and almost everyone will answer the questions to show their sincerity and improve the transparency of the project. For those who did not enter the group, the founder would post some of the content on Twitter, saying: I have done ama, don't doubt that I am a scam.

2. Social proof and social listening

Social proof (social proof), to prove to the community what you have done recently;

Social listening, which is to look at the public's attitude towards their own projects through social media (the key is to look at negative attitudes, and then find ways to correct them).

Both forms work very well on Twitter:

You can retweet other kol's positive comments about yourself , bluechip and other effects are better;

Of course, you can also do some interesting interactions yourself: for example, doodles make a roadmap in the form of animation, telling everyone what i have done, what i need to do next.

In addition, one of the founders, poopie, also used voting very smartly to see everyone's expectations for the project:

As for other projects, you can also learn from this and use the form of voting to flexibly judge and adjust the scale of your own marketing.

3. Maintain the heat

1) The more joint names, the larger the community.

After careful observation, you will find that there are actually many joint names of popular nft projects. Another strategy of doodles is to keep co-branding with some emerging projects to "add fuel to fire" for their own projects.

2) Uninterruptedly engage in some online or offline activities, so that fans can seamlessly shuttle between the real world and the metaverse:

3) You can interact with fans every day to make everyone more engaged

The above is my personal observation and analysis based on doodles' Twitter marketing. If you find it useful or interesting, you can like it. If you disagree with some points, please leave a message below. We will promote each other~

If you are interested, you can take a look at an interview with founder poopie by bankless:

I am a post-95s generation, and I am very interested in various fields. NFT is also one of them. Although I am not an expert, I like to study. I hope to communicate and learn more with more platform bigwigs!


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