The Poet's Waves of Thin Meaning

superposition of multiple meanings

(Try recording your feelings about reading the poem.)

The original intention of this series, as mentioned in the previous article " I'm not reading poetry, or..." , is to be at a loss for poetry appreciation (especially in the era when modern poetry seems to be trusted by everyone). In "Untranslatable Poetry: Unnarrative ", I try to respond to what the poem is trying to do, and what I take the poem as a reference (rewriting, altering, changing the text) , and in this essay I am asking myself: "When When I say that I am appreciating poetry, what are I actually appreciating?”

Styles are overflowing, prose can be poetic, and all genres or symbols are allowed to be compatible in fiction. Poetry wants to walk slowly ( prose poetry ), sometimes a few words outline a majestic and imaginary world view ( novel poetry) , sometimes. Poetry wants to be a painting ( visual poem ), wants to sing ( musical poem ), wants to touch you ( tactile poem ), is a sharp blade (exposure), a pile of broken glass (dissociation), a few balls of intertwined cotton thread (multiple), Poetry wants to weave your breath ...

Recently, I seriously thought about poetry, and poetry began to miss me.

Red Stimak Ad (1990)

I slept in the middle of the night, and suddenly remembered the red Stimai advertising line when I was a child, the sentence "The building is collapsing ", which became "the cat passed out on the piano " according to a few people's rumors, echoed in my dreams, this classic sentence The slogan was remembered by me as:

 "The cat fell asleep on the piano"

In the middle of the night I dreamed of the cat sleeping on the piano I dreamed of a poem I jumped on the black and white keys The colorful poems were white bells hatching a turquoise egg Recalling a poem I once lived in until I I have learned to always choose between countless good and bad. For the day I am the only one left, for the Eden where I was kicked out of poetry because of the crime of boredom

I want to convert the perspective of appreciating poetry into how the poet operates: "From A to B" . Compared with ordinary people, poets are born with the gift of "synesthesia", but as long as they have the ability to remember and dream, everyone can make associations . residual smell of toilet cleaner). When encountering A, I think of B. I just said that it is human instinct. Sometimes, the intermediate process from A to B is a black box (requires code interpretation, derived from private memories and dreams); Seemingly irrelevant A and B , in the poem, present the trajectory of their internal relationship .

There is a kind of "from A to B" (ambiguity), which often occurs in daily life, the association of homophony , the multiple references between the sound and the meaning of the word (homonyms), for example, I recently saw Cao Yubo's poem "Titi Rehabilitation One". Day ” (discussed at the end of the article), using the technique of “homonyms” to couple dual meanings.

Inspired by it, I do the following poem-making exercise:

From the homophones of "Poetry" (lost and tear wet lion, corpse, louse, louse), intuitively pick out the word ( lost, tear, wet ), use the word as a key word and enter it into a google image search, and pick one that has a feeling Based on the picture, the memory association of the image is carried out , and finally the image is copied and written down with the sense of poetry. (Image source 1 , 2 , 3 )
figure 1
Hand bunny dance costume is cute and can't keep it                             quicksand tick tock
Even if the hourglass equals the killing hourglass , the hourglass killing
Still sneaking, cute, can't keep blood, ca n't bleed
figure 2
Tear open a bunch of transparent flowers, and privately opened the flower language of "everywhere insight" to me
image 3
Wet with a tear, tired and paralyzed, in a shallower land
The unnoticed pas de deux, the snuggle with a reflection is just right
The love that leaked my measure looks like an unfinished "love" without a heart, just a trembling "夂" (Nanzhi) (Gu Tong "End")
In a shallow place, let's taste the love
Moisture cross-stretching may lose survival

This exercise is hard and brain-burning, it doesn't matter, it's just practice, practice close to a little poetry . Come and appreciate the works of real poets, written.

 <Rehabilitation Day with Titi>
──To my sister who suffers from aphasia ◎ People in Cao Yubo’s rehabilitation room asked me, who is yours?
I'm Titi's younger brother, it doesn't matter, everything is bad—
I can only protect Titi with the least sharp weapon (I try to cut your words off my lips)
The doctor said, you have to use your stomach to exhale. Will it hurt?
——Everyone is gone, wait for me to say briefly If you look around and forget to rebuild your home with the fewest words medicine is useless, company must be medicine (you hide what you want to say in your throat ) 
"Taste it?" I refused potions and semi-liquid foods. Giving everyone will be a doctor, a mother will, and a poet will also "Am I right?"
I say that the giver does not belong to time "is it normal?"
The eyes of the aphasic are snow is the first person snow "Am I normal?"
Life is long, aphasia is normal, I'm still hiding, and I'm thinking every day how to find a word to start your chapter (you shake the chaos of the world out of your tongue)
There are always serious deaths in the hospital. Anyway, we are the only brothers and sisters on earth who can agree. I remember riding a bicycle into a wheelless field as a child. The rice was too late to harvest, and my parents apologized to the farmer for standing in front of me, saying that everything was my sister's fault, my sister's fault, her fault...
"──It's the fault of the aphasia"
It was never Titi's fault.
That night, you piled up sleepiness in the corner of the room and broke yourself up. God digs the back of your head, and the disordered red blood cells overturned your typeface. paste forming)
The lights in the rehab room are about to turn on tomorrow, and I will come again. "Will you bring tomorrow?" 
When the sun rises, I will carry tomorrow, and I will come again. 
Remember what the doctor said, hee hee, breathe out, remember you, remember me, remember mom and dad, remember that I'm Titi's younger brother, remember to rebuild your home with the least language When you locked the door of the ward, I vaguely heard: " I'm Titi of my brother..."

Faintly showing aphasia, using methods that confuse meanings, the effect of différance is like puns of the original meaning, ambivalent sounds (memes), extra-words, and bracketed sincere words, which distort the original meaning.

"It doesn't matter, nothing is bad--

I can only protect Titi with the least sharp weapon."

(no/mildew, sharp weapon/strength)

How can the least amount of strength be a weapon? (self-deprecating irony)


I will come again tomorrow

"Are you still carrying tomorrow?"

(come again / come again)

How can you carry tomorrow? Who can guarantee there will be tomorrow? (interrogation)

This topic is written in prose and novel, and it seems that both have their place to play, but it is difficult to use poetry to simulate (perform) the expression of aphasia . The abnormal sister will always be regarded as normal in the eyes of poetry!

"Life is long, aphasia is normal"

But the poet also knows that this is wishful thinking, and there is a sense of unhappiness and helplessness in the writing. "It was never Titi's fault."

Sister got it wrong, got it wrong...

"──It's the fault of the aphasia"

(Poetry is still going on...)

Maybe the end of the article

But there may be no next chapter


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