move again

As long as the family is together, a home sweet home can be created. . .

I only moved to this house in August last year, and it has been exactly one year. Then, we decided to move again this October.

This time, I will move to a housing estate near my husband's parents' house. The distance between the two housing estates is about 3 minutes away.

Two sisters from childhood, I miss

Many women in Hong Kong do not want to live in the same residence with their husband's parents after marriage, for fear of causing disputes between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Even if I live nearby, I don't want to, because I'm worried that my husband's mother will come at any time and lose privacy. It is no wonder that these stories of disputes between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law or forced to lose their privacy are reported or told from time to time on the news or Facebook (face book), which is nothing new.

Before we got married, the husband's mother offered to live together, but the husband refused. To tell the truth, their house is fine for four people (husband and his father, mother, sister). If I add one more person, the living space will be reduced, and friction will definitely occur from time to time. In the long run, disputes between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will be a matter of time.

Moreover, the husband originally planned to move out of his parents' house after marriage and start an independent family. So at that time, it was logical for us to find another house and start our family.

However, over the years, the place where we live and the residence of my husband's parents are actually in the same area. Fortunately, my husband's parents are reasonable people, and they don't come up to our house to visit our son or granddaughter suddenly and silently. If you want to visit, be sure to call us in advance to let us know before you come.

Starting a family is the establishment of a new family by a couple. As long as the family is together, they can build a home sweet home and look forward to our new life in the new residence.

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