Untranslatable Poetry: Unnarrative

"I'm walking alone through the wilderness on my own planet" <Between the showers> ◎Xia Yu

◉Poetry leads us to places where meaning cannot reach

Continuing from the previous article , I started to read "The Theory and Practice of Taiwan's Postmodern Poetry" . "Postmodern" used to be a very trendy term, and every comment needs to be postmodern, but now it is almost extinct. This is a theoretical book. The advantage is that the concept is clear (a book for exams), and it can also capture the intentions of the creator (this is the key point I want). I like to read this kind of book from the back (peek at the conclusion) .

The non-narrative techniques mentioned later (Chapter 3), such as the painter’s scribbled sketches, the writer’s flashing draft notes, or the prints that reveal the photographer’s thought trajectory, are loosely structured and fragmented pieces of meaning, sentences. It is vaguely related and broken, which is also the source of the creator's self-deconstruction and the enlightenment of the process of inspiration.

friction. unnamed

Xia Yu cannot but be mentioned in the non-narrative poems that the poet deliberately uses "unfinished form" as his works.

Xia Yu named the version of his poetry collection "Ventriloquism" that was all cut into pieces, pulled apart, and then reassembled and collaged, " Friction. Indescribable ", the poet's reversal of the source of creation, or, reborn in the wilderness on his own planet, split writing.

 <Probably the best> ◎ Xia Yu doesn't express it in detail, probably the best two million and four million flowers are slowly blowing and fantasizing about another self-evil and easy to hang in the air will be seen. Zi'an on the glass, when the snow falls, I forget you, and when I remember the glass, I forget you

Reading non-narrative poems should be very stress-relieving.

The following note poems (in the form of poems but without the connotation of poems, sigh) , and share the experience reflected after reading.

◉ < Guided Sentences >

There are no poems that readers do not need to understand
(Then you have to be good at brainstorming)

There is no need to clearly refer to the outside world that cannot be clearly defined
(Actually, it is the word gram or Lianliankan)

Words and phrases are arranged randomly and no one has found them
(The reader said that it is not as good as me to write about the pits and holes)

meaning is created
(You have created a new meaning)

Not specific is probably best
(People said it at the beginning)

◉ <The Poet Is Tormenting>

Torture the people who misused the words in the first place

Good teacher who taught us to read and write

What ideology is loaded in the brain

(Some mini worldviews are cultural hegemony)

When teaching me to write my name

what is the teacher thinking

(How to suppress without trace)

(reviewed in the name of protection)

ask what does this mean

why does it mean that

Why does it have to mean that

get angry

How does it smell of subversion, disintegration and revolution?

The wailing teacher's words have since been lost

The Poet-Interrogation of the Source of Meaning

accused of being casual, meaningless, and incomprehensible

The spoiled old man is no longer an old man

Someone mistaken for a poet

Enter the outside world in a coup d'état

Tear the rules of writing to systematically mess with language

Regroup meaningless confrontation slogans

Poets indulge in wordplay

Blind attack text

refuse to communicate


Do not

Do not

No, no, it's all gone.

The poet is only inquiring about how the world is made

intentionally expose the process of its formation

Poetry is the only science in dreams

imparting knowledge is not blood transfusion

The Poet's Brain Mighty Waves of Meaning

Refuse to eat canned tuna

(but delicious)

Why let the text stand up

It's obvious that you should come forward

The ghost hiding behind the text

The most forgetful poet can't forget the original

How can bad religious desire be destroyed?

How to degenerate and lie intentionally or unintentionally

long and short foot walk

lame walk

◉ < Revolutionary Deformation of Violent Betrayal Against Oneself >

tone of voice, tone of voice

It decides what gesture to use to speak, the texture of the text

No tone, unwritten, like a musical instrument, loses its timbre

write down

need a scene, a situation in which to act

A cup of coffee, a sip of tea

A harsh speech, a long-lost dream, a reverie

A breath, a little addiction, a first kiss

suck pussy

better yet



But what?

The more text is used

The more you mix a pool of cement slurry, the more rigid it is

talk more

tone becomes stale

cum bad breath

Rewriting sentences can be in other words (Chinese translation), introducing foreign language rhetorical structures to transform Chinese (reverse translation strategy), if verbs and adjectives appear too frequently in the article, force yourself to use nouns or prepositions to express. Actively switch to passive, flip the perspective. (I heard it was a clever trick)

Creators are always instinctively resistant to a kind of boredom

(Damn creative inertia)

◉ < Rewriting and Reshaping Beyond the Boundary >

What a pain in the ass to rewrite your own articles!

(Often it just doesn't change!)

Did you find that in order to create an image?

It's all about "images" and their stand-ins

as if, as if, as if, as if, as if, as if

as if alive

Why not have the courage to say "yes"?

Yes! that is!

Yes! that is!

Yes! that is!

(Why not just abandon the "image")

Xia Yu once said: "A great temptation is to find a 'like' word to connect them together and make them 'produce meaning'. I must admit that meaning is an extremely terrifying temptation. Imagery in particular."

Rewriting is the change of the novel's personal name

shift of opinion

tell me

tell you

give them (they) say

The poet couldn't stand the stink of words, and fired the first shot

To one's own head the text is politics that is

brainwashed capitalized remnants of politics

It's better to wash it yourself

calm down

calm down

calm down, okay?

At the end of the article, let us appreciate how the poet shoots an MTV with a poem, each sentence is an image, a montage of dream memories.

 <Tinnitus> ◎Xia Yu These chairs we call summer are actually different islands We stop to look for something, untie the suspension, exchange the countdown dice, turn into clues, bottles turn into ship snails, shoes start as a cruise ship, I will sail through your port You are sitting on the box writing on the accordion in the ear There is a mysterious resonance in the cellar The hair has grown slowly and the clock is wiped clean with the sea We will all tick on an afternoon like this it is the sixth power of for example you call my name Missing three buttons

"Because the word blocks are only loosely connected, they have never been "conventional" or the meanings of the words have not been extensively cut during the grammar training process, so the color, expression and gesture of each word are distinct, beautiful and inconceivably ambiguous, so beautiful that even if we read it out Some of the most precise meanings are also reluctant to believe that these beautiful sentences exist only for that single meaning.” Excerpted from “The Boundary of Poetry” (Luo Zhicheng’s preface to “Friction and No Name”)

The poet Luo Zhicheng said it very well!

"I am reluctant to believe that these beautiful sentences exist only for that single meaning."

Read poetry, to relearn those languages I missed!

(to be continued)


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Jeger《後綴》假掰文青誌,關注身為「第一讀者」的精神,獻給Matters的一頁式文青......(Jeger是幻想自己是主編的人) 聯絡:pdfonline15@gmail.com
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