Unforgettable taste|A good taste in growing memory

What smells reminiscent of childhood? What's the most delicious taste?

Whenever I eat out, I often feel hungry.

Whether it is a bento or a bowl of noodles, I always feel that my stomach is not full and lacks satisfaction after eating, so the all-you-can-eat hot pot has become my favorite for eating out. I always feel that it is the best place to sacrifice to the temple.

Later, I finally discovered the real reason why I was not getting enough to eat all the time. It turned out that I grew up eating my mother's loving food and was raised my appetite. My mother always wanted us to eat the most nutritious food and took great pains to prepare. And let Gong Gong see the bottom, so the mother is more motivated to continue the development plan of the big stomach king.

When I was a child, my mother prepared three meals a day, and the dishes changed every time. When I grew up and left home to study and work, I realized that it was not easy to find an opportunity to eat out that suits my appetite. It is not too greasy, too salty, too spicy, or the portion is too small. The price is too expensive, so I can only take advantage of the food my mother prepared meticulously when I return to my hometown.

When I was still young in college, I was still fed with a big stomach. After I started to restrain my diet as I got older, I begged my mother to reduce the amount, and sometimes I even just had to drink soup to enjoy myself. Returning to my hometown, I can finally taste my mother's loving cooking. Although the dishes are very homely, they are unique and delicious. From buying, picking, washing, cooking, to serving, it contains a mother's love for her children.

Beef, mushrooms and clams are all available

The day before every time I go home, my mother always makes a reservation with the pork seller, because it is my favorite food and there are few snack bars that sell it when I go out, unless I go to a specialty store that sells sesame oil chicken or a night market. If you can eat it, you will have to go to the market to buy it and cook it yourself.

Kidney clear soup

In addition, I also love eating clams, and my mother always chooses oversized clams to satisfy our appetite.

Clam Soup

Not only are the clams huge, the following bowl of noodles also has huge wontons and lobsters! ! !

Mushroom chicken soup has always been my favorite, even my mother-in-law often cooks it for me!

Although the appearance of home-cooked food may not be as mouth-watering as high-end Western food, the moment you eat it is not only delicious, but also touched by growth. , In addition to continuing to feed us, now there are three more little grandchildren, and the mother who shouts that she doesn't know when she can retire has really dedicated her life to nourish us. What we can return is to eat these loving dishes. All right, let's put weight loss aside for now!

As a mother, it seems that I should also think about when I should start to learn to cook seriously, otherwise, will there be no memories worth remembering?


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射手媽咪婷婷射手座,全職媽咪/斜槓寫作者/新性感雜誌共同創辦人 喜愛音樂、電影,更熱愛閱讀,資訊焦慮症患者 臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083298701145 方格子:https://vocus.cc/user/5d4b0ef1fd89780001fc7e91
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