Cat Workshop∣Course Materials Supplement + Q&A [Osmosis Decentralized Exchange Increases Liquidity Hands-on Teaching]

The course ended successfully last Saturday. Let’s compile the Q&A and supplement the materials. Please lock the #AMAOnline Workshop for the next class materials.

Supplementary course materials

Due to the introduction of Osmosis's new super-liquid pledge function in the course, I forgot to remind everyone that this function is currently only available in Pool #1 and will be bound for 14 days after the class [Oh my god! ! old! ! ], so I would like to remind you.

Because I explained the number of OSMOs that will enter the superfluid pledge on Saturday, I will directly use the total number of OSMO to explain [50% will enter the superfluid pledge], so please pay attention to the students, if you put LP tokens on 1 day and 7 days number It is to be deducted! !

1 day and 7 days are to be deducted! !

Q & A finishing

Q1: When will the free loss be realized?

  • Ans: The most accurate statement is that when the liquidity is removed, the moment of unbinding will not be realized. After the unbinding period (1~14 days), it is necessary to remove the liquidity, so that the LP tokens will return to two The free loss will only be realized when the coins are returned to your asset list [Assets]. During the unbonding period, the amount of the two coins will still change. If the unbonding period has passed, the liquidity has not been released (it is still LP tokens). Status], which means that the funds are still in the liquidity pool, so the amount of the two coins will still change.

Q2: Are there any indicators that can be used to select the liquidity pool to invest in?

  • Ans: In principle, it is recommended to choose a currency that you know about to invest. Before investing, check at least what the main application of the invested currency is, and choose two coins that you are willing to hold for a period of time for liquidity mining. You need to refer to some indicators to invest, look for high transaction volume [representing more fee income], and more community incentives, especially if the community has also increased incentives], because this means that the community may hope to have more liquidity supply, with Osmosis For exchanges, there are also External Incentive Pools to choose from. I will choose some trading pairs with more incentives to make a small investment. If you really don’t know what to invest, then I suggest Pool #1 ATOM / OSMO trading pair Hello! Although the current yield may not be the highest, the advantage is that the transaction volume of this pool is the highest, and ATOM is also the first coin of the Cosmos ecosystem [meaning big brother], and Osmosis is the first decentralized center in the Cosmos ecosystem Exchanges [meaning the elders], in addition, many airdrops will lock users who provide liquidity in Osmosis [LP token holders], and some will even lock the Pool #1 ATOM / OSMO pool for airdrops, so investing in this pool will also There may be a higher chance of airdrops! In addition, the trading pair of LikeCoin can also be considered. Although the current yield is not high, the LikeCoin community has recently provided external incentives, and another wallet of mine has also invested in a related pool. In addition, because the income from simply staking LikeCoin is LikeCoin, while To increase liquidity, the daily income is OSMO. With the relatively strong price of OSMO, it is an option, because the citizens who write in Matt City should have a relatively high willingness to hold LikeCoin.

Q3: What is Superfluid Staking?

  • Ans: It’s OSMO that will be invested in liquidity [only OSMO, the over-current pledge of other currency versions should be another function, maybe it will be realized soon], and then take a part (currently 50%) to pledge to the validator , you can get another pledge income. Currently, it is only tested on the Pool #1 ATOM / OSMO trading pair, and only those who have been bound for 14 days will get the income. How to set it in the future depends on the official plan. Guess it should be There should also be related proposals for other pools to be introduced. Check the proposals of the Osmosis community every now and then, and you will also get some information!

Supplementary information about the course

Write your experience after class and give back 166 Likes

Those who sign up for a single course , write down more than 500 words of experience after the class, and the cat will give back 166 Likes, please add the #AMAOnlineWorkshop tag [no need to add #], the title is not limited, the content must be this time After class experience or the actual operation process screen , Maomao will give 166 Likes to the article.

Finished NFT

Those who finished the class last Saturday can send me a private message with the Ethereum wallet to ask for NFT after the class. The beginning of the Ethereum wallet is: 0x  ….

Please note that the future class opening information will be announced by the Ama online workshop, and the class opening information will not be posted here!

Please refer to this season's opening information:

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