From today onwards, I want to change: Motivation – Liver nourishment and detoxification

The teacher said that my gallbladder is blocked, the pressure in the duodenum is high, and the gas is rushing upward, so I want to vomit, and the liver is trying to adjust the balance. I was told to wear thick clothes, go to bed, not wash my hair, and not be blown by the wind.

Last year, I was busy preparing for a project. For the first time, I took on a heavy position. After half a year, it ended beautifully, but my body couldn't resist the siren. First, I started to feel sleepy at 4:00 pm every day. It was not sleepy "fishing", but a countdown of "three, two, one" three times, and I immediately thumped and got tired! Had to drink a refreshing drink to drive away sleeping bugs.

But drinking too much coffee and milk tea can cure the symptoms but not the root cause, a pair of water-cut pupils, the white part of the eyes is dark blue, and the red tendons appear, the red guy still refuses to disperse for a long time, and I can no longer launch kills. Human eyes! Walking vainly like stepping into quicksand, my stomach grumbles a lot. The worst thing is that after a big cold, my sleep quality is getting worse every day. Once I woke up and saw that the foreground was spinning around, and it stopped after a minute.

When my heart was palpitating, I happened to receive a series of text messages from Yan, encouraging me to join a detox camp hosted by a nutritionist from Hong Kong, Canada. Did you say camp? During this epidemic, we can only teach online, and everyone is doing it in Hong Kong, London, and Canada. The topic is "Liver Support and Detoxification".

I remembered three times I played with the iTovi scanner, a metal drum slightly larger than a lighter that I held in the palm of my hand and read my health based on sensors such as temperature, pressure and conductivity.

The first time I played it showed that my physique needed relaxation and purifying oils, and the next two times it pointed out that my liver is not good, possibly caused by too much stress or (plus) eating too much high-fat food, causing it to function poorly.

The camp will last for three weeks. Coincidentally, the company asked the staff to clear this year's vacation, so I agreed immediately.

Liver Myth

If I hadn't participated in this detox camp, I would never have known how important the liver is to the human body. It has over 500 functions and is busy working day and night.

Source: pixabay

Features include:

Detoxification (toxins and heavy metals inhaled in the lungs, chemicals that come into contact with the skin, metabolic waste in the blood, such as red blood cells that will die of old age after three months... The liver breaks down fibers that cannot be absorbed by the intestines, or by other parts of the body The toxic substances produced are secreted into bile and blood in the form of harmless substances and then excreted. Those entering the bile enter the small intestine and excreted through the feces; those entering the blood are filtered by the kidneys and excreted through the urine)

Storage (convert excess sugar or nutrients into fat and store; so in extreme cases fatty liver)

Conversion (balance blood sugar, convert it into sugar when needed, and release it into the blood to supplement nutrition)

Distribution (distributing nutrients to different parts of the body)

Manufacture (white blood cells, red blood cells, hormones... Half of the cholesterol required by the body is made by the liver, the rest comes from food, 80% of the cholesterol produced by the liver is used to make bile, cholesterol is the main component of cell membranes, and also makes adrenal hormones, including estrogen , testosterone and adrenaline essential substances)

Filtration (purification of blood)

Synthetic (synthetic triglycerides)

Balance, supervision and control (why avoid using too many plastic objects, chemical shampoos, skin care products, etc.? It is because its structure is similar to hormones and estrogens. If the liver does not know how to distinguish, it does not excrete it, and it is used by mistake. , have the opportunity to cause cell mutation or proliferation, the formation of lupus erythematosus, eczema, psoriasis and other diseases)

The liver is very important, as long as the operation is not smooth, the chain reaction is already very big, and maintenance and care is also very important!

As the age increases, the secretion of bile and enzymes will decrease, so teenagers can still have a lot of meat, but they can't eat buffet every day as they get older! I'm afraid the liver can't handle it. Those sugars, proteins, and even poisons that are not fully digested breed bacteria at the temperature of 37 degrees in the human body, which accumulates over time, causing inflammation and edema of the intestinal mucosa... The immune system of the body fights against it, but it backfires and makes the viscosity stronger, and even the blood in severe cases. The red blood cells in the middle are also close together, which is the "damp heat" in the mouth of Chinese medicine, and people will be lethargic.

Common Liver Diseases

 Fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, hepatitis, yellow gallbladder Unhealthy liver leads to urban civilization diseases, causing heart disease, high uric acid, gallstones, kidney stones, diabetes, and even emotional disorders. From the perspective of Western medicine, liver cirrhosis cannot be cured. , Because the liver is like a sponge, too many toxins and fats are blocked in it, and if there is not enough water (yin deficiency), it will shrink, and there is no space to peristate, and it cannot be cured pharmacologically. Purifying and detoxing is starting from physics, trying to get the sand and gravel stuffed in the hole out.

Due to the copyrights involved, and the course of treatment needs to be formulated according to the physique of different people, I will not list it in detail here, only the principle, mainly taking nutritional products , diet therapy and exercise in a three-pronged approach. It is not an extreme method to lose weight, but a Detoxify while nourishing the liver.

nutritional products

In the past, I was very resistant to supplements. I swallowed an eye protection pill every day. In this treatment, I made up my mind and bought 10 kinds of supplements in one go, including enzymes, probiotics, natural sulfides, fiber, vitamin B and calcium. Magnesium, etc., and 9 essential oils are also involved (fortunately, I already have 4 of them), and the purse is bleeding profusely.

A friend gave me a pill box, which is divided into nine compartments. I take different types of nutritional supplements before, during and one hour after each meal. There are 20 pills in one day!


Many times, we eat more than our body needs. To know our true food intake, we can do a food intake test, blindfold, exclude emotional eating, and see how much food is left in the bowl.

During the course of treatment, if the amount of each meal is reduced by 20-30%, chew at least 10-15 times before swallowing.

It is also necessary to drink a lot of water. Drink 800ml of water before 5 pm every day, not counting when you take nutritional products. On the last 10 days, make 🍋 lemon drink instead of breakfast.


In recent years, many people have heard that "bran", a protein that is resistant to the digestive effects of the digestive tract, may cause damage to the skin, liver, joints, brain, heart and other organs, making millions of foreign People suspect that they are "gluten allergic".

During the treatment, all foods containing "gluten" should not be eaten, including: high-gluten flour, low-gluten flour, white bread, steamed bread, biscuits, 🍕 crepes, 🍔 burgers, 🍜 noodles, 🍝 spaghetti, macaroni, udon, Dumplings, 🍰 cakes, puddings and other baked goods.

☕Coffee, milk tea, Ovaltine, chocolate milk, malt extract, chewing gum, potato chips, 🍦 ice cream, candy, cheese and 🍺 alcohol are prohibited.

Tofu (soybeans are similar in structure to hormones and estrogens, which may cause growth hormone hyperplasia), duck (damp and cold), seafood, preserved foods and canned food.

"Sunflower oil ditch olive oil" is a product that looks healthy, but the two cannot be mixed at all. It must be a lot of chemicals added. Don't buy it.

Summary: Eat one type of meat at each meal, and the smaller the size of the poultry is more digestible than the livestock, so the meal is chicken, chicken, all chicken.

By week three, replace dinner with vegetable juice

Ingredients: Red Apple, Carrot/Carrot, Beet Head, Sweet Potato, Ginger

Optional extras: red cauliflower, pears, avocados, blueberries

Vegetable juice cannot be pre-stirred and refrigerated. After it is made, drink it within half an hour.


Listen to your heart and drive away negative voices, including reluctance to exercise and procrastination;

Do exercise at least 3 times a week, 30 minutes each time;

Do 10 minutes of deep breathing exercise and stomping exercise every other day;

Soak your feet for 15 minutes every other day to promote blood circulation, restart the vagus nerve, and help the body relax.

Have enough sleep (8 hours), go to bed at 11 pm, and go to bed early at 10:30 pm in the last week to let the liver and gallbladder work during sleep; apply heat to the liver and gallbladder before going to bed the next day for 30 minutes each time.


If you ask me, do you feel your constitution has improved?

In the first two days, I felt unwell, had chills and sweats🥶, headache and nausea, which startled me; other people did not have this reaction, but some people had frequent bowel movements.

The teacher said that my gallbladder is blocked, the pressure in the duodenum is high, and the gas is rushing upward, so I want to vomit, and the liver is trying to adjust the balance. I was told to wear thick clothes, go to bed, not wash my hair, and not be blown by the wind.

The third day was much better. Every day, I was busy taking nutritional supplements on time and according to the amount, doing designated exercises, and soaking my feet with essential oils. I was very busy.

Looking back, I admire my concentration! He was able to completely quit his mouth, and he was indifferent even when everyone coaxed him to eat afternoon tea.

In the third week, after rushing home every day, I immediately started washing, peeling, stirring seven to eight kinds of vegetables and fruits, and making vegetable juice, which was really not easy. In particular, sweet potato dumplings are rare in Hong Kong markets, so you have to go to the supermarkets where foreign products are imported. The chili powder for making the lemon special drink, I also traveled several times to buy it.

After all, the fee has been paid, how to complete the whole plan, and I also want to know how it works.

The hardest part is going to bed and exercising, I surrender! I went to bed late two nights, and I was lazy and did a few exercises.

It was only later that I found out that someone gave up in the middle, because they felt uncomfortable all day long and it was too embarrassing to go out.

After 3 weeks, I lost 4kg, no more dizziness and drowsiness (after all, I slept enough) and my skin problems improved. In addition to detoxification, it may also be related to the absorption of large amounts of vitamins B and C.

Another unexpected result is less hair loss. In the past, when I woke up or washed my hair, I always found that more than ten hairs were lost, but none of them fell out in those days, which is amazing! Does it have something to do with not drinking coffee and milk tea?

The instructor suggested to do liver nourishing and detoxification once a year, and my friend responded enthusiastically, but I will decide according to the situation at that time.

The biggest change after the course of treatment is self-control, thinking twice before eating before putting food in your mouth. 😏🧐


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化十寫作人,渴望自由靈魂,隨心寫,跟知音互拍╰(*°▽°*)╯ 💜我的potato邀請碼:gx5D2S3bw(用邀請碼可享有戰友獎金哦!)
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