The distance between the "Dongcheng" series and the series

The distance between today's albums and dramas is getting shorter and shorter, or in other words, the boundaries have become blurred and merged into a new look.

Just won the 2021 Emmy Awards for Best Actress in a Miniseries: Kate Winslet , starring in "MARE of EASTTOWN", a total of seven episodes, about a small town in Pennsylvania, USA In the town, the disappearance and homicide of a young girl happened. Detective Mare investigates the case as the main line, and the secondary line is the turmoil in private life. The two lines are intertwined to find out the truth of the case.


The classic plot of police detectives is definitely not unfamiliar to fans of the show, but how to beat the rival "The Rear Wing Soldier" Anya Taylor Joy, perhaps from how "The East Side Story" revolves around Merle It shows the integrity of the story from the inside to the outside, and understands why it was awarded to Kate Winslet-through the details of small town life, Mer has to find out which of these people is the murderer one by one.

Merle is a strong and decisive person. Sometimes she is too impatient, just like facing her mother's ramblings at home, but also directly refusing to answer; If you don't say it, go to the evidence immediately, and even take the person back to the police station without even looking at the occasion.

Since watching the movie "Fargo", there is always a sense of mystery far away from the similar image style. Let the audience get closer to Merle and realize her family, friendship and heartache.

The type of family melodrama and detective reasoning are mixed. The proportion of the whole story is almost 1:1, but it is not meant to be divided, but interlocking and influencing each other until the truth is finally found out. Merle is not happy to solve the case. , How to heal the broken relationship and face the scars in the heart, "The East Side Story" is indeed a wonderful work.

But halfway through the viewing, I suddenly realized that there is something different from the mode of the past HBO series, that is, Merle's life not only presents things related to the case, but also arranges interesting life events, and unexpected jokes make people get more entertainment. What a surprise! Suddenly, Merle's distance from the audience shortened again, as if watching a family comedy, playing a new effect within the framework of the detective story.

Rarely see detective drama, the heroine will laugh

This allows me to sort out a new point of view: the distance between today's series and TV series is getting shorter and shorter, or in other words, the boundaries are blurred and merged into a new look.

Later, I was chatting with my friends about the movie viewing experience, and I happened to say the same point of view. Sure enough, it is not just my personal movie viewing experience. Maybe viewers who have watched the album for a long time have similar thoughts? If there is, please leave a message to let me know.

Why are the story rhythms of the series and series getting closer and closer?

Whether the series is closer to the series, or vice versa, it may reflect the current usage of streaming video platforms, which is quite different from the past audience habits.

In the past, viewers who watched the series did not necessarily like the ease and flexibility of the series, and those who watched the series did not necessarily want to watch the tight rhythm of the series; however, as soon as the interface of the streaming video platform was opened, they were classified in the same genre. It is more important to strive for a larger denominator to keep the works popular and gain profits.

"The Odd Case in the East City" is not only a wonderful work, but also a reference work for how to combine the two different narrative structures of albums and dramas.

The ability to combine the two rhythms into a new look is due to Merle as the core character, but the surrounding characters are also quite good. How to get these details just right like a touch of water has really taught me a lot.

I even imagined that if the prototype of this story was written in Taiwan, it might be a more helpful reference for creators who are familiar with the genre of melodrama; there is no way to make a genre film overnight. If it is used as a rhythm of fusion, maybe it will be easier to handle?

But just after thinking about it, I immediately found a logical problem: if the creator is not familiar with the creation of genre films, it is difficult to achieve the same concept whether it is a play or a shooting site. "Fusion" is a higher-tech creation, in fact, it is more Difficult.

(grabbing head) Well, it's really not easy.

(It doesn't matter, learn one set is another set, how to use it is still up to each individual... make notes by yourself.)

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