[Liquor Meow Look at R4 Tax Reform] Lifting the chromaticity limit of some domestic distilled spirits

Do you feel there is a difference in value based on the color of the wine?

Long-term aging in wooden containers is one of the ways to add value to distilled spirits. Since the ingredients of the container will dissolve into the wine, the aroma and color will change, and the change in wine quality also represents the characteristics of each category. For example, the coloring degree of general whisky is about 0.4 to 0.8.

In the era when different categories corresponded to different tax rates, the “Liquor Tax Law and the Liquor Administrative Relations Act, etc.” were explained by the legal provisions of the Liquor Tax Law to set limits on the “coloring degree” of distilled spirits. Products exceeding the limit cannot be shipped in that category. . For example, shochu should not exceed 0.080, spirits (ex. gin, vodka, etc.) should not exceed 0.19, and there are no restrictions on whisky and brandy. The type of distilled liquor can be judged with the naked eye, and consumers will not mistake the type of product.

After the storage 焼酎 の を を する する する し し し て, when the wine につ い て につ につ につ につ につ につ に める める める める 従 従 従 い, 430 ナノメ ー ト ル (NM) and び 480 ナノメ ナノメ ナノメ ル の のいずれも0.080 or less となるもの.
Order 56-3 Recognition of occasions where wooden containers are used to store shoyu, shochu, etc.
After the manufacturing, ピ ス ツ リ ッ を する する し し し し し し し し し し し し し し し し し し し につ につ につ い て につ につ につ につ につ に める める める める める 従 従 従 従 従 従 従 従 従 従 従 従 従 従 ル ル ル び 480 ナノメ ナノメ ナノメ ル ル の し しThe following となるもの.
Rule 17-0-1 ウイスキーはブランデー similar to スピリッツを making する occasions の recognition

The shade of color has nothing to do with whether it tastes good or not!

It is not a high-end wine because of its dark color!

To brag that a darker color means that the wine is great is nothing more than rhetoric!

In recent years, a hot topic in the field of spirits is that more and more manufacturers are producing Craft Gin with a sense of hand-made and high-quality, and there are also opinions such as "coloring restrictions make it difficult to differentiate products". Affected by the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic, alcohol manufacturers have sluggish domestic performance and have sought export opportunities. If the coloring degree is not restricted, it will help expand exports, so economic officials decided to withdraw. However, there have been calls within the shochu industry to maintain the restrictions, which will remain in place for now.

Those who want to strive for the originality and fun of brewing will want to relax the coloring limit of shochu, even if the barrel storage will eliminate/mask the special taste of the original shochu? Limited by the regulations on the degree of coloration, the brewer may use activated carbon filtration to reduce the absorbance (which will also sacrifice some aroma), and then put it in a colored glass bottle to maintain the appearance of amber packaging to attract consumers. For those who are limited, does it protect the self-esteem of sticking to the character? Jiu Miao thinks that it is more important for the sake brewing to survive and not dump it.


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