Read "Colonial Hong Kong in My Eyes"

"Hong Kong Conscience" Du Yexien?

Du Yexien denied the Hong Kong British as a British. This former missionary fought against all enslavement in the world. She first resisted the enslavement of patriotism to herself, and then as a white woman, she resisted the harm caused by bad government to Hong Kong people, and fought against the corruption and indifference of civil servants for decades. .

Du Yexi'en is the kind of congressman who fits the people's original imagination and speaks for the injustice around him and the well-being of the people. We all know how corrupt the police were before the establishment of the ICAC, but the corruption and bad governance of the British Hong Kong government are comprehensive. The poor were placed on the hills without water. When the school was built with personal funds, the Ministry of Industry and Fire Protection demanded bribes for not meeting the standards. When they reported the police for extortion, a group of policemen followed them to "collect evidence." Only white people and a minority of privileged Chinese can enjoy the rule of law. Du Yexi'en was very sincere. After the government gave her the award, she continued to plead for the people's orders. During the June 7 riots, she was almost framed as a Communist spy and imprisoned.

The book has many praises for MacLehose, who improved people's livelihood and established the ICAC. But Du Yexien had few good words for Patten and the democratic reforms he promoted. She is very sure that the UK replaced Wilson, who was preparing to hand over sovereignty smoothly, to Patten in order to oppose China and safeguard British interests. (Anti-Chinese is the word in the book)

The second half of the book is a critique of American democracy, with a strong but vague position. In addition, the non-recognition of functional groups is full of the book. The evaluation of Du Yexien before and after 1997 was almost polarized. There were also comments on Douban that she was naive and conservative, but in any case, I thought she deserved the title of "Hong Kong conscience" before the handover of sovereignty.


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