Crypto Chat | LikeCoin Writing NFT, Du, hard-earned books


Regarding the "disappearing preface" of "Secret War of Finance - Investing in the Future of Cryptocurrency" , kin has published a newsletter , so I don't need to introduce more. I just want to say that this Writing NFT is very worth buying. "The words can be treasured forever and are very precious.

I successfully started at the price of 512 LIKE, very happy!

"Mom, I have to!"

If you have entered recently, you will find that Du Wenze, the author of "A Part of the Disappeared Preface", has actually played! Compared to a lot of artists who say they know something about this and that, but even find someone else to post on Instagram, he decided to play is super real and sticky, but now I can only applaud his tweets, I really hope depub .space can increase the response function, I can reply to him:

"I want to kill the GTR!"

I also want to say something that is not related to cryptocurrencies is that the publishing industry in Hong Kong is really difficult. The book I bought recently (do not write the title in the article, no need for SEO, everyone is interested in searching for it) itself is in Chinese, and because no one is brave enough to publish it in Hong Kong, it has to be translated into Japanese and published in Japan. Later, it was transferred to Taiwan to publish the Chinese version.

It's also not easy for me to buy it in Hong Kong: I have to email a certain person and she tells me to contact a certain fruit shop, yes, a fruit shop! I have to wait a month after payment to receive the book. And the original price of 150 yuan for the book has become almost 200 yuan to buy (not counting the postage).

If this book becomes a Writing NFT, it can be saved forever so that future generations can also know what happened.

"Actually I may have broken the law by owning this book (I can't think of it anymore)."

The next weekend and several days of the next week will have a farewell trip: a farewell trip for a friend to leave the body, a farewell trip to leave a career, a farewell trip to actually emigrate to another country... So I may write less articles (although I don't have any nonsense articles). what to see).

And writing this makes me think: Although I buy cheap Writing NFTs, in the real world, in these scenarios:

"Leave only thoughts."


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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Daisy「𣎴去糾正觀點不同的人,克制自己的反駁慾,是情商最高的行為」 自封 LikeCoin 後援會頭號會員及會長、高重建盲粉、元祖讚賞公民2019年1月1日加入。 所撰寫之內容不歡迎任何人以任何方式截圖分發,斷章取義,斥責不雅,敬請自重。除非 tag 我或關聯文章,否則不予回應。
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